The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 590 595 Pleading! 1 more

Chapter 590 595 Pleading! 1 more

He punched a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator until his face was deformed.

Moreover, with one blow, this Hundred Flowers Sect expert was sent flying, and Ding Ning, who suddenly appeared, was extremely fierce.

Everyone around was shocked by Ding Ning's toughness.

"I am going to kill you!"

The Hundred Flowers Sect strongman who was blown away suddenly came back. Ding Ning's punch just now stunned her, and when she regained her senses, she was extremely angry.

An energy storm surged from around this Hundred Flowers Sect powerhouse, and with her movements, it turned into a terrifying killing move.


The energy storm connects the sky and the earth. At this moment, the sky and the earth change color, as if the end is approaching, forming a shocking picture.

Even the Qin family and the Mo family's two Nascent Soul Realm masters couldn't help but look flickering, and asked in surprise: "Is she going to go all out?"

The two felt that this Hundred Flowers Sect powerhouse had been irritated to the extreme, and a terrifying force was condensed in the energy storm, which was constantly rising.

After this power rose to a certain height, people finally saw clearly that it was a huge black lotus.

"This lunatic..."

The Qin family and the Mo family felt terrified because of the appearance of the black lotus. This is a move they have never seen before, but they can feel that this move is terrifying, and it is several times stronger than the previous God of Destroyer Lotus .

"Is this another trick created on the God of Destroyer Lotus?"

"Sure enough, the Baihuazong are all lunatics, and the women of the Baihuazong should not be provoked." People from the Qin family and the Mo family began to retreat, because if they didn't stay away, they felt that they would be hurt by Chi Yu.

"How is my strength now?" The voice of the Hundred Flowers Sect powerhouse spread all over the world. This sentence was obviously speaking to Ding Ning, because she was satirizing her strength before, and she couldn't kill Ding Ning at all.

At this time, the uncle of the Hundred Flowers Sect was under the black lotus, looking down at Ding Ning with a stern expression.

"Uncle Master..." Fairy Bai Hua had never seen such a terrifying side of Uncle Master before, and she was shocked by the huge black lotus that Uncle Master performed.

From Ding Ning's eyes, two rays of light shot out, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He was a little surprised by the condensed attack of the other party.

Facing the opponent's attack just now, he activated the state of the magic body and glazed body, and his defensive power was naturally very strong, so he easily blocked it.

Feeling the opponent's concentrated attack at this time, Ding Ning felt a sense of tension all over his body for the first time.

It seemed that the opponent's blow could hurt him. This was the first time that Ding Ning felt a hint of danger in his physical body forged after the fusion of two top body training methods.

However, Ding Ning did not back down because of this. On the contrary, he wanted to know whether the opponent's attack was powerful, or his physical body was still indestructible and invincible.

"Then I'll verify it myself." He had never seen an opponent he could look up to since he entered the Southern Dipper, but today, he met an interesting opponent.

When the black lotus had already formed the size of a mountain, Ding Ning took the initiative to rush towards the black lotus.

The uncle of Baihuazong's face was a little pale. In order to perform this method, even her strength would be taken off nine levels in an instant. It can be described as a powerful attack formed by concentrating all her strength.

If it was normal, she would not use it, but today, being ridiculed by a young man from Ding Ning, and the Fairy Baihua from her sect was forced by Ding Ning to become a maid, these are all unbearable for her, so even if this trick It will consume a lot of power, and she will not hesitate.

"You take the initiative to seek death, and I will fulfill you right away." The strong female Nascent Soul Realm pushed Hei Lian out of the storm.

In the next second, Ding Ning crashed into the black lotus.

Immediately, a ray of light enveloped the entire land in an instant, and the intense radiance lasted for a while.

No one can open their eyes in this situation, not even the Golden Core Realm. Only the Nascent Soul Realm can resist the dazzling light a little bit.

"This kind of attack, even at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, is more dangerous than good." Qin Lan's father narrowed his eyes and said.

Mo Qing's father didn't speak, but his serious and earnest eyes were enough to explain the problem, it was the fear and shock of the power of this black lotus.

