The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 578 583 Tiannanxing! 1 more

Chapter 578 583 Tiannanxing! 1 more

583 Southern Dipper (The title is wrong, I can't change it)

Dozens of flying ships and hundreds of monks were all beheaded by Ge Hong on the spot. With Ge Hong, a great monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, no one could escape.

Blood stained the void, and there was a bloody smell all around.

Ding Ning didn't have the slightest bit of intolerance in his eyes, it's really that the ten masters have committed numerous crimes, this person should be killed, which is worse than a monk of the magic way, Ding Ning was a demon in his last life, but he still has some principles, and the ten masters and his subordinates are not, they What he did did not have the slightest humanity. In Ding Ning's view, death of such a person was not a pity.

In the distance there were some low-strength rogue practitioners. They watched from a distance, but they didn't dare to approach them. Without Ding Ning's order, Ge Hong didn't do anything to these people.

Seeing that Ge Hong didn't attack them, these casual cultivators were also relieved, and then quickly left, and quickly spread the news of the killing of the ten masters of the ghost organization to other regions of the Nandou star field.

This top ten has more goods in his mind than Qi Ba.

Through the soul search of the ten masters, Ding Ning has a sufficient understanding of this star field.

The star field I am currently in is called the Nandou Star Field, and its area is about ten times that of the Canglan Star Field. There is only one life star in the Nandou Star Field, and that is the Nandou Star.

The Southern Dipper is very big, and there are many sects on it, and the forces are very complicated. It's not like the Canglan Starfield is dominated by the Canglan Sect.

On the Southern Dipper, there are several powerful forces, even if they are equal, they can be called the most powerful forces on the Southern Dipper.

Although the ghost organization is not comparable to those big forces, it can still be ranked at the second-rate level, and few people dare to provoke it. Moreover, from the soul of the ten masters, Ding Ning also learned that the ghost organization is also closely related to a certain first-rate force behind the scenes. A lot of underground transactions.

Among the Southern Stars, these forces and the like are not the focus of Ding Ning's attention. He came here as a passer-by, and he just wanted to pass through here and go to the world of comprehension.

And to cross the Nandou star field, the fastest path is from the Nandou star, at the southernmost end of the Nandou star, there is a space wormhole to other star fields.

This is great news for Ding Ning. If he can use the wormhole, the time he needs to travel to the world of comprehension will be greatly shortened.

Neither Ding Ning nor Ge Hong cared about killing the top ten masters of the ghost organization. Although the ghost organization is powerful, it does not have an existence above the Nascent Soul Realm, so there is no need to worry.

The two started on the road, preparing to cross from the northernmost point of the Southern Dipper to the southernmost point and arrive at the land of the wormhole.

Just as the two continued on their way, the news that the ten masters of the ghost organization had been beheaded quickly spread in the northern part of the Southern Dipper.

Many people applauded for this. After all, the ghost organization is notorious, and many people have been ransacked by it, so they hate it extremely.

"The ghost organization is a malignant tumor, and finally someone has stood up to take action. It's really happy."

"Ma De, I think I was ransacked by this group of people back then, and all the belongings I had worked so hard to save for the past few years were taken away by them."

"You are lucky. The ghost organization sometimes not only robs you, but also kills people. In the past year, I have heard many people mention this. People who died in their ghost organization did not go to the hospital. Thousands of people, maybe thousands of people.”

"Killing the ten masters is a good job. It is best to uproot this ghost organization, kill all the masters, and return the Southern Dou Xing to a clean place."

"The ghost organization has been domineering for many years. There are some big forces who obviously have the strength, but they don't take action. Now it's all right. Finally, someone has stood up. I don't know who this person is. He is really a brave man. Do you know anything about it?"

"I'm worried about this brave man. The ghost organization has several Nascent Soul Realm experts."

Many people are thinking about when the ghost organization will launch revenge. After all, the death of a master is not a trivial matter.

However, after many people discovered the traces of Ding Ning and Ge Hong, but did not see the ghost organization attack, they all couldn't help but have doubts.

Could it be that the ghost organization coaxed it?

This doesn't look like the style of the ghost organization. After the death of a leader, he shouldn't be so cowardly, and he doesn't even dare to take revenge.

Just when many people were talking about it, shocking news came out again.

It turned out that the main reason why the Ghost Organization did not seek revenge from Ding Ning at the first time was that the digital heads of the Ghost Organization had stepped into the Devil's Cave of the Southern Dipper together before, and now only four of them have returned, and the rest have all died. In the devil's den.

"So that's how it is, the Devil's Cave, that's the place where the gods are buried. Although there are chances inside, it's also very dangerous. The ghost organization dispatched several masters at once, but only half of them came back. It is estimated that they can come out alive, and they are all seriously injured. Bar."

"It would be good if all the leaders of this ghost organization died inside, and this organization would no longer exist. How come there are still people coming back alive?"

"In my opinion, these few family leaders who narrowly escaped death may not seek revenge on that brave man immediately. To take revenge must be after recovery."

Ding Ning and Ge Hong were indeed not retaliated by the ghost organization. After the master and servant entered the Southern Dipper, they changed to a carriage.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the Southern Dipper Star is much better than that of the Canglan Starfield, at least twice as strong. Ding Ning deliberately slowed down. First, he wanted to slowly pick up the experience of the previous life and turn it into a foundation for breakthrough. , Ding Ning is going to break the realm of the Demon Dao to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Now, the Realm of the Righteous Path has broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm, officially becoming a strong Nascent Soul Realm.

And the realm of Demonic Dao is still at the peak of the late Jindan stage, and it is almost broken through.

With Ding Ning's deep background, it is not difficult to break through the realm of the Demon Dao. However, Ding Ning still wants to suppress it so that after entering the Nascent Soul Realm, the Demon Dao Realm will reach the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm.

Ding Ning is probably the only one who dares to think about the idea of ​​exaggerating a great realm and reaching the peak. If he is any other monk, he would not even dare to think about it.

Sitting in the car, Ding Ning continued to polish the realm of the Demonic Dao. The experience accumulated in his previous life was constantly flashing in his mind, and he was constantly tamping his own realm. This is like laying a foundation. The deeper the foundation is laid, the stronger the house will be.

Practice is also a principle, the more you accumulate, the more you will explode.

Ge Hong turned into a coachman, holding a whip, hitting the horses, and driving across the dirt road, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Regarding the fact that the ghost organization did not retaliate, the master and servant had long since forgotten about it.

On the second day after Ding Ning and Ge Hong drove in the land of Southern Dou Xing, the ghost organization announced that after half a month, they would avenge the ten masters, let them kill the ten masters, wash their necks, and wait for the ghost organization's revenge!

As soon as this news came out, it caused quite a heated discussion in the northern part of the Southern Dipper.

(End of this chapter)

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