The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 540 545 Steward Li! 2 more

Chapter 540 545 Steward Li! 2 more

The Zhang family is about to end.

On Tianwu Star, there was a heated discussion, such a big thing as regretting a marriage would be fine for ordinary people, but what the Zhang family regretted was the marriage of Manager Li's son, so it was destined not to end quietly.

Furthermore, people heard that among the people brought by Li Fan, several masters died in Zhang's residence.

Naturally, this kind of news couldn't have been spread by Zhang Qingtian and Li Fan himself, but by those servants who had left the Zhang residence. As soon as this breaking news came out, there was another huge wave.

It's not just as simple as regretting the marriage, but also killed the person in charge of Li.

All the forces on Tianwu Star felt that the Zhang family was going to die.

Li Guanshi's arrival came much earlier than expected. It took only an hour from Li Fan's leaving Zhang's mansion to reappearing in front of Zhang's mansion.

This time, Li Fan changed his clothes again, and the panic expression on his face had dissipated. At this time, his face was full of arrogance, and he was back to the high-spirited time, but when Li Fan came to the gate of the Zhang Mansion, his eyelids were still involuntary. With a jump, he thought of Ding Ning who had embarrassed him.

If he didn't kill this person, the anger in his heart would never disappear.

Of course, the most eye-catching person is Li Guanshi himself. He appeared in person and came to the Zhang Mansion. Suddenly, he became the center of everyone's eyes. Many forces on Tianwu Star have been staying in front of the Zhang Mansion. I want to see what Li Guanshi will do next.

Now that Guanshi Li is here, and he has brought a lot of people with him, people know that after today, there will be no Zhang Mansion on Tianwu Star.

"Let's go." Li Guanshi gave an order, and a master opened the way ahead, opened the gate of the Zhang Mansion, and then, under the protection of a group of strong men, Li Guanshi entered the Zhang Mansion courtyard.

The courtyard is very clean, even the servants cannot be seen, but you can see the deepest lobby directly at a glance.

This group of people walked straight over, and after Li Guanshi and others entered Zhang's mansion, people outside also walked in with strong curiosity.


In the deepest lobby, Li Guanshi, Li Fan and his son saw several figures in front of them.

Ding Ning, Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu, Xiao Chan, and the two male servants all looked over, and their gazes met in the air.

Li Guanshi brought his son Li Fan and walked slowly. After entering the hall, he looked at Zhang Xiaotian first, and said, "Zhang Xiaotian, if you don't want to be my in-laws, you want to be my enemy. If you choose this path, don't you regret."

Zhang qingyang's answer was very simple: "No matter how incompetent I am, Zhang qingyang, I will not trade my daughter's happiness for her life. Whoever wants to marry your dandy son, my daughter of zhang qingyang will never marry."

Manager Li slapped his hands, and said with a smirk: "You are really tough. I didn't expect you, Zhang Qingtian, to be tough. I think it's because someone helped you that you dare to say that."

As he said that, Guanshi Li's eyes shifted to Ding Ning, and Li Fan pointed at Ding Ning and reminded his father, "It's him, father, who ruined my wedding, killed my guards, and killed your subordinates. "

Needless to say, Li Fan, among these faces in Zhang's house, Ding Ning is the most unfamiliar, and besides Ding Ning, naturally there is no other person.

Frowning slightly, Guanshi Li could feel that Ding Ning was very young, and it was indeed extremely rare for Guanshi Li that he could easily kill a cultivator at the Golden Core level at such a young age.

Even if he sent to protect his son's Golden Core Stage, one is in the early stage and the other is in the middle stage, but on Tianwu Star, it is enough, and he never thought about it, but it still almost caused a catastrophe.

His son's life was almost taken away.

Tian Wu Xing was regarded as his back garden by Guanshi Li, and in his back garden, his son was almost killed by someone. One can imagine Li Guan Shi's mood. With such a heavy responsibility, he didn't even know that a strong man like Ding Ning appeared on Tianwu Star.

"It's you who meddles in other people's business." Li Guanshi looked at Ding Ning and kept sizing him up.

He was searching in his mind. He had seen many geniuses of the Canglan Sect, so he had the impression of all the talented young generation. At least he knew a little bit, so when he saw Ding Ning, he was thinking about which big power Ding Ning came from.

But as he filtered out all the geniuses, he didn't find any of them belonged to Ding Ning in front of him. Manager Li was a little surprised. Could it be that this person is not from the Canglan Starfield?Otherwise, why has he never seen Ding Ning in his memory.

Or, Ding Ning has never appeared before, but only recently?

"It's me, what should you do?" Ding Ning treated Li Guanshi with a nonchalant look, and didn't feel the slightest fear because of his identity.

Zhang qingyang and zhang susu, who watched this scene, were shocked from the bottom of their hearts. You must know that the two of them wouldn't dare to say that, and they were not afraid of steward li at all.

Xiao Chan's eyes were shining brightly, thinking that she was right, Ding Ning was indeed not an ordinary person.

Li Guan was startled in advance, and it took a few seconds for him to come back to his senses. He never thought that Ding Ning would be so arrogant, and his tone completely ignored him.

He was used to flattery, but Guanshi Li was still a little uncomfortable with Ding Ning's sudden reply.

"Young man, do you know the consequences of being my enemy?" Li Guanshi narrowed his eyes and said.I wanted to know something about his identity from Ding Ning, but now it seems that there is no need for it, Ding Ning's arrogance has already angered him.

"Consequences?" Ding Ning blinked his eyelids, and the corners of his mouth curled into an arc, and he continued, "I just want results, and I don't care what the consequences are."

"You are really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers." Li Guanshi smiled, but those who knew him well knew that such a smile showed that he was already very angry.

"I'm not a calf, and you're not a tiger, so I'm not afraid. Since you came here, you're here to deal with me. If that's the case, just attack me. There's no need to waste time here. If you want to chat, find someone else to chat with. I don't have the time." Chat with you."

"Hehe... It seems that you are not eager to wait to die." Li Guanshi sneered.

Ding Ning stared into Li Guanshi's eyes, and said disdainfully, "You want to kill me just because of you?"

Li Guanshi shook his head: "I want to kill people, but I never have to do it. Naturally, someone will kill you."

As he said that, Guanshi Li snapped his fingers, and the people around him immediately surrounded the entire lobby, and auras of golden cores shot up into the sky.

Guanshi Li laughed and said, "You can kill two Golden Core cultivators by yourself. I don't know if you can continue to win against ten Golden Core monks at once."

Zhang qingyang, zhang susu, xiaochan and the others all froze and their faces turned pale when the breaths of the ten golden core realms surged out.

They knew that Manager Li's revenge was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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