The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 535 540 Li Fan! 3 more

Chapter 535 540 Li Fan! 3 more

Who is this person?
Dare to say such a thing in public, is this to destroy Li Fan's marriage?
This is the big wedding of Guanshi Li's son. On such an occasion, he must be crazy to do such a thing.

For a moment, because of Ding Ning's words, there was quite a commotion at the foot of Zhangfu Mountain.

Zhang Susu didn't expect that Ding Ning would really dare to stand up to help her, but at this time Zhang Susu was not happy because she knew that the consequences of Ding Ning's doing so would not only harm Ding Ning himself, but might also affect Zhang's family.

"Xiao Chan, what are you messing around with? You haven't sent him back to the room." Zhang Susu scolded Xiao Chan.

Seeing Miss Zhang Susu's serious face, Xiaochan felt a little scared. As the lady's maid, she had never done anything disobedient, but today, for the sake of Miss's happiness, Xiaochan did so.

"Miss, I believe Mr. Ding, he will definitely help our Zhang family." Xiao Chan said stubbornly.

Zhang Susu was so annoyed by Xiao Chan that this maid was so stubborn that she didn't even listen to her words. She hurriedly turned her head and explained to Li Fan: "Mr. Li, we don't need to pay attention to them, let's go."

"Go?" Li Fan snorted, "It's fine to go, but before I go, I must make this person pay the price. If he dares to ruin my wedding, he will humiliate me, Li Fan, and the person who humiliated me. How can you let it go easily, come here!"

"The little one is here."


In an instant, beside Li Fan, there were several more figures, all showing respectful expressions, waiting for Li Fan's order.

This is Li Fan's bodyguard, who was specially sent by Li Guanshi to protect Li Fan's safety. Li Guanshi knew that his son was always restless, and he couldn't tell when he would provoke other people and cause danger, so he arranged for four masters , to protect Li Fan's safety.

But this time, his son Li Fan got married. In order to avoid accidents, Manager Li naturally sent more masters. These four are just guards on the bright side, and there are even stronger ones who have not shown their faces and are hiding in the dark.

"Master Li, let them go." Seeing that Li Fan was angry, he was about to call someone to do it. If he did it, it would be fine. Wouldn't Xiaochan be the first to suffer.

With Ding Ning's foundation-building strength, he can't beat the four foundation-building masters.

Even Zhang Susu, she can only resist two at the same time.

"My lady, any other time, I will give you face if you say something, but not this time." Li Fan also got excited, and didn't intend to let Ding Ning go easily, and continued to say: "This time If someone makes me unhappy on my wedding day, then I won't make him happy either, he must be punished, you don't need to persuade him. "

Zhang Susu wanted to say something more, but Li Fan didn't give this opportunity at all, and directly gave orders to the four guards.

"kill him!"

kill him……

The three words echoed in the air, and it was too cruel to let Ding Ning die directly.

When everyone around was startled by Li Fan's order, the four guards had already made their move.

The four guards used their strength one after another, turned into four air currents, and killed Ding Ning in an instant.

"Be careful!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Chan reminded Ding Ning loudly.

Ding Ning didn't seem to notice this, he just raised his eyebrows, and didn't make any other superfluous movements.

"It's over, this man was scared stupid."

"I don't even dare to move, and dare to say that I want to help Susu, where does the confidence come from?"

"Is this kid crazy?"

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't act at all, the people in Zhang's mansion all thought that Ding Ning was frightened and stupid. They couldn't help feeling that Ding Ning was a bit over his own. I'm looking for death.

What's more, for a person with a great background like Li Fan, this is not courting death.

"The jumping clown also wants to spoil my good deeds, and he doesn't look in the mirror to see how much he weighs. Now that he is about to be killed, he is completely scared and foolish. If he had known today, why bother?" Li said. Fan sneered, waiting quietly for the next scene where Ding Ning was killed.

The four guards all made extremely killer moves, completely following Li Fan's instructions, rushing to demand Ding Ning's life.

Zhang Susu wanted to stop it, but it was too late at this time. Besides, with her strength and identity, it was not suitable for her to make a move. Doing so would only add fuel to the fire and push the Zhang family into the fire pit.

Some people who couldn't bear to be rescued by themselves were beheaded in front of their eyes, Zhang Susu turned his head away.

Just when everyone thought that Ding Ning was helpless in the face of the ultimate moves of the four peak monks in the Foundation Establishment Realm, suddenly four muffled sounds erupted in the air.

boom! boom! boom!
The muffled sound was thunderous, not surprising, but shocking.

Presumably at this time, Ding Ning was afraid to be cut into pieces by the four of them.

Many people think so.

However, when some people looked over carefully, they were dumbfounded in the next second, because the scene they saw was completely different from what they had guessed in their hearts.

No matter where Ding Ning was dismembered, no matter where he was hurt a little, he was basically intact.


What about the four who attacked Ding Ning?

At this moment, someone exclaimed, pointed to another place, and said loudly: "Look!"


The gazes of many people followed the prestige, and they only saw the four peak monks in the late stage of the Foundation Establishment according to Li Fan's instructions. , that is, there is a blood hole in the dantian position of these four people.


Without feeling the slightest breath of life, the four foundation-builders were killed in an instant.

In an instant, everyone in Zhang's mansion looked at Ding Ning with shock.

This young man was underestimated by them.

"how is this possible?"

Li Fan was the one who was shocked, because he didn't expect Ding Ning to be so powerful. Four of his guards attacked together, but Ding Ning was killed instead.

Although the foundation-building monks were not considered strong, they were not weak either. Ding Ning alone killed four foundation-building monks in an instant, so what kind of strength was Ding Ning?

Li Fan is not stupid, he knows that he underestimates others, and Ding Ning is a master.

However, he is not afraid of the death of four guards. No matter how strong Ding Ning is, he is not afraid. There is no other reason, because he is Li Guanshi's son. Based on this alone, he can ignore whoever the opponent is.

Furthermore, besides him were not only four guards at the Foundation Establishment Realm, but also hidden masters.

"No wonder you dare to stand up and sabotage my good deeds. You have two brushes. You managed to attract my attention." Li Fan stared at Ding Ning and said slowly.

"But don't think that you can do anything if you kill a few of my guards."

Having said that, Li Fan sneered and continued: "I see how many people you can kill."

After the words fell, Li Fan slapped his hands, and the sound of the slaps disappeared, and two figures quietly appeared beside Li Fan.

When these two figures appeared, everyone's hearts trembled, including Zhang Susu and Zhang qingyang.

(End of this chapter)

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