The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 500 502 Infighting! 3 more

Chapter 500 502 Infighting! 3 more

His words were undisguised, and he even used the power of the golden core to deliberately amplify his voice and speak to the human beings on the entire earth.

Kill all the human beings on the earth and make sacrifices for others?

This sentence is full of bloody taste, which makes people feel terrified. This is not killing one person, but killing all human beings on the earth. It is equivalent to destroying all human beings, and it is countless times more cruel than extermination of a family.

What a cold-blooded person can say such words.

All of a sudden, all countries in the world staring at the sky over China were terrified by these words.

Just to the point of being insane.

These people who appeared suddenly wanted to destroy all civilizations on Earth.

For a time, people all over the world, whether they were ordinary people or powerful beings, felt fear, because the existence of Zhuge Yang and others obviously invaded and occupied the earth.

"Why do they want to kill us humans? This is an inhumane act! They must be condemned and strongly protested."

"Is the protest effective? Is the condemnation meaningful? People simply don't take us human beings seriously, so they dare to say that, and they will do it right away!"

"Are we human beings facing a crisis of extinction?"

People all over the world are expressing their own opinions, but the vast majority of people say that Zhuge Yang and others are going too far, killing people is fine, why should they destroy all mankind.

At this time, someone thought of the words that were transmitted from the fairy world to the earth. Those words said that if Ding Ning and all human beings were to be killed, could it be that the masters of those voices had come?

There is no doubt that the reason why these people want to do this is most likely related to Ding Ning's killing of Guan Bubai, Xu Chengdao, and Hua Tianjing before.

Immediately, someone began to shift the responsibility to Ding Ning.

"Let Huaxia hand over Ding Ning to appease the anger of these people, otherwise, Huaxia is our enemy." Mi Guodu immediately expressed his attitude.

Just after the country of the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries followed closely, and they all used radar transmissions to ask China to hand over Ding Ning to calm their anger.

Then Nordic, Western European and other countries also joined them. There was a tendency of unity, and they strongly demanded that China hand over Ding Ning. If they did not hand over, they would attack China before Zhuge Yang and others did it.

In Huaxia, the office with the highest specifications.

There are several old people sitting here, and news from other countries will be sent here as quickly as possible. When hearing so many countries requesting to hand over Ding Ning, the office is filled with a quiet atmosphere.

No one opened their mouths, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly quiet and suffocating, even Feiying was expressionless.

After all, the silence will not last for too long. Someone was the first to speak, looked at the people present, and finally fell on the old man sitting in the main seat, and said seriously: "Sir, sir, there are more than 70 countries in the world now. Protest us and ask us to hand over Ding Ning, we can't risk the disgrace of the world."

"As long as we hand over Ding Ning, an unnecessary battle can be avoided. You have seen these existences from outside the earth before, sir. It was only a few people who appeared before. It is useless for us to use so many people. Hot weapons For them, it is difficult to pose a threat, and the only and best way now is to hand over Ding Ning."

"I don't agree." Feiying immediately slapped the table, stood up, glared at the old man and said: "Group Leader Ding is the hero of my Inhuman Group, even if these people came because of him, don't forget, Why did our team leader Ding do that at the time? He was saving people and didn't make the world laugh at him. But now you have to agree to these people's demands and hand over our team leader Ding. You want us to do that. Is the siege chilling your heart?"

"Touch your conscience, won't it hurt? I think you are taking the opportunity to take revenge for the fallen imperial family. Do you know that you are a farmer and a snake, ungrateful, do you know you!"

Feiying was furious, he never expected that at this juncture, someone would agree to the request of other countries.

The old man who was reprimanded by Feiying naturally had a bad face, and he directly countered: "Feiying, first of all, you are not qualified to talk to me like that, even though you are the leader of the Inhuman Group, I am your superior, and besides, I It is for the sake of our whole China, not as you said, I am avenging the Huangfu family and those families that have fallen because of him. Do you know how powerful these people are? If we don’t agree, China will be bloody Flowing into a river, do you think our Chinese civilization will be destroyed in one go?"

"Sacrificing one person so that hundreds of millions of people can live, I think he will agree."

"Fart, why don't you hand over you? Don't even think about it. If Team Leader Ding dies, I, Feiying, will be the first to stand up and refuse." Feiying's attitude was unprecedentedly tough. What's the point of thinking about sacrificing others in exchange for other people's survival.

The old man didn't want to argue with Feiying, so he looked directly at the old man in the main seat, and said, "Sir, I think what we need to do now is to find Ding Ning immediately, and then hand him over to appease the anger of these people, so that I, Huaxia, can escape." This is a catastrophe!"

"I hope the chief will give an order immediately, and there will be no delay!"

"No, I object."

"The objection is invalid, Chief Feiying, I hope you will put the overall situation first and consider the lives of hundreds of millions of people in China, instead of wasting time here."

clang clang...

The old man on the main seat knocked on the table, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

"Mr. Feiying, sit down first." After the old man finished speaking, Feiying wanted to say something, but seeing the old man's gaze, he swallowed all the words, and then sat back on his seat. The old man's gaze swept around The people present said, "What's your opinion?"


In the sky, the figures of Zhuge Yang and others were still in the air, looking down on the land of Huaxia.

Zhuge Yang and others planned to sacrifice all human beings to Ge Hong who blocked Ding Ning, as well as the three Tianjiao Hua Tianjing and others who had recently fallen from the fairy world.

And just when everyone was about to make a move, suddenly, some countries used radar to request Huaxia to hand over Ding Ning, and the number of countries making such requests increased rapidly, and many voices rang out in succession.

Afterwards, these countries stated by radar transmission that they would force China to surrender Ding Ning, extinguish their anger, and pray that they would not wipe out all human beings on the earth.

"These stupid ants, I'm afraid they don't know that guy is dead, and they still want us to let them go. It's interesting." Sect Master Xuhua cooled down.

"I think this is a good show. Anyway, we all know that guy is going to die, but the people here don't know it. Before we can do it, we have internal turmoil again. Don't you think this is very interesting? ?” Sect Master Xu Hua sneered.

"Why don't we sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight? Anyway, we have plenty of time. At worst, we should recover our strength first, and when we regain our strength, kill all the people in these places?" Sect Master Xu Hua suggested.

Zhuge Yang's eyes flickered, he thought for a while, and suddenly, with a cold smile, he said: "Okay, I also want to see what choice this country called Huaxia will make?"

"That guy came to my fairy world to kill us all, but what about the country he guards? In order to survive, should he choose to betray, or become an enemy of the whole world and us?"

(Some veterans said that the last few photos are a bit watery. Well, I have to spur myself and write hard.)
(End of this chapter)

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