The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 556: Canglan Sect, here we come! 561 more

Chapter 556: Canglan Sect, here we come! 561 more

Inside the Zhang Mansion.

Zhang Xiaotian and Zhang Susu were still immersed in the shock brought by Ding Ning, and ignored the fact that after the death of Elder Tuoba, the Canglan Sect would be even more enraged, but Ge Hong took the initiative to remind this point, which made the father and daughter Zhang Xiaotian and Zhang Susu in a good mood , suddenly frowning.

"Once Elder Tuoba dies, the Canglan Sect will definitely not let it go. It won't be long before they will definitely send more people. What should we do?"

Rao Zhang Xiaotian, who was the head of the family, couldn't help but be in trouble at this time. Offending the Canglan Sect to such a death was simply an unsolvable problem.

As long as you are in the Canglan Starfield, it is too difficult to live under the Canglan Sect.

Even if they live in hiding, it's not easy. The Canglan Sect will definitely want all of them.

"My lord, what are you going to do?" Ge Hong looked at Ding Ning, he had to listen to Ding Ning's opinion, and Ge Hong felt that since Ding Ning dared to kill Elder Tuoba, he must have a way to deal with Canglan Sect.

However, he couldn't imagine how Ding Ning would deal with the Canglan Sect who continued to attack him.

It won't be long before all the other eleven Yuanyingjing elders of the Canglan Sect appear, and then it will be a real dead end.

How will Ding Ning break the situation?
"there is always a solution to a problem."

Ding Ning answered Ge Hong's question in eight words. Ge Hong was taken aback when he heard it. Zhang Xiaotian and Zhang Susu's father and daughter also pricked up their ears to listen. As a result, Ding Ning's words made the father and daughter, I stayed for a while.

To put it bluntly, this method means doing nothing.

In other words, isn't it a bit of a joke?

"Mr. Ding, you killed the elders of the Canglan Sect. At that time, the Canglan Sect will not say that they will come out in full force, but there is a great possibility that they will send eleven other elders to fight. Facing these people, only by you, Mr. Ding One person, I'm afraid..." Zhang Xiaotian didn't say any more, the meaning was obvious, that is, you, Ding Ning, can't deal with so many strong people by yourself, you should take it seriously and think of some reliable methods, instead of doing nothing, that's the same as waiting for death no difference.

"Master Ding, what the master said is not unreasonable. The Canglan Sect is very strong. Is it really okay for you to face so many people alone?" Xiaochan said with a worried expression.

Ding Ning looked at Xiaochan's big eyes, and thought of her sister Ding Qinghe who was on Earth. She didn't know how this girl is doing now, so she couldn't help showing a touch of warmth in her eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Ding Ning is not afraid of the Canglan Sect. Even if the other party dispatches more Nascent Soul Realm masters, he can still deal with it. However, there is one problem that he has to think about a little bit.

If the Canglan Sect simply attacked him, and did not target Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu, and Xiao Chan at the same time, there was no need to worry too much. If they attacked all of them, the safety of Xiao Chan and the others would be at stake. problem.

"Ge Hong." Thinking of this, Ding Ning looked at Ge Hong.

"Young master." Ge Hong hurriedly replied, his heart moved, he knew that Ding Ning would have an order.

"You are responsible for the safety of the three of them. I will deal with the Canglan Sect members. You only need to ensure their safety."

"My lord, this..." Ge Hong hesitated, he was still a little worried that Ding Ning's actions would be too reckless, and he would harm himself, why should he care about other people's lives at this moment.

If he had changed his position, Ge Hong would not have done so.

"Okay, son, please don't worry." After all, he had to act according to Ding Ning's words, and he couldn't disobey Ding Ning. Zhang Susu, Zhang Xiaotian, and Xiao Chan who were beside him were a little moved when they heard that Ding Ning asked Ge Hong to protect them.

"Thank you, my lord, for caring about our safety." Zhang qingyang thanked.

"You're welcome." Ding Ning didn't care about whether to thank him or not, and continued to say to Ge Hong: "Take the three of them to hide nearby, don't let people find out, and be careful not to hide too far away."

"I know." Ge Hong responded.

"Mr. Ding, you are standing up for us. If we hide, let you face it alone..." Zhang Xiaotian was a little embarrassed. After all, this matter, in the final analysis, was Ding Ning's coming out for their Zhang Fu, but they hid When he woke up, Ding Ning faced Canglan Sect's anger by himself, which seemed a little too shameless for them.

Zhang Susu and Xiaochan also expressed that they wanted to stay, and Ding Ning couldn't face it alone. Ding Ning didn't speak, but just gave a glance. Ge Hong understood, and quickly moved behind the three of them, knocking them out.

Afterwards, Ge Hong first found a nearby hidden place, and then brought the three of them there, leaving Ding Ning alone in the Zhang residence.

Ding Ning was the only person in the huge Zhang Mansion, and the remaining servants were all dismissed by Ding Ning, and now they are waiting for the Canglan Sect to come again.

Outside the Zhang Mansion, there are some monks gathered here. These people are divided into two groups. One group is close to the Canglan Sect and belongs to the subordinate power of the Canglan Sect. When the Canglan Sect takes any action, these people They are responsible for calling 666, and the other group are those who are dissatisfied with the Canglan Sect. However, even if they are dissatisfied with the Canglan Sect, they are only in their hearts and will not show it on their faces. It's the expression, as if it's a simple spectator.

Those who left before, not long after, came back, and at the same time, brought more people.

Near the Tianwu star, many monks came from other life stars. Many people missed an amazing fight and a Nascent Soul-level collision before.

So, this time, many people came here, just not to miss it.

Many people came here because they wanted to see Ding Ning, a monstrous figure who dared to kill the elder of the Canglan Sect, and succeeded. Just like this, it was enough to shake the entire Canglan Starfield.


The number of people gathered in front of Zhang's mansion soon exceeded the previous number, and there was a growing trend.

After all, these are the monks who came to Tianwu Star from all directions, and they all gathered here, so it was naturally overcrowded.

It didn't take a moment, and there were already a sea of ​​people.

Of course, in order to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the battle and hurting myself like before, this time, many people standing in front prepared a first-hand defense method.

In an old mansion not far from the Zhang Mansion, Ge Hong was inside. Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu, and Xiao Chan had already woken up, but found that they were in an unfamiliar environment. When they looked through the window When he saw Ding Ning in the distance, he realized that he and others had already hidden themselves.

"Can he really do it?" Zhang Susu asked worriedly.

"As long as you don't become the shackles of the young master, I think the young master can do it." Ge Hong said.


"It's absolutely true." Ge Hong said seriously. After he said this, suddenly, his expression changed, his eyes suddenly turned, and he looked at another place.

People from the Canglan Sect came.

An inexplicable and terrifying aura suddenly covered the entire sky of Tianwu Star.

(End of this chapter)

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