The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 493 495 Pursuit! 4 more

Chapter 493 495 Pursuit! 4 more

The Nascent Soul-level physical body instantly turned into countless pieces.

But even so, Ge Hong didn't die, because his Nascent Soul was still alive, jumping out of his body in advance at the moment his body was blown up.

At this time, Ge Hong, who was left with only the Nascent Soul, looked at Ding Ning fiercely. He was a great monk at the Nascent Soul stage, but Ding Ning tricked him into ruining his body. This was a great harm to him.

Ge Hong wanted to eat Ding Ning's blood and flesh, and hated Ding Ning to death.

But he knows better that no matter how angry he is, it's not the right time, because he has no physical body, only the Nascent Soul is left, and he can't maintain this state for too long. Once he can't find the physical body for a long time, his Nascent Soul will dissipate Between heaven and earth here.

He must find a physical body as soon as possible and live in it in order to survive, otherwise, he will die himself in a short time.

How could Ge Hong dare to mock Ding Ning by saying that he had ten breaths left, and he had to escape from here to find his physical body.

"When I find a suitable body, I will crush you to ashes!" Ge Hong swore, and the Nascent Soul disappeared very quickly.

Watching Ge Hong's Nascent Soul escape, Ding Ning didn't say anything, and directly chased after him.

He knew that what Ge Hong wanted most now was to escape from his eyes and then find his body, but how could he give Ge Hong a chance to escape and survive.

Sensing Ding Ning's breath chasing after him, the little Nascent Soul, the baby-like Ge Hong, was in a hurry, he was fast enough, but he still couldn't shake Ding Ning away.


Ge Hong continued to run wildly. At this time, like a lost dog, he had no direction and fled in all directions.

"Damn it! Why can't I see a single figure!"

While fleeing, Ge Hong was looking for a physical body to live in, but he found that in the places he passed, not to mention human figures, even half a spirit beast could not be seen.

Suddenly, Ge Hong thought of the land of succession!
"Go to the land of connection."

It is impossible for Ge Hong not to notice that Ding Ning was able to discover that Zhuge Yang and other suzerains and the three disciples had disappeared without a trace. Thinking of this crucial point, he naturally knew the best place to go.

The way of life is in the land of succession.

Ge Hong ran in a tricky direction and ran towards the successive places. Seeing this, Ding Ning quickly chased after him.


In the land of succession.

At this time, the disciples of the three sects have all reached the deepest part of the connected land. In the past, there were three powerful spirit beasts sitting here. If the people of the fairy world want to reach here, they must first pass the level of the three spirit beasts. .

But today, their journey was unimpeded, not to mention their large number of people, and the most important point, the three spirit beasts had long since died in Ding Ning's hands.

"Nowadays in the barren land, there is no formation that can be drawn. We can only forcibly descend. With the environment where the aura of the barren land is now revived, there should be no accidents." Tianhen said.

According to the past, if people from the fairy world want to come to the earth, they need to pay a lot of money. Those with lower strength are okay, but they have a higher chance of survival, and those with higher strength will either be cut off from the realm or blocked.

Therefore, very few masters are willing to take risks and come to a thankless place.

But it's different now. The earth's aura has recovered, forming an existence similar to the fairy world, which can make the creatures living on it stronger.

And the fairy world is going into decline again, they must come to the earth, otherwise, the people in the whole fairy world will be homeless, either wandering in the infinite universe, or be destroyed along with the fairy world.

Right now, the earth is the hope of all creatures in the fairy world, and they naturally want to come to the earth at all costs.

The three suzerains began to set up the descending formation. It is not easy to set up the forced descending formation, and it will take some time. At this moment, the disciples of the three sects reported that all the spirit beasts in the successive lands surrounded them.

This is not good news, neither Zhuge Yang, nor Xu Hua, nor Tianhen, the two suzerains, are in the strongest state. If there are too many spirit beasts, they may be unable to hold back.

And once fighting with spirit beasts, I'm afraid it won't end in a short while.

For some reason, Zhuge Yang felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and this urgency made him not want to waste any time.

"Brother Xuhua, Brother Tianhen, I will set up the magic circle here, you go and see what these beasts want to do!" Zhuge Yang said.

Xuhua and Tianhen didn't refuse, they knew the seriousness of the matter at this time, and besides, the two of them didn't want to have any more troubles, since they were surrounded by the spirit beasts from the connected land, they had to find a way to solve this trouble first.

The two came to the front of a group of spirit beasts. Seeing the number of spirit beasts gathered here, the two of them frowned. At a glance, there must be hundreds of spirit beasts.

Although these spirit beasts have different strengths, some are weak and some are strong, but there are a lot of them, if they fight these spirit beasts at this time, it will be like adding insult to injury to them.

With a glance, the many spirit beasts in front of them, Xuhua and Tianhen were about to say something, but before the two of them could speak, a spirit beast stood up and said directly: "We and you humans have always been together. Well water does not violate river water, but now, you have come to us one after another to make trouble, we want an explanation."

Because of the absence of the three tyrannical spirit beasts of the giant elephant, giant lion, and giant eagle, the strength of the spirit beasts has weakened a lot, so the spirit beasts gathered here in front of them only asked questions and did not directly attack, otherwise it would be the previous three. If the big spirit beasts were alive, they would have fought together long ago.

Xuhua and Tianhen, two people who can be suzerains, seeing this scene, naturally immediately thought of the reason why these beasts are only asking questions and not taking the lead. They must also know that they are not easy to deal with.

Grasping this point, the two looked at each other, knowing that things would be easy to handle, and the most fearful thing was to fight if they disagreed.

Sect Master Xuhua stood up and said: "You should be able to feel that the aura in this world is getting less and less. Similarly, the fairy world is the same. Do you know why? Because the fairy world is declining, At that time, this place will also be destroyed together, and we came here with only one purpose, to find a new living environment to live on."

"Now we have found a suitable environment, and this is the way to get there. In fact, we can leave together. As long as you agree, I can let you leave here with us."

Hearing this, there was quite a shock among the many spirit beasts present.

"Can you really take us out of here too?" a spirit beast said immediately.

"I promise." Xu Hua suzerain said.

Immediately, there were many voices of approval among the spirit beasts, and then a spirit beast said: "I'm afraid you won't help us in vain."

Sect Master Xuhua nodded: "That's right, as long as you help stop one person, I promise, I will honor what I said before."

"who's that person?"

"A guy who may or may not appear." A smile appeared on Xu Hua's face.

(After more than six hours of continuous coding, four chapters are done, should I go to sleep... Tired!)
(End of this chapter)

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