The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 450 452 The world is silent! 1 more

Chapter 450 452 The world is silent! 1 more

"It's ridiculous to want to use my Nine Heavens Square Seal against me!"

Seeing Ding Ning smashing it with the Nine Heavens Seal, Guan Bubai showed a hint of sarcasm on his face.

The Nine Heavens Square Seal is an owner's thing, how can it be used by Ding Ning even if it is held in Ding Ning's hands.

Guan Bubai changed his mind, wanting Jiutian Fangyin to get rid of Ding Ning's shackles automatically and return to his side.


The Nine Heavens Seal shook violently and wanted to break away from Ding Ning's hand. Ding Ning didn't change his face, as if he didn't notice it at all. But as a former master in the cultivation world, how could he not know the relationship between the magic weapon and its master.

Suddenly, a coldness appeared on Ding Ning's face.

In his mouth, he whispered softly: "Peel off!"

An invisible energy suddenly erupted between Guan Bubai and Jiutian Fangyin. It was forcibly cutting off the relationship between the two and cutting off all connections.

Guan Bubai didn't care at first, but when he felt that the connection between Jiutian Fangyin and him was really getting weaker, his expression changed.

His expression was full of shock.

Yes, shock.

Because he had never imagined that someone could forcibly propose the connection between the magic weapon and its owner. This method was simply unheard of.

Don't say that Guan Bubai has never seen it before, even in the world of cultivation, this kind of method is extremely rare.

An invisible silk thread split at the sound, it was invisible and intangible, but it really existed.

On Guan Bubai's forehead, a blue vein bulged out, and there was a sharp pain in his head, and his whole body was churning with energy and blood.


He couldn't feel the connection of Jiutian Fangyin anymore.

how can that be!

The magic weapon has been disconnected from its master, and it can only be done if one of them is destroyed. The situation in front of him has broken Guan Bubai's cognition.

The people around didn't know what Ding Ning had done, but seeing the change in the expression on Guan Bubai's face, they knew that Ding Ning must have made Guan Bubai suffer.

The Nine Heavens Seal was smashed down, and Guan Bubai's figure quickly retreated. If he was really injured by the Nine Heavens Seal, Guan Bubai would be really ashamed.

Seeing Guan Bubai dodging quickly, both Xu Chengdao and Hua Tianjing were moved. They didn't understand why Guan Bubai didn't take back the Nine Heavens Seal, and why Ding Ning was allowed to use his magic weapon against him .

How did the two of them know Guan Bubai's inner depression, he was also very confused, the magic weapon cut off contact quietly, this kind of situation, even he had never heard of it.

"how did you do it?"

"Why can you do this to this extent?"

Guan Bubai asked one after another, he didn't understand how Ding Ning could do this, even the most powerful being in his fairy world wouldn't know how to do this.

He is a little doubtful now, is Ding Ning really a person from the earth, or is it that Ding Ning got the opportunity in the ancient ruins on the earth after the spiritual energy was revived, but this should not be the case, even if he got the opportunity, it is impossible to improve his strength So far.

"Could it be that he came from somewhere other than this barren land? For example, a planet that is stronger than my fairy world?" Guan Bubai thought in a daze. In the ancient books of the spiritual world, there are also some fragments of descriptions about practitioners from other worlds.

He just knew that compared with those cultivation planets, the fairy world was just a small place.

As for Ding Ning in front of him, Guan Bubai had a feeling that Ding Ning came from there, otherwise how would he explain the unheard of method just now?

"As I said, you are not qualified to leave a last word."

Where did Ding Ning have the mood to answer Guan Bubai's doubts? If he hadn't arrived in time, no matter whether it was Jiang Gudao, Mo Tianxiong, members of the Yiren group, or the four daughters, they would all have died in the opponent's hands.

These visitors from the fairy world, as he expected, regard human life as nothing, and don't care about the life and death of others. In their eyes, as long as they can achieve their goals, everyone in the world can be killed.

Human beings on the earth are just lambs that they can slaughter easily.

Because they are strong, because human beings on earth are weak.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning came again like a storm. This time, he didn't grab the Nine Heavens Seal and smash it down, but threw the Nine Heavens Seal like a thrower.

Guan Bubai stared at Jiutian Fangyin flying towards him, he wanted to try to contact Jiutian Fangyin, maybe he could still get in touch with Jiutian Fangyin.

"Come back!"

Guan Bubai spoke softly, but the Nine Heavens Seal did not respond. Just when Guan Bubai was about to recognize the Lord again and form a connection with Nine Heavens Seal, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Immediately, there was great anger on his face.

The huge light shrouded Guan Bubai, Ding Ning didn't give Guan Bubai a chance to reconnect with the Nine Heavens Seal, and directly detonated the Nine Heavens Seal.


Guan Bubai's body flew out, and now he looked much more embarrassed than before, he really didn't expect that Ding Ning would detonate the Nine Heavens Seal.

"I'm going to kill you and everyone related to you."

Guan Bubai stared at Ding Ning viciously, with resentment in his eyes, and made an oath.

"You have no chance!"

Ding Ning's figure suddenly disappeared from Guan Bubai's eyes, and when he reappeared, Ding Ning's fist had already hit Guan Bubai's body.

Guan Bubai didn't move, and Ding Ning's fist didn't move either.

Everyone around clearly saw the scene in front of them. They held their breath, opened their eyes wide, and stared at the scene in front of them.

"You can't kill me!" Guan Bubai said coldly, his face brimming with confidence. As one of the most talented people in the fairy world, he does have the capital and qualifications to say such things, because there have been countless Guan Bubai's threat happened to Guan Bubai, but Guan Bubai is still alive and well.

Apart from luck, this is mainly due to Guan Bubai's strength.

Ding Ning didn't speak, but slowly withdrew his arm.

And as Ding Ning withdrew his fist, the confidence on Guan Bubai's face was completely gone, because he saw what Ding Ning held in his hands, which was the source of his practice, and his foundation.

"You..." Guan Bubai did not expect that Ding Ning's palm could penetrate his body and pass through his defenses. You must know that he was wearing an extremely strong armor, and Ding Ning quietly pierced it like this. And he didn't even feel it.

This situation can only be achieved by a cultivator whose strength far exceeds his.

"You... aren't... Golden Core?"

Ding Ning smiled, did not answer, but glanced at the golden pill in his hand, then squeezed lightly.

The golden core is broken!

Along with it, the heart about seeking immortality without defeat was shattered.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to let you die badly, I'm going to make you suffer..."

The venomous words spit out from Guan Bubai's mouth, Ding Ning's answer was just a simple punch, and Guan Bubai's body instantly turned into countless residues.

At this moment, the world is silent!

(End of this chapter)

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