The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 504 508 Together! 1 more

Chapter 504 508 Together! 1 more

In the silent universe, Ding Ning's words broke the silence.

However, there were no other figures around.

Ding Ning seemed to be speaking to the air.

Dan Ding Ning himself knew that there were creatures nearby, and a living body had just exposed its aura.

"If you don't come out, don't blame me!"

Without any response, Ding Ning frowned, and the power suddenly rose from the palm of his hand, turning into a water column, flowing continuously.

Just when Ding Ning was about to strike out the palm attack, there was a trembling voice suddenly.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

A spirit beast appeared in front of Ding Ning, looking at Ding Ning with a look of fear.

"En?" Ding Ning's eyes flickered when he saw this wolf-like spirit beast. The little wolf was very cautious in front of Ding Ning and did not dare to go forward.

"Why are you here?" Ding Ning asked.

The little wolf glanced at the large number of corpses of spirit beasts beside Ding Ning, and immediately revealed a sad expression, saying: "If I don't hide, I will die too, I have no malice towards you, please don't kill me. "

It seems that it is a fish that slipped through the net that escaped the three major killers.

Perhaps it was because the wolf's strength was too weak, even though the three sects knew it was alive, they did not do anything, and let it fend for itself in the universe.

Ding Ning stared at the little wolf for a long time, and finally said: "I don't have to kill you, I may even take you away, you follow me."

Hearing this, the little wolf showed surprise and disbelief, and immediately followed after Ding Ning turned around.

In the depths of the little wolf's eyes, there is a hint of conspiracy that has succeeded.

He finally sneaked up beside Ding Ning.

The little wolf is Ge Hong who got into the young Kui Lang's body. When Ding Ning found him, Ge Hong panicked, but fortunately, he tricked Ding Ning with a good excuse, pretending to escape The lucky one, otherwise, in his current state, he would definitely be killed by Ding Ning.

Burning the origin of the Nascent Soul greatly reduced Ge Hong's strength, adding part of the Nascent Soul's power to strengthen the young Kuilang's flesh and blood, so that he can survive in the universe, which also makes Ge Hong's power not much left.

Moreover, Ding Ning took the initiative to take him away and give him a way out. This is a great opportunity for Ge Hong. In this way, he can not only recover his strength secretly, but also have a better chance to avenge himself .

In this way, Ding Ning and Ge Hong, who is possessed by Kui Lang, kept approaching the earth.

With the continuous progress, Ge Hong was very shocked. Ding Ning was able to know where the earth is in the vast universe. Even he could not do this. Before the light beam transmitted by the magic circle was broken, Ge Hong was still worried. In his condition, it is not safe to walk in the universe.

The seemingly silent universe is actually full of murderous intentions. If you are lucky, you may die in various crises that suddenly erupt in the universe.

Ding Ning didn't ask the little wolf anything, but Ge Hong, in order to show his intimacy with Ding Ning, took the initiative to go up to Ding Ning and show his affection.

After advancing for two hours, one man and one wolf, they stopped abruptly.

Because the previous scene was too scary, neither Ding Ning nor Ge Hong dared to step forward again. Visually, it was about a hundred miles away. There was a cosmic storm and frenzy there. Constantly swimming, and there are about a hundred tornadoes, occupying a large area of ​​the mask.

From a distance, it is quite spectacular and shocking.

It was the first time Ge Hong saw such a scene, and there was fear in the depths of his eyes. Even though he was a Nascent Soul cultivator, he would not dare to step into those cosmic storms, otherwise, there would be only one result, and that would be to be buried in them.

Fortunately, this cosmic storm was not blowing towards them, otherwise, the two of them would not be in the mood to watch from a distance at this time, but ran for their lives as soon as possible, the farther the better.

They waited for the cosmic storm to go away, left the area they were about to pass in front of them, and waited for the calm before they moved on.

Not long after, they entered the area where the cosmic storm had swept before. There were a lot of rubble floating here. These rubble are the dust in the universe. Sometimes they gather together to form scenes such as comets and meteors.

Of course, none of these things attracted the attention of a person or a beast. What caught their attention was that there was a wooden boat in the middle of the floating gravel.

Similar to the shape of ancient ships, if you see such a wooden boat in the sea, it will be fine, but this is the universe, and a wooden boat appears in the universe, which is really weird.

Ge Hong showed a cautious gaze. He instinctively felt that the wooden boat was dangerous, and he didn't want to lean on it. But before he could react, his body lightened, and he was grabbed by Ding Ning, and they walked towards the wooden boat together.

Ge Hong was not interested, but the appearance of the wooden boat aroused Ding Ning's interest, and brought him along without any explanation.

Ding Ning walked straight towards the wooden boat with a blank expression, and stopped in front of the wooden boat.

When I got closer, I found that the wooden boat was already covered with rust spots, as if it had been corroded by something, and it looked a little scary.

"Let's go." As soon as he approached the wooden boat, Ge Hong's scalp felt a little numb. Although nothing happened, he felt that the wooden boat was very dangerous.

Ding Ning ignored Ge Hong, why did he leave? In Ding Ning's view, it was very strange that this wooden boat appeared here, because he knew very well that in the area where the earth is located, there are very few practitioners, let alone a wooden boat. It is inevitable that Ding Ning will not think about where this wooden boat came from, and whether it will have an impact on the earth.

Furthermore, the most important point, can something that can be preserved intact under the cosmic storm just now, can it be simple?

This wooden boat looks broken, but if you guessed correctly, it is definitely a magic weapon.

If it is a magic weapon, it must not be let go.

Although he also obtained some magic weapons from Xu Chengdao before, Ding Ning didn't like those magic weapons at all. With his current strength, those magic weapons were nothing but scrap copper and rotten iron, which couldn't help Dharma. It's not as good as the ordinary-looking, dilapidated wooden boat in front of me.


"Let's go, I think this wooden boat is dangerous, we can't go in." The little wolf said.

"Did I say I'm going in?" Ding Ning replied.

Originally, he didn't go in, but just came to take a closer look. Ge Hong breathed a sigh of relief, but when Ding Ning said the next sentence, his whole body froze immediately.

"I don't go in, it's you who goes in."

As he spoke, Ge Hong couldn't help resisting, Ding Ning threw Ge Hong onto the wooden boat.

(End of this chapter)

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