The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 457 Chapter 459 is here again! 2 more

Chapter 457 459 is back again! 2 more

"Let me tell you, I still have a lot of Magical Artifacts on my body. I only consumed a little before. You can't kill me."

While continuing to flee, Xu Chengdao looked back and said, hoping that Ding Ning would stop and stop pestering him.

Facing such an unbeatable monstrous character like Ding Ning, Xu Chengdao was also very helpless. He had never met such a monstrous character as Ding Ning in the fairy world. At most, it was Hua Tianjing and Guan Bubai who were as famous as him. As for the others, they are even weaker.

But compared to Ding Ning, both Hua Tianjing and Guan Bubai seemed too weak.

Ding Ning gave people the feeling that this is not a young cultivator at all, but an old guy who has cultivated for tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, how can he explain his use of power, his mastery of the method, which appeared in a young monk, Simply unreasonable.

Feeling depressed, Xu Chengdao had nowhere to vent. Now he just wanted to get rid of Ding Ning. Although he said so, he knew that there were not many magic weapons left on his body.

I don't know if the opening just now can confuse Ding Ning and make Ding Ning afraid. According to Xu Chengdao's guess, Ding Ning destroyed so many magic weapons, and his own consumption should not be small.

"Do you really have more magic weapons on you?" Ding Ning really stopped.

Seeing this, Xu Chengdao also stopped, thinking that Ding Ning was afraid, and pretended to say: "That's right, as the saying goes, it's better to get rid of enemies than tie them up. Besides, do we have any deep hatred? I come from the fairy world, and you come from another place. We Since they all come to this barren land to find opportunities, why do they have to kill you to the death?"

"In this way, there is a place of opportunity not far away, why don't you and I join forces, we can make a gentleman's agreement, and we won't make moves behind our backs, how about it?"

Xu Chengdao wanted to form an alliance with Ding Ning to seize the opportunity after the recovery of the spiritual energy while fighting Ding Ning's heart.

Ding Ning shook his head.

"Are you dissatisfied with my suggestion? In fact, we can negotiate after we get it."

Ding Ning still shook his head.

"Then what do you want?" Xu Chengdao didn't know what Ding Ning meant.

Ding Ning smiled, and replied in a crisp voice, "I'm not interested in chances on Earth, but in your magic weapon, I like it more."


Hearing this, Xu Chengdao felt like lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

I only heard Ding Ning continue: "Since you have such a magic weapon on your body, why should I look for opportunities? The magic weapon on your body is enough."

Xu Chengdao vomited blood depressedly. Ding Ning's feelings were not because he was afraid of having too many magic weapons on his body, but because he had so many magic weapons that he just wanted to kill him. What the hell...

"Believe it or not, I will take out all the magic weapons and die with you!" Xu Chengdao said fiercely. Now he is almost cornered by Ding Ning's persecution.

Ding Ning didn't care about Xu Chengdao's threats at all, and said: "I will kill you before you detonate all the magic weapons."

Xu Chengdao: "..."

I don't know where Ding Ning's self-confidence came from, but Xu Chengdao knew it. Ding Ning was not going to let him go. He gritted his teeth, threw out the three magic weapons, and then went straight to the other direction.

If you want to live, it seems that you can only go there.

Boom boom boom!
The three magical instruments were detonated, bursting out powerful energy to block Ding Ning's footsteps.


After a while, Ding Ning rushed out from the smoke. At this time, Xu Chengdao was farther away from him. Ding Ning licked his slightly interfering lips, and realized that his body was a little messed up except for his clothes, which were broken in some places. The explosion did not hurt him.

Ding Ning's physical body has already entered a state that is even more terrifying than the indestructible body of King Kong.

With a flash of his figure, Ding Ning disappeared in place, and Xu Chengdao ran quickly. Jin Danqi's strength, at full speed, was comparable to the speed of light, and he couldn't see anything except a fleeting shadow.

In terms of realm, Ding Ning is lower than Xu Chengdao, but in terms of physical body, it is unknown how much he surpasses Xu Chengdao. Therefore, in terms of speed, Ding Ning's physical body can break through the extreme speed, the barrier of transnational Jindan stage, and reach the speed of Jindan stage practitioners.

The two moved forward, one behind, and the distance was slowly drawn closer.

Xu Chengdao was startled by Ding Ning's speed, but at this moment he couldn't care less, even if he lost some magic weapons, he could only endure it, as long as he reached the place of opportunity, Ding Ning could stop Ding Ning from chasing him.

The land of opportunity is very near.

From the moment the thought of running away came into his mind, Xu Chengdao had actually already thought about where to escape, which was the most suitable place.

During this period, although they descended to the earth for a period of time, they did not enter the land of chance to find opportunities, because they felt that the time had not yet come, and it was not easy to enter the land of chance.

But now, it is no longer possible to control these factors. In order to survive, even if the time is not up, I have to force it once.

The wind whizzed past his ears.

The two shuttled through the clouds, faster than an airplane.

The two even brushed past the plane, causing all the passengers on the plane to look like they had seen a ghost, and frantically took pictures of the figure outside the window.

"Does he want to escape there?" Ding Ning saw the direction of Xu Chengdao's escape, and vaguely guessed where the other party wanted to go. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously again.

Since he had guesses in his heart, Ding Ning slowed down his pursuit. Anyway, he just hangs behind and doesn't lose track.

Xu Chengdao didn't know what Ding Ning was thinking at this time, he saw a place in the place of chance, and it was right in front of him.

One of the Five Sacred Mountains, Mount Heng!
"Guan Bubai and Hua Tianjing are dead. If I can get the opportunity in the land of chance, I will become the strongest in the fairy world in the future." Seeing Hengshan getting closer, Xu Chengdao has already entered the back of Ding Ning The threat from him became indifferent, and his mind was instead focused on getting the opportunity.


The huge mountain was right in front of him. Xu Chengdao arrived. He glanced at the top of the mountain hidden in the clouds and mist, and could feel that the mountain was shrouded in a special force.

Looking back at the rear, Xu Chengdao sneered: "Wait for me to enter here and see how you can kill me."

Then, Xu Chengdao took out three magic weapons again, and threw them forward.

At the same time, a word came out of his mouth: "Explosion!"

With a bang, the three instruments exploded, and the special energy above Hengshan fluctuated, and a gap could be vaguely seen.

It's now!

Xu Chengdao started suddenly, and rushed straight to the gap.

In a thousandth of an instant, Xu Chengdao passed through that layer of special power and entered the interior of Mount Heng. At the same time, he looked back and saw Ding Ning who was chasing him, and he waved to Ding Ning proudly, showing a victorious smile, Then turned around and went straight to the top of Hengshan Mountain.

Ding Ning stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at Mount Heng in front of him, he didn't take Xu Chengdao's pride just now to heart, but said in a low voice: "It's back again!"

(End of this chapter)

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