The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 600 605 Wulanga's first battle! 3 more

Chapter 600 605 Wulanga's first battle! 3 more

Calling the leader of the ghost organization as a fly in public, the disgusted tone did not take Qi San's leader to heart at all, and he didn't care at all.


As soon as Ding Ning finished speaking, a figure suddenly came to the sky and stood in front of the large team of the ghost organization.

This person is none other than Wu Langjia, a local powerhouse of the Southern Dipper who just joined Ding Ning's small team.

Standing in the void, Wu Langjia stared straight ahead, his whole body was covered by a long robe, only a pair of shining eyes could be vaguely seen, except for Ding Ning's small team, no one else knew that Wu Langjia I am also curious about the sudden appearance of Wu Langa in the team, those who have been following the carriage, because they don't know how this person appeared suddenly. As for the identity, it is even more No one knows.

Wu Langjia himself did not expect that one day, he would become someone else's subordinate and act for others.

The reason why he stood up before Ge Hong was because he wanted to prove himself to Ding Ning. Although he was not Ding Ning's opponent, he was still useful and could solve some troubles for Ding Ning.

This is his first shot, so he must win beautifully.

Master Qi San stared at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him. He heard Ding Ning's words clearly just now. Since Wu Langjia stepped forward, he must have come to clean him up for Ding Ning.

"Hmph, if you say I'm a fly, then I'll crush the person who died for you first, and then I will crush you to death with my own hands." Qi San didn't take Wu Langa seriously, even if he knew he dared to be in this stall. Standing out must not be a simple person, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

He had heard that there was a strong man beside Ge Hong, an old man, but the one in front of him seemed to be not that person, and that person was still sitting on the carriage. Who was this person?

Master Qi San didn't care, even if Ge Hong made a move, he would still kill him.

"Brothers of the ghost organization, watch, I will kill this person's minions one by one, and then kill him at the end." Qi San and the brothers of the ghost organization said, and then their eyes suddenly turned cold, looking He said to Wu Langa, "I'll send you on your way first."

Before the words were finished, the head of Qi San's family had already arrived in front of Wu Langjia, punched heavily, and came roaring, carrying the terrifying power of the Nascent Soul Realm, and came fiercely.

Although Qi San's master seemed to belittle his opponent on the surface, once he made a move, he was unambiguous at all, and he didn't show mercy at all, it was a killer move.

A killing punch struck, facing such an attack, Wu Langa did not dodge it, but punched the same punch, and confronted Qi San head-on.

The two fists collided, and suddenly, there was an earth-shattering sound, as if the sky was cracking.


After the two figures exchanged punches, they both took a few steps back.

The head of Qi San showed surprise. The strength of Ding Ning's men was so strong, which really exceeded his expectations.

However, this doesn't make Qi San flinch, his strongest attack hasn't been used yet.

"The most interesting thing is to kill the strong." Qi San licked his lips, his body shook, and he came to kill again.

Wu Langjia's eyes shone brightly, and he also said: "It's not certain who kills who."

The two collided with each other for the second time, and this time, they fought thoroughly. Both of them fought violently and used various methods.

For a moment, the colors in the sky were bright, and the collision of forces was comparable to a fireworks show.

At the end of the battle, Master Qi San began to use his magic weapon, "I don't think you're dead yet!"

A flying knife flew in the air, the fastest and strongest blow for Qi San.

The flying knife, which has been cultivated for many years, sailed out, which meant that Qi San had used the method of suppressing the bottom of the box.

At this moment, the expressions of You Da, Liu Si, and Cui Wu also changed. I didn't expect this man in a long robe to push Qi San to such an extent.

"If the third leader loses to this person, I will fight with the fifth leader." The fourth leader Liu said in a low voice.

Head Youda nodded, agreeing to this decision, no matter what, he couldn't put Qi San in danger.

Now it depends on whether this flying knife weapon can kill the opponent. If it fails, they will consider taking action at the right time.

The magic weapon flying knife is faster than lightning, and it only takes an instant to shoot it out of Master Qi San's hand.

At this time, the Qi San master poured nine levels of power into this flying knife, just to kill with one blow.

call out……

There was no trace of the flying knife, so Wu Langjia didn't take out any magic weapon to resist. On the contrary, he made a very bold move and rushed directly to Qi San's house.

At the same time, this is also the magic weapon flying knife that was shot towards Qi San's family.

The flying knife is fast.

Wu Langjia's speed seems to be faster.

No blood splattered, no fatal cut.

Because Wu Langjia didn't get hit by Qi Sandao at all, this result made Qi Sandang slightly startled, he didn't expect Wu Langjia to be able to dodge this blow.

And at the moment when Qi San was lost, Wu Langjia suddenly killed him, without giving Qi San a chance to react, a flame burst out from his mouth, covering Qi San.

This scene was really sudden. When Liu Sidang and Cui Wudang realized it, it was too late. Even though they were ready to take action at any time, they were still a bit late.

"The third master!"

Liu Sidang and Cui Wudao shouted one after another, and when they rushed to the front, Qi Sandao had already been burned by the fire, and in the flames, he kept churning and screaming.

This is the fire of the Nascent Soul, which is the unique method of monks in the Nascent Soul Realm. With the fire of the Nascent Soul, many things can be burned. This fire is extremely powerful and has a high temperature.

wow wow wow...

The two activated the method related to water. The water was born out of thin air and poured on the fire of the Nascent Soul, but it had no effect on this flame and could not be quenched at all.

It wasn't until Master Youda took action that the flames were extinguished, but unfortunately, Qi San's master had already been burned beyond human form. Although he was not dead, he had not breathed in as much as he had breathed out.

Qi San, who was the head of the family, directly ended up being seriously injured.


The winner is Wulanga.

Many people are still a little dazed about this, because no one knows Wu Langjia, why is there another Nascent Soul Realm expert beside Ding Ning.

Who is he?

The remaining three heads of the ghost organization all looked at Wu Langjia, trying to see Wu Langjia through.

In fact, it was not only the three masters, but also those who watched the battle around, they all looked at Wu Langjia, wanting to know where this master came from.

"When will there be another Nascent Soul Realm master in my Northern Wilderness? Do you have any impression of this person?"

Suddenly, the focus of many people's discussions fell on Wu Langjia.

(End of this chapter)

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