The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 455 457 Ding Devil! 3 more

Chapter 455 457 Ding Devil! 3 more

Dragon Devouring Technique, as the name suggests, is like a real dragon that can devour everything in the universe. When Ding Ning named it, it was also based on this.

Hua Tianjing was quickly devoured by Ding Ning's Dragon Devouring Technique, and all the power in his body entered Ding Ning's body, turning into Ding Ning's power.

This is a method similar to the star-absorbing method, which can use the power of others to strengthen one's own body. It looks very evil, and even hurts the harmony of the sky.

However, Ding Ning has long been proficient at using this method.

In his previous life, he was a monk of the magic way. He specialized in magic ways and all kinds of evil ways. There are many difficulties and many powerful enemies have been killed.

It was the first time in this life that he took it out against the enemy, which made Ding Ning feel as if he had returned to his previous life.

Hua Tianjing was originally a beautiful young man in fancy clothes, handsome and handsome, but under the gaze of everyone, his youthful face became abnormally old, and his long black hair was all white as snow at this moment, his body No longer tall and straight, become rickety.

A young talent, from the youngest age to the twilight years in an instant.

The scene in front of them made everyone in the square dumbfounded. What did Ding Ning do, and how did Hua Tianjing become like this.

That's a young man, but now he's getting old, I'm afraid even walking has become difficult.

"Is Xueba a god? Can make people grow old?"

"Oh my God, if it wasn't for the fact that it happened right in front of my eyes, I would even take it as a magic trick."

"I thought this person was a god before, but now, I think Xueba is the real god."

The students of Shangjing University were talking about it. Those who were familiar with Ding Ning, such as Qian Wolong, Si Nu, Li Wei, Zhou Quan, and members of the alien group such as Yak, Su Zi, and Sheng Nan, saw Ding Ning make a move. The scene that caused it was also in a daze for a while.

"Mr. Ding has become stronger again!" Jiang Gudao murmured.Mo Tianxiong beside him nodded, agreeing very much. They could feel that although Ding Ning didn't have any terrible aura, standing there, people would involuntarily cast their eyes on him.

It seems that Ding Ning has a magical power on his body.

The two knew that because Ding Ning was too strong, there was such an aura that could not be ignored.

The old body didn't stop, because the dragon bite technique was still going on, Hua Tianjing's body began to shrink, turning into skin and bones. In the end, the whole person was much shorter, and his body was thin as a piece.

wow wow wow...

A gust of wind blew through the air, and Hua Tianjing's body began to shatter like sand, and was scattered by the wind and sand, his body gradually disappeared and turned into the smallest substance.

At this time, Hua Tianjing was so dead that he couldn't die anymore, and he couldn't even keep his body. All his blood and strength became Ding Ning's supply.

The strong power in his body, because of Hua Tianjing's power, made this surging power even more crowded. Ding Ning felt that he was about to be unable to suppress it. Once he relaxed, the Demon Dao Realm would immediately enter the Golden Core Realm .

But Ding Ning did not relax, but firmly suppressed the urge to break through into the Golden Core Realm.

He didn't want to break through the realm yet, otherwise, long before he appeared, on top of the five mountains, he would have broken through the foundation-building realm and became a Jindan Stage cultivator.

After breaking the boundary, although his strength increased greatly, Ding Ning didn't want to waste the thunder tribulation when breaking the boundary, so he suppressed it.

The power in his body was churning like a sea of ​​clouds. It took a long time for Ding Ning to suppress it and calm down.

He looked at the last person, Xu Chengdao, and now he was the only one left.

Xu Chengdao just witnessed the whole process of Hua Tianjing's transformation from young to old to flying sand, and the reason why Hua Tianjing became like this is that there is no one else except Ding Ning.

Xu Chengdao's heart was heavier than the sorrow of a rabbit and a fox when he witnessed such an ending with his own eyes.

Because, he didn't want to follow in Hua Tianjing's footsteps.

Hua Tianjing has returned to heaven and earth, and the earth human who killed Hua Tianjing is now staring at him, and Xu Chengdao's heart can't help but tremble.

He had vaguely guessed that Ding Ning had absorbed Hua Tianjing's power, that's why Hua Tianjing turned into dust.

This is an incomparably evil method, even beyond the tolerance of heaven.

There used to be such cultivators in the fairy world. They were extremely evil and cruel, very easy to kill, and their methods were vicious. They were fierce to others and even more cruel to themselves.

However, this kind of cultivators in the fairy world have long been united by all the sects, wiped them out, and have never come out to cause trouble again. It can be said that the cultivators of the devil way have become history.

But now, Xu Chengdao found out that there was an extremely terrifying demon cultivator on the earth, and it was Ding Ning in front of him.

This demon is now watching him.

Xu Chengdao felt guilty at the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to be sucked dry by Ding Ning, and then become a pile of loess, blowing away with the wind.


Xu Chengdao patted his waist, and immediately a whip was suspended in the air. The next second, he followed Xu Chengdao's instructions and flew towards Ding Ning.

With Hua Tianjing's lessons learned, Xu Chengdao dared to let Ding Ning get close. Ding Ning's terrifying physical body had already broken his cognition. He had never seen a practitioner of the Foundation Establishment Realm who could break through the defense of the Golden Core Realm. And easy to kill.

Dan Ding Ning broke this law, and his physical body was so powerful that it was frightening.

The farther away from Ding Ning the better, the farther away the safer.

After Xu Chengdao took out the whip, he quickly backed away.

He wants to get out of here.

Although there are chances on the earth, compared with one's own life, one's own life is naturally the most important.

The opportunity is there, but the life is gone, what is the meaning of the opportunity.

Xu Chengdao retreated quickly, but the whip did not retreat, it went straight to Ding Ning and threw it out, beating him down severely.

Facing the magic weapon attack, Ding Ning's response was very simple. He directly reached out and shook the magic weapon, grabbed the whip that had been pulled out in his hand, and then yanked it fiercely, and the whip fell into Ding Ning's hands.

No matter how the whip broke free, it couldn't get rid of Ding Ning's palm.

With five fingers and one hand, the whip turned into powder, directly crushing a magic weapon with the flesh.

After Xu Chengdao felt that he had lost contact with the whip, his heart beat wildly. He didn't care about the embarrassment, so he ran away.

He knew now that Ding Ning, the devil, was definitely more terrifying than any devil figure he had ever seen.

If he didn't escape now, he would definitely be killed by Ding Ning.

Xu Chengdao didn't dare to hope to kill Ding Ning anymore. If he fought Ding Ning, there would only be two solutions, either Ding Ning would kill him, or Ding Ning would kill him.

"Do you want to escape now?" Ding Ning smiled lightly.

The figure flashed and quickly chased after him.

Xu Chengdao turned his head and saw Ding Ning's terrifying speed, thoughts of regret kept pouring out. He knew that he would meet such a terrifying person as Ding Ning. No matter what he said, he would not come first.

(End of this chapter)

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