The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 510 514 Digging Your Own Grave! 4 more

Chapter 510 514 Digging Your Own Grave! 4 more

"What kind of identity do you have?" The skinny old man regarded Ding Ning as the apprentice of a big man, otherwise, why would Ding Ning have so many core methods of powerful sects in the realm of cultivation.

It would be unreasonable to say that Ding Ning was just an ordinary Golden Core cultivator.

Ding Ning deliberately used many great methods in the realm of cultivation, in order to attract the skinny old man's attention, so that the other party could not figure out his reality, and at the same time, it had the effect of sapping the other party's strength.

Although the strength of the skinny old man is high, he is not in the best condition. Ge Hong did not find out the real situation of the skinny old man. Ding Ning found out, and knew that the skinny old man was a bit strong at the moment, otherwise, he would not waste it little by little. .

"I want to know my identity, you don't have the qualifications!" Ding Ning replied lightly, and the skinny old man frowned. Unexpectedly, Ding Ning was so arrogant, he sneered: "Boy, even if you know many methods, don't forget, I don’t know how far it is from the cultivation world, if I kill you, even if you have a background that reaches the sky, you may not be able to kill me.”

"Don't think that if you don't say it, I can't do anything about you. I just want to give you a way to survive. Since you don't choose, don't blame me!"

As a demon cultivator, the skinny old man was afraid of some strong men, but he would not dare to kill Ding Ning even at the Jindan stage.

The big deal is that he hides far away so that no one can find him.

What's more, if he can obtain the methods that Ding Ning knows, he will have many more methods to save his life in the future. With his state of mind, if he cultivates them, they will be extremely powerful.

Thinking of this, the skinny old man didn't want to keep Ding Ning. Even if Ding Ning had a background, so what. This star field is hundreds of millions of miles away from the cultivation world. If he hides on any star, no one will be able to find him.

After firming up his mind, the skinny old man didn't intend to fight Ding Ning any longer, and directly used his most powerful attack. During the fight with Ding Ning, he found that Ding Ning, a cultivator at the Golden Core Realm, was not physically tyrannical. It is comparable to Nascent Soul Realm, and even scarier than Nascent Soul Realm, so it is not easy to cause damage to Ding Ning's body, and Ding Ning has many methods, any attack he makes, Ding Ning can use other methods to deal with it.

The skinny old man intends to defeat Ding Ning in another way, and he can also prevent Ding Ning from committing suicide.

A golden light shot out from his eyes, and the skinny old man's attack started. Immediately, Ding Ning felt a terrifying soul power attacking him, making his head dizzy and his consciousness getting heavier and heavier.

Seeing that Ding Ning's eyelids were drooping and precarious, and he looked like he was falling asleep, the skinny old man's face showed a smug look: "No one is without flaws, you stepped into the Golden Core Realm at a young age, and strengthened your body to Such an astonishing level, then your weakness must be your soul, your soul cannot be the same as your physical body, and the soul cannot be leapfrogged."

The skinny old man's killing move is very simple. It is to directly crush Ding Ning with the soul power of the Nascent Soul Realm, making Ding Ning's body useless. At the same time, he can directly peek into Ding Ning's soul and gain insight into Ding Ning's greatest secret.

Based on this idea, the skinny old man directly launched a soul attack, making Ding Ning's soul irresistible. Then, he invaded Ding Ning's mind with his soul and occupied Ding Ning's brain. After that, he used the magical method to absorb Ding Ning's soul. .

Excellent plan.

Ding Ning didn't move at all, swaying around, Ge Hong looked surprised at this scene, it's terrible!

Ding Ning has been recruited!
Ge Hong secretly thought something was wrong. Although he didn't want Ding Ning to win, he was even more unwilling if the skinny old man won. It's far better than being eaten than being killed.

"Are you afraid?" The skinny old man didn't enter Ding Ning's mind in a hurry, but looked at Ge Hong. After all, he had to get rid of Ge Hong's external factors before he could enter Ding Ning's mind in his own soul. After the mind, there will be no danger.

Otherwise, it would be bad if Ge Hong attacked him directly.

"You can run." The skinny old man laughed.

Ge Hong cursed in his heart, does he dare to run away?If he runs away, you must not chase him immediately.

"It's good not to run, focus on this, when I eat you later, I can eat slowly, you are a big meal." The skinny old man licked his lips and said, looking very greedy, Ge Hong felt sick , although Ding Ning is a fellow practitioner of righteousness and demonism, he is not so perverted. At this time, Ge Hong has a little hope that the winner is determined by how many Ding Nings, at least Ding Ning can give him a good time.

"Hey, I'll enjoy you later." The skinny old man immediately set up a cage, locked Ge Hong in it, and warned Ge Hong: "I advise you not to try to break free, because as soon as you break free, this cage will become a prisoner. The smaller you get, the sooner your physical body will be crushed, and your Nascent Soul will be tightly entangled, and my move is aimed at the Nascent Soul."

After finishing speaking, the skinny old man smiled cruelly, his eyes fell on Ding Ning again, and he said to himself, "Okay, now I can deal with you."

After finishing speaking, the skinny old man's soul floated out from the sky cap, like a flame, against the skinny old man's face, after that, the skinny old man's soul flew away and disappeared instantly above Ding Ning's head.


The skinny old man's soul entered Ding Ning's mind, and he saw that Ding Ning's soul also looked drowsy.

This is not what he expected. At this time, Ding Ning's body and soul are in the same state.

The skinny old man's soul was close to Ding Ning's soul, and he licked his lips. Although Ding Ning's soul was not as good as Ge Hong's, it was the soul breath of Jindan Realm, but it could be regarded as a delicious appetizer.

It's not bad to eat Ding Ning's appetizer first, and Ge Hong's big meal later.

"After I devour your soul, I will know all the secrets of your body." The skinny old man laughed bitterly, and then he opened his mouth, facing Ding Ning's soul, and bit it away.

Seeing that his teeth were about to bite Ding Ning's soul, the drowsy Ding Ning, who had kept his eyes closed all the time, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and the skinny old man was stunned.

Why did you wake up suddenly?

"Huh? It's really surprising that you were able to wake up from the illusion of my soul. However, even if you wake up, it's useless. Your ending will still not change." The skinny old man said calmly.

"Oh? Really?" Ding Ning smiled mysteriously. Immediately afterwards, the skinny old man suddenly felt something was wrong, but when he realized it, it was already too late. Countless things appeared around him Iron chains were constantly wrapped around his body.

The skinny old man was about to break free immediately, but when he wanted to break free from the continuously flying iron chains, he found that he couldn't break free.

How could this be?
The skinny old man was shocked, he was in the Nascent Soul Realm, there was no reason why he couldn't get rid of Ding Ning's soul attack method.

(End of this chapter)

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