The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 461 463 Land of Connections! 2 more

Chapter 461 463 Land of Connections! 2 more

The light faded, and the world suddenly changed before my eyes.

This is the fairy world?
Ding Ning frowned, looking at the scene in front of him.

A dark space, without any light, filled with coldness, like an abandoned place, the most noticeable thing is that the aura here is very chaotic and heterogeneous, it cannot be directly absorbed into the body at all.

It doesn't seem to be the fairy world.

After looking at it for a while, Ding Ning made a judgment. His divine sense swept around, and the surroundings were filled with that kind of mixed aura. I am afraid it is also very difficult.

Not knowing where he was, Ding Ning could only look for a way out to the fairy world.

Since Xu Chengdao left behind the large seal formation, he can naturally lead to the fairy world. This place may be a transit place. As long as he walks through here, he should be able to reach the fairy world.

Ding Ning thought so in his heart.

Passing through a forest that seemed to have been scorched by fire, many trees were bare and fell to the ground, and some stood around, looking quite desolate.

After walking for a while, Ding Ning didn't find any living objects, as if this place was a place of death.

After about ten minutes, Ding Ning finally saw the living things, which were big red ants in countless trees. These ants climbed in groups on a tree trunk with tender shoots, and with the help of these ants After staying on the trunk for a few seconds, the trunk disappeared, and the group of ants crawled elsewhere again.

Really scary ants colony.

Thinking in his heart, Ding Ning stepped forward and continued to move forward. At this time, the group of ants that were about to go away seemed to hear the movement of Ding Ning's footsteps. After turning into a round sphere, they stopped rolling forward and stopped suddenly. .


Few people have heard the sound made by ants, but at this time, Ding Ning heard it clearly. He really felt that the group of ants seemed to be staring at him, and they all looked at him.

Facts have proved that when Ding Ning seldom guessed wrong, after the army of ants identified Ding Ning's life form, the suddenly formed ant sphere quickly rolled towards Ding Ning.

How fast the ants can be, if they are seen by ordinary people, they will definitely dismiss them, but if the ants here are seen by ordinary people, they will definitely see what is the fastest moving ant in the world.

Especially when a group of ants attack, it will definitely make your skin crawl.

Ding Ning frowned. He thought the ants would leave, but he never expected that they would stare at him.

"court death!"

Ding Ning was here to deal with people from the fairy world, if he was bitten to death by these ants halfway, it would be a big joke.

The flames rose from Ding Ning's body, he didn't retreat, but rushed towards the army of ants.

Flame is definitely the most lethal weapon for ants. It is not difficult for Ding Ning to crush them to death with their bodies. Ding Ning is definitely the most clumsy method. He Ding Ning has no time to waste killing an ant. There are only ants on it.

So flame is the most efficient.

Sure enough, flames rose all over Ding Ning's body, causing the army of ants to slow down suddenly. They didn't seem to expect that the people who appeared here would burst out with flames.

Ants have a natural fear of flames. In fact, not only ants, but all living objects have an instinctive fear of flames.

Because fire can burn life.

Even some powerful creatures are still afraid of flames.

The army of ants stagnated for a moment, but finally rushed up, which surprised Ding Ning. He didn't expect these little beasts to have such an aura of flying moths into the flames.


Ding Ning rushed, and the flames he brought suddenly blew past, instantly covering the army of ants that arrived in front of Ding Ning immediately.

At this moment, Ding Ning gave a light snort, and he found that these ants ignored the flames on his body, landed directly on his body, and began to bite.

Their teeth are very sharp, like the sharpest sharpened weapon, they can cut everything.


Passing through the flames, more and more ants bit Ding Ning's body. Almost instantly, the army of ants completely covered Ding Ning. Even the flames on Ding Ning's body were extinguished by numerous ants.

Ants crawled all over Ding Ning's body, trying to devour Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't try to break free, and let the ants bite him.

There is no other reason, because he knows that no matter how sharp the mouths of these ants are, they cannot bite his skin.

At this time, the army of ants wrapped Ding Ning tightly, but every time they bit down, they were very confused, how could this person's skin not be broken by biting.

The army of ants slurped several times, but they insisted on leaving no trace on Ding Ning's body.

This hurt the army of ants very much, because they had never seen a person with such a hard skin.

Even those cultivators who strayed here by mistake or intentionally couldn't be killed by them, but today, the army of ants encountered a hard stubble.

Ant bites are nothing to Ding Ning. His physical strength is now more terrifying than a cultivator at the Golden Core level, so how could he be bitten by a small ant.

The reason why these ants came to him, Ding Ning has only one purpose, that is...

Dragon bite technique!
The magic method was activated instantly, and Ding Ning's body turned into a magnet. The army of ants felt a dangerous atmosphere and wanted to escape from Ding Ning's body, but their feet were all sucked into Ding Ning's body, as if they were stuck in a swamp. get away.

All I saw was that the army of ants, whose bodies were bulging, began to shrivel up, and all the energy in their bodies disappeared into Ding Ning's body.

The strong ants become shriveled, and finally become a layer of skin remnants, but the inside is already empty, losing the essence of the whole body.

The vitality of countless ants flowed into Ding Ning's body, and the dragon phagocytosis technique swallowed them together, injecting a considerable amount of energy into the already bursting dantian.

Ding Ning began to suppress and absorb the strength of the army of ants. It didn't take long before the army of ants died and became dead ants. Ding Ning's body lightened slightly, and the ant shells hanging on his body all fell to the ground, and then shattered more thoroughly. into powder.

The feeling of breaking through struck again in his body, and Ding Ning suppressed it fiercely, not wanting to break through now.

This made Ding Ning a little sad, which means that if he encounters some powerful beings, he can't use the dragon bite technique, because he has too much power in his body now, and it is almost bursting. If he continues to absorb, there may be Burst.

And just after the crisis of the army of ants was easily resolved, a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness showed a gleam of fear, and then disappeared.

"Huh?" Ding Ning looked over suddenly, and he discovered the existence of those eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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