The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 512 516 Missed opportunity! 2 more

Chapter 512 516 Missed opportunity! 2 more

Ge Hong stared blankly at his surroundings, the cage that the skinny old man set up for him was gone.

This sudden scene made Ge Hong lose his mind for a while.

It didn't take long for Ge Hong to know that something happened to the skinny old man who wanted to kill Ding Ning. He just saw the skinny old man's soul enter Ding Ning's mind.

Now that the cage on his body is gone, does it mean that Ding Ning has turned defeat into victory?

"How did he do it?" Ge Hong frowned. Is Ding Ning's soul strong enough to rival the soul of the Nascent Soul Realm?
This guy has crossed the boundary with his body and soul, isn't he flawless and invincible at the same level.

Ge Hong was shocked by this amazing result.

"His aura is getting weaker and weaker." Staring at the skinny old man's body, Ge Hong found that the skinny old man was gradually dying. On the other hand, Ding Ning's body remained motionless, maintaining a posture, and even his breath did not change, as if turning into a up the statue.

"So, now is the best time for me to escape." Since the skinny old man was about to be killed by Ding Ning, and Ding Ning was now confronting the skinny old man, obviously he couldn't pay attention to him for the time being.

Leave at this time, no one will stop him.

Ge Hong's eyes lit up, and he walked away immediately.

However, when Ge Hong ran hundreds of miles in an instant, his body stopped suddenly.


Such a good time, why did he escape? It should be to take the opportunity to kill Ding Ning.

Ge Hong's eyes flickered, he was hesitating, should he go back and kill Ding Ning, the skinny old man died, it was time to resolve the grievances between the two of them, if he didn't act at such a good time, he would not want to kill Ding Ning again But it is difficult.

Ge Hong, who was in the Nascent Soul Realm, forgot that he would have to do such calculations whenever he wanted to kill a monk in the Golden Core Realm.

After hesitating for a long time, Ge Hong made a decision. He immediately changed direction and returned to the position just now.

If it wasn't for Ding Ning's reasons, he would never be in this state.

He swore to kill Ding Ning, now is the best time, why would he miss it.

Furthermore, as a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, how could he be willing to lose to a Gold Core Realm? If he didn't kill Ding Ning now, it would be even harder to kill Ding Ning when his strength improved.

Many thoughts flashed in Ge Hong's mind, and murderous intent shot out in his eyes.

It didn't take long to return to the position just now, but when he found that he couldn't feel the breath of the skinny old man, he was startled.


At this moment, he even had the thought of regretting returning, but he suppressed the tension in his heart and looked at Ding Ning who was motionless.

I don't know how much power Ding Ning consumed in killing the skinny old man's soul, and what the situation is like.

do not care!
Ge Hong knew that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise, for him, he would lose the opportunity even more.


Now that the decision has been made, there is no need to hesitate any longer.

Just hit the killer.

Ge Hong put aside all thoughts, and there was only one thought in his mind, which was to kill Ding Ning.

If you don't kill at this time, when will you wait.

call out……

Ge Hong took out the fastest speed and the strongest killing move at present, and rushed towards Ding Ning. The wolf claws of the fleshy Kui Lang lingered with a heavy breath. He wanted to pierce Ding Ning's dantian and destroy Ding Ning's origin. For one thing, even if Ding Ning was not killed by his claws, it would be useless. Ding Ning, who had no strength, would let him knead him. He really hoped that Ding Ning could last longer.

After thinking about this claw in his mind, Ding Ning looked at himself with a horrified look on his face. Ge Hong couldn't help feeling relieved at that unacceptable look.

Finally got revenge.

Even if he can't get the secrets of Ding Ning, it doesn't matter. He understands it now. If he doesn't change his mind, he may not have so many troubles. Instead, he will kill himself easily. Look at the skinny old man as an example .

This time, Ge Hong was completely enlightened. As long as Ding Ning can be killed, it doesn't matter if it's secret or not.

Killing Ding Ning is the most important thing.

Almost in an instant, Ge Hong came to Ding Ning's body in front of him. There was a terrible breath on the wolf's claws. Then, he grabbed and pulled out Ding Ning's chest.

And just before his attack was about to land on Ding Ning's chest, Ge Hong suddenly saw Ding Ning's eyelids moving, as if he would open his eyes in the next second.

An idea came to Ge Hong's mind to withdraw the attack.

If Ding Ning wakes up at this time, he will fall short.

But after thinking about it, the killing move has already been made, if this matter is stopped, will he still have the courage to make another killing move?

No refund.

Must kill!

Ge Hong hesitated for a moment again, and the flesh Kui Lang's paws went straight down.

But at this moment, Ding Ning's eyes suddenly opened.


"Hehe, I see you are motionless, I think you have something to do, are you okay." Ge Hong's laughing voice came from Kui Lang's mouth.

The attitude towards Ding Ning is called polite.

Ding Ning glanced at Ge Hong with a meaningful look in his eyes. He didn't mention Ge Hong's attack just now, but just said: "Protect me." Then he closed his eyes again.

Seeing Ding Ning close his eyes, Ge Hongchang let out a sigh of relief, and at some point, a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Useless things, why did you suddenly stop?" Ge Hong scolded himself from the bottom of his heart, and he was cowardly at the last moment, not daring to attack.

Of course, at this time, he was also a little fortunate. If the attack fell at that time, it might not be able to destroy Ding Ning. After all, he had seen Ding Ning's physical strength.

But if he stopped like this, he also looked down on himself a bit.

But now there is no other way, the opportunity lost is lost.

Huh? ?

No, what did Ding Ning say to him just now?Help him protect the law?


We are rivals, enemies, why should I protect the law for you.

Ge Hong roared a few words in his heart, but he still stayed by Ding Ning's side, did not leave, did not attack, and really did what Ding Ning said.

"Ge Hong, you are becoming more and more contemptible." Ge Hong scolded himself in his heart, but at the same time, there was another voice convincing him that he was focusing on the overall situation. If Ding Ning could kill the skinny old man, why would he still kill him? Can't you?

Ge Hong's heart was at war between heaven and man, and Ding Ning felt that Ge Hong had calmed down, so he felt relieved and went to absorb the soul power of the skinny old man.

In fact, Ge Hong didn't know that if he had just attacked cleanly without any hesitation at the last moment, Ding Ning would really have been injured.

You must know that at that time, he had just integrated the skinny old man's soul into his own, and hadn't had time to digest it. If he was attacked at this time, it would definitely have a big impact on Ding Ning.

But fortunately, Ge Hong hesitated for a moment, Ding Ning barely suppressed the restless soul power of the skinny old man, opened his eyes, and warned Ge Hong, and then he could concentrate and start to digest.

(End of this chapter)

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