"Will he die from this blow?" Fang Ji and the others muttered, not sure if Ding Ning could survive this kind of attack.

Ge Hong is the only one who always firmly believes that Ding Ning is safe.

The energy storm around this Nascent Soul Realm nun from the Hundred Flowers Sect has dissipated. Just like before, she fixed her eyes on the location where the black lotus exploded, wanting to determine Ding Ning's life or death.

Her divine sense swept over, but she didn't feel Ding Ning's aura, and everyone saw a clear smile on her face.

"He's dead!" Fairy Baihua said to herself, seeing her uncle's expression, she knew the result.

"So we're free again?" Meng Lang said happily.

Guo Cheng also showed a happy expression because of this, and finally he didn't have to be a cart driver for Ding Ning.

The master uncle of the Hundred Flowers Sect slowly looked away, and then looked at Fairy Baihua: "This person is dead, and the uncle will avenge you, come back."

"Uncle Master..." Ding Ning died at the hands of Uncle Martial Arts. Fairy Baihua was not very happy, because she had expected this result a long time ago. Deep in her heart, when she saw Uncle Martial Once he appears, we will know the end of Ding Ning.

It's actually happening right now.

"Let's go." Fairy Bai Hua looked at Qin Lan and Mo Qing, preparing to return to their relatives.

Just when the three of them walked forward for more than ten steps, the three of them stopped at the same time, and all looked at one place.

The three Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses present also noticed this, and turned their heads to look over one after another.

They saw the young face reappear.

Not dead yet!
Ding Ning is still alive.

Ding Ning walked towards the three powerhouses of Baihuazong, Qin's family and Mo's family step by step with a smile, fixed his eyes on the master uncle of Baihuazong, and said indifferently: "I said that with your strength, you can't kill me. Now Do you believe it?"

Fairy Baihua's uncle showed disbelief: "I obviously didn't feel your aura, you can't be alive, this is a blow with all my strength, even if it is the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, it can't resist, how could you Not dead."

Ding Ning didn't give an answer. He walked slowly and hurriedly. After a few steps, he arrived in front of Fairy Baihua's uncle, and then easily lifted him up with one hand.

"I have withstood your two attacks in a row, how about you take two of my attacks now?" Ding Ning smiled, his tone cold.

Fairy Baihua's uncle didn't have much strength left, and he couldn't resist Ding Ning, who was in a demon body and a glazed body.

Seeing that Ding Ning was going to return two blows, with Ding Ning's ability to resist blows, if his attack landed on Baihua Fairy's uncle, the result could be imagined.

"do not want!"

"Don't kill my uncle."

Suddenly, Fairy Baihua came to Ding Ning and pleaded.

Ding Jing looked at Fairy Baihua quietly, without saying a word, Fairy Baihua continued: "As long as you don't kill my uncle, I will be your maid willingly, please don't kill her."

Fairy Baihua lowered her head, and for the sake of her uncle's life, she begged Ding Ning to let him live.

Ha ha……

A smile suddenly appeared on Ding Ning's expressionless face, "Since my maid has spoken, I will give my maid some face."

After finishing speaking, Ding Ning let go of her hand and released Fairy Baihua's uncle.

"I hope you will remember what you said just now." Ding Ning said to Fairy Baihua again.

Fairy Baihua nodded, and immediately ran to the uncle, supported him, and said that there was no need for the sect to rescue her, she was already willing to be Ding Ning's maid.

"Baihua, what nonsense are you talking about? Uncle, I am not his opponent. It doesn't mean that my Hundred Flowers Sect can't do anything against him." Fairy Baihua's uncle said.

Fairy Baihua shook her head and insisted that she would not let the sect interfere, and she would solve it by herself.

After finishing Baihua Fairy's uncle, Ding Ning's eyes fell on the two strong men from the Qin family and the Mo family. There are still two people who want to take his maid away.

"You two, are you going up one by one or together? If you want to take my maid away, you have to ask me if I agree first." Ding Ning said to the Qin family and the Mo family.

(End of this chapter)

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