The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 515 519 Dong Xiezhi's Allegiance! 1 more

Chapter 515 519 Dong Xiezhi's Allegiance! 1 more

"Don't kill me, don't..."

Zhuge Yang didn't have the slightest mercy, and killed another Houtian realm martial artist with a snap of his fingers. Gradually, with the death of the martial artist and the members of the alien group, fewer and fewer people were alive, and the danger began to approach the aliens. Deputy Group Leader.

In fact, the further behind the person, the greater the pressure. Watching other people being killed one by one, they can't help thinking whether they will be the next one, and the torture in their hearts will be even more tormenting.

The members of the Inhuman Group all have a heart that is not afraid of death, but not afraid of death, it does not mean that they can be calm in the face of death, they can not care about it at all, they should be afraid, or they will be afraid.

"Now it's your turn." Finally, Zhuge Yang's eyes fell on Su Zi, Yak, Qingshi, Sheng Nan and others. The reason why he chose not to ask them first and force them was because Knowing their status in the Inhuman Group, they must have a closer relationship with Ding Ning than others.

Therefore, he is more willing to let these people suffer more psychologically, and let them watch the partners around him, one by one being killed by him, and suffer.

Simple revenge can't eliminate the anger in Zhuge Yang's heart, what he wants is revenge that can relieve the hatred in his heart.

Just when Zhuge Yang's eyes began to fall on several deputy team leaders, a voice suddenly sounded.

"My lord, I don't know if I can help you with such a forced question."

Zhuge Yang was about to take Su Zi first, when suddenly he stopped, turned around, and saw a person, who was respectfully saluting him, holding his fists and bowing his head.

The attitude is very respectful.

"who are you?"

Zhuge Yang was a little surprised. It was interesting that someone wanted to show his favor to him at this time.

He wanted to know what this person was up to.

"My lord, Huaxia is a bit tough. If you force me to ask such a thing, I think it's too cheap for you to do it yourself. The little one is willing to do it for you."

"Maybe adults don't know the origin of Xiao. I come from Dongpu. My name is Dongxiezhi. I'm the number one expert in Dongpu. Team leader Ding Ning came to Dongying to make trouble, and I must get back this statement for Dongying." Dong Xiezhi explained with his head bowed.

He came to Huaxia from Dongpu at the fastest speed, just to catch up with the three major sects of the fairy world. In order to achieve his goal, even if he bowed his head, Dong Xiezhi could do it.

"Oh? You have enmity with this alien group, and that person?" Zhuge Yang finally understood that the person in love is the same as himself, and he hates Ding Ning. No wonder he stood up at this time and said that he would serve him.

However, he, Zhuge Yang, is not able to serve everyone.

You have to have the qualifications to be seen.

Seemingly noticing Zhuge Yang's scrutiny, Dong Xiezhi continued: "My lord, although you are from outside the earth, I think that since you have chosen to come here, I believe that some things must be done by the people under your command. I, Dongxiezhi, represent Dongying and represent all the warriors of Dongying, and I am willing to serve you, my lord, and I only ask you to give me and Dongying a chance."

The sincerity of Dong Xiezhi's words made Zhuge Yang feel that this person was a bit interesting. Thinking about Dong Xiezhi's words carefully, it was true. Although their three sects were powerful, if there was someone like Dong Xiezhi, what would they do for them? It's not bad to deal with some trivial matters, he can't do everything by himself.

Zhuge Yang thought about it for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, if you can handle it to my satisfaction, I can consider keeping you."

Hearing this, Dong Xiezhi raised his head for the first time and said, "Thank you sir, I will definitely not let you down."

Zhuge Yang handed over the forced interrogation to Dong Xiezhi, and the people around him were stunned.

The samurai from Dongpu came to offer their allegiance. This really shocked everyone who saw this scene. There is no reason to take the initiative to be a subordinate.

However, some people think that Dong Xiezhi is very smart, not stupid, because Dong Xiezhi has seen the situation clearly and knows that Huaxia is bound to be vulnerable in front of the three sects. He seized this opportunity and the first Getting closer to the three sects is tantamount to seizing the opportunity. When the three sects stand on the earth and gain a foothold, Dongpu will follow the first one to benefit.

It took a while for many people to realize that the thought behind this had to be astonishing.

"I didn't expect someone to pledge their allegiance to Sect Master Zhuge so soon. Although it is just a small ant, it would be good if it can be the dog of our three sects." Sect Master Tianhen said.

"This person also hates that guy. I think loyalty is half, and revenge is half." Sect Master Xu Hua saw it clearly and expressed the essence.

"Anyway, these are the first batch of loyalists from our three sects to come here. It's okay to give them a chance. If they are not satisfied, it's a big deal, just kick them away." Sect Master Tianhen said with a smile.

Sect Master Xuhua nodded: "I think Brother Zhuge also thinks the same way."

Regarding Dong Xiezhi's allegiance, all Chinese people who saw this scene felt ashamed. Dongying and Huaxia have always had a lot of opinions. Now Dongying took the opportunity and wanted to make troubles in China. No one will be happy.

For a while, all regions in China were yelling.

"Shameless Dongying people, come here now, why didn't you dare to come here before?"

"I think they are used to being people's dogs. When they see a strong man, they can't help posting it. Even if they are a pug begging for mercy, they enjoy it."

Discussions arose in China, and Dong Xiezhi replaced Zhuge Yang and continued to question the rest of the people.

This was the first thing Zhuge Yang asked him to do. If he did not do it beautifully, then he would not be recognized by Zhuge Yang.

Therefore, he must do well.

"It's the first official meeting for the deputy leaders of the Inhuman Group. I hope I can leave a deep impression on you." Dong Xiezhi stood in front of them with a smile on his face.

"Didn't you, Dongying, be beaten hard enough by my team leader Ding? Now that you see someone being strong, you want to be a dog for someone, and you want to take revenge?" Su Zi sarcastically said.

Dong Xiezhi was not angry when he heard the words. He walked up to Su Zi, looked at Su Zi with a smile, and said, "What a heroine, she has a sharp mouth, but..."

As soon as the word "but" came out, Dong Xiezhi slapped Su Zi's face with lightning speed.

The previous words continued, floating in the air: "But who gave you the courage to talk to me like this, I hate such a naughty woman like you the most."

"It's interesting." Seeing this scene, Zhuge Yang was quite satisfied, as long as he could embarrass the people related to Ding Ning, he would be happier.

(End of this chapter)

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