The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 502 506 Spirit beast rampage! 3 more

Chapter 502 506 Spirit beast rampage! 3 more

More than ten spirit beasts, all of them were like hills, when they landed on the ground, they directly collapsed a building.

It was as if an earthquake had occurred on the ground, and ordinary people within a thousand miles could not move, their bodies no longer listened to themselves.

The breath of death permeates.

This feeling of being stared at by wild animals is simply hopeless.

Many people think that they are doomed, and what will be the end of being unable to move, they don't need to guess. They will definitely be eaten or trampled to death by this terrible monster.

The people around more than ten spirit beasts are desperate at this moment, and many of them have closed their eyes and waited to die. At this moment, they only felt a few gusts of wind whistling past their ears, making their ears hurt. stand up.

Immediately afterwards, they heard the sound of metal clashing behind them.

clang clang...

People found that their bodies regained their freedom and could move, and the terrible pressure disappeared.

what happened?
People turned their heads boldly, and the sound of metal clashing was still ringing. When people turned around and saw the scene in front of them clearly, they realized that someone had saved them.

"It's the Inhuman Group!"

"Inhuman group!"

Someone called out the name of the Yiren Group. This name is no stranger to the people of China today. Ever since Hua Tianjing and Xu Chengdao were unscrupulous in China, the Yiren Group Not afraid of life and death, he came to stop it, and that scene was broadcast live all over the country.

So far, people have just realized that there is such a powerful department in Huaxia.

And later, the Yiren Group recruited members from all over China, and even the members of the Yiren Group served as teachers of martial arts academies in many places, which made the Yiren Group no longer a secret organization.

The current strength of the Yiren Group is no longer comparable to that of the previous Yiren Group. Now the number of masters in the Yiren Group is dozens of times that of the previous ones. There are not only martial arts practitioners, but also Yiren.

It can be imagined that its combat power is definitely more than ten times that of before.

The appearance of the Inhuman Group helped many people escape from the mortal situation, and the people around took advantage of this to stay away from here immediately, because this place quickly became a battlefield.

The members of the Inhuman Group all carry weapons, which are special sharp weapons, but when these weapons are seen on these spirit beasts, they can only see a series of sparks, and there is no trace of blood at all.

More than a dozen spirit beasts ignored the weapons of the alien group. They used their powerful bodies to either slap their paws, draw their tails, or hit them directly.

In just a short moment, these spirit beasts were fine, but half of the members of the Inhuman Group were lost.

"Just stepped into the threshold of cultivators and want to defeat the foundation-building spirit beasts. I really don't know whether these ants are not afraid of death or are too stupid." Sect Master Tianhen said with a smile.

"Dare to declare war with us with this level of strength, it seems that he doesn't know how to write death." Sect Master Xuhua continued.

Zhuge Yang said nothing, because everything in front of him was within his expectation.

Although the Inhuman Group lost a lot, new members emerged immediately and continued to besiege the spirit beasts.

The current scene is like a battle between ants and elephants.

On Huaxia's side, they planned to kill more elephants by ants, but looking at the current situation, it was a bit miserable, and the loss was so big at the beginning.

The picture on the battlefield was clearly presented on the screen. Flying Eagle clenched his fists, the flesh and blood under his eyes couldn't help beating, and his heart was bleeding. The members of the Inhuman Group who were killed one by one were like pieces of meat. It was as if Feiying had been gouged out from his body, and the knife pierced the heart.

You know, these were cultivated by the Inhuman Group with great difficulty, but it didn't have any effect, and they were killed by the spirit beasts, without even causing any harm to these spirit beasts.


None of the people present could laugh, and all of them had serious faces. No one would be in the mood to laugh when they saw a subordinate who was desperately rushing upwards being killed by his opponent.

The saddest thing is that these are just the shrimp soldiers and crab generals sent by the other party. None of those people from the fairy world made a move.

"Sir, come back." Feiying couldn't bear it anymore, if this continues, all the members of the Inhuman Group will be exhausted.

The old man thought for a while, "Activate the fighter group."


Buzzing buzzing, the battle flew in from a distance, and the members of the Inhuman Group immediately dispersed and retreated, only to see a group of fighter jets shooting at the spirit beasts on the ground.

Da da da……

The elixir fell on many spirit beasts, but the spirit beasts ignored them and shot down a fighter jet with a swipe of their tails.

An ancient ape spirit beast jumped up from the ground, grabbed it with both hands, and crushed the four fighters, and then stepped in the air and swept its long legs, and the rest of the fighters exploded at the same time.

A group of fighter jets was completely wiped out in less than ten seconds.

This scene shocked all the Chinese people who saw it, and it also shocked the world. Back then, Ding Ning was not so tough when facing the Japanese fighter jets. Could it be that these monsters are all more terrifying existences than Ding Ning?

Even if one is not as good as Ding Ning, there are more than ten of them here. Even if Ding Ning appears, the crisis will not be resolved.

These monsters are too terrifying. Facing the fighter group, they are like playing with toys. They don't care about the ammunition attack, and they are destroyed immediately.

"One fighter group doesn't work well, then two, two don't work well, then three..."

The sky was soon filled with fighter jets, which fiercely bombarded more than a dozen spirit beasts.

The people in the battlefield have already evacuated, even the people in the surrounding cities are leaving the city quickly and fleeing to the capital. It can be said that people from all over China are now gathering in the capital. People know that only Here, is the safest.

"These scraps of copper and iron are meaningless. How can they kill the spirit beast with the highest defense strength?" Tianhen said with a smile.

"It's quite interesting to watch, but unfortunately, these ants are too weak." Xu Hua sighed.

A city was turned into ruins, devastated by more than a dozen spirit beasts, and fighter jets were shot down one after another. Among the spirit beasts people saw, the ancient ape was the most terrifying. Almost 90.00% of the fighter planes were What was destroyed by it has piled up a large pile of wreckage of fighter jets at its feet.

1 minutes.

There was no fighter jet in the sky, and the fighter jets at this time were all scrap iron, piled up at the feet of the ancient ape, emitting white smoke.

This scene is desperate to see. It is just a monster, how can it be so strong, and how can it be killed.

The ancient ape is covered in golden hair, without a single scar on his body, and his eyes are shining, just like the god ape in ancient books. Unfortunately, this god ape is standing on the opposite side of Huaxia.

Fact check, fighter jets are useless at all, how will Huaxia make moves?
The whole world is watching.

(End of this chapter)

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