The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 618 623 I Don't Accept Apologies! 3 more

Chapter 618 623 I Don't Accept Apologies! 3 more

Really kills!

In front of everyone, Ding Ning thoroughly implemented what it means to do what he says.

Most of those who were beheaded turned into corpses without reacting.

"You are killing innocent people indiscriminately! How dare you, how dare you be so reckless!"

The middle-aged man was not attacked by Ding Ning. At this moment, looking at the body that fell into the river, he couldn't help showing anger and shock.

He didn't expect that Ding Ning's previous words were not just words, he really dared to kill people in public.

"So what if I kill it?"

Ding Ning's figure stood in front of the middle-aged man again, with a smile on his face, his body was spotless, even though he had killed more than a dozen people, his clothes were not stained with any blood.

"Do you know that your behavior is no different from that of a demonic monk?" The middle-aged man looked at Ding Ning as if he were a demonic leader, thinking that only a demonic monk would kill Ding Ning if he disagreed with him. out.

In fact, he was right. Ding Ning is indeed a monk of the magic way, but he did not expose the power of the magic way. Otherwise, the middle-aged man would know that what he said was right.

"I reminded them, but if they don't listen, they will have to bear the consequences of not listening." Ding Ning sneered, and said again: "Do you know why I didn't kill you and them?"

The middle-aged man didn't ask, but he looked into Ding Ning's eyes and could tell that he wanted to know the answer.

"The reason why I didn't kill you is because I want to ask you, do you choose to apologize or die?" Ding Ning said lightly.

The middle-aged man knew that Ding Ning wanted to humiliate him and make him bow his head.

Turning his mind, the middle-aged man said loudly: "You kill people like this without blinking an eye. You took my Nanhuang cultivator's life as life, and killed as soon as you said. Nanhuang monks, can you really let this person go on rampant?"

The middle-aged man admitted that Ding Ning was powerful. He could kill more than a dozen monks in an instant without even realizing it. He might not be Ding Ning's opponent, but even so, it didn't mean that he had to ask Ding Ning for help. bow your head.

He can't do it alone, so he can use his strength to unite the people present and deal with Ding Ning together. It may not be impossible to deal with Ding Ning. There are many masters here, and most of them are monks from the Southern Wilderness. Get involved.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the monks around couldn't help but feel a sense of common hatred and hatred, and a surge of pride surged from the bottom of their hearts, and they wanted to act on behalf of Nanhuang.

Swish Swish Swish, several figures stood out, their breath was not weak, and there were many monks in the late stage of Golden Core Realm.

Those who can come to the Devil's Cave must have some strength, and those who are weak will not be able to get here.

Several Golden Core Realm experts stood up, their aura immediately increased, they stood behind the middle-aged man, and said: "In my opinion, Your Excellency deliberately killed our Nanhuang monks, and we will not let you continue to kill us!" ,."

"Your behavior just now is hostile to our Nanhuang monks. We must capture you and hand you over to the big sect."

Several Nanhuang cultivators made up their minds about Ding Ning and planned to capture Ding Ning.

"Just relying on you stinky fish and rotten shrimp?"

Ding Ning said lightly, and several people were immediately enraged. These monks at the Golden Core level couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, and suddenly attacked Ding Ning.

"court death!"

"I want to see if it's my fist or your mouth."

Several Golden Core Realm cultivators rushed towards them one after another. Ding Ning didn't wait for the opponent to approach, and took the initiative to attack, leaving an afterimage on the spot. In an instant, he was hit by a ray of light and flew out, vomiting blood again and again in his mouth.

Puff puff……

I only saw the golden core monks vomiting blood, their bodies flying in mid-air, and all of them hit the ground one after another. If there is no breath, this is still a good ending. Some of them are half breathed, and some are weak and dead. , without any breath.

The bystanders in the distance around were all stunned. The scene in front of them shocked them again. The strongest one that Ding Ning killed in an instant before was only a monk at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm. But this time, he beheaded All of them are Golden Core Realm cultivators, and there are many of them are late Golden Core Realm cultivators.

What kind of strength does this have to be, at least it must have the Nascent Soul Realm.

Could it be that Ding Ning, a young man, is at the Nascent Soul Realm level?
The middle-aged man originally thought that Ding Ning would be suppressed when facing several Gold Core cultivators, but in the end, it was just the opposite. The Nanhuang cultivators who were instigated by him were killed instead, and even those who were alive were instantly seriously injured.

Who is this young man?How could he be so powerful?
"Is there anyone else who wants to attack me?" Ding Ning's gaze swept around. Wherever his gaze passed, no monk dared to look at Ding Ning.

In the end, Ding Ning's eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and he said indifferently: "You must be very disappointed now that you want to kill me by someone else's hands."

"Hey..." The middle-aged man suddenly forced a smile on his face, the flesh at the corners of his eyes piled up, and suddenly changed his attitude, "Your Excellency is overthinking, I have never hurt Your Excellency first, for your previous apology request, I think it's completely right, I apologize for my previous behavior, I apologize, I hope the ladies don't blame me."

The middle-aged man suddenly changed his temper, his attitude turned 180 degrees, and he even lowered his head.

Fairy Baihua, Mo Qing, and Qin Lan were expressionless, but they did not accept the apology.

The middle-aged man chuckled, and said to Ding Ning, "My lord, you see, I have already apologized as you said, how about this matter being over today?"

"Finished?" Ding Ning raised his tone slightly, as if he was in doubt.

Immediately afterwards, the people present only heard a swoosh, and when people reacted, they suddenly discovered that Ding Ning suddenly appeared in front of the middle-aged man. The two of them were facing each other, close to each other, a bit like embracing each other. Same.

But in the next second, people realized something was wrong.

When Ding Ning backed away slowly, the face of the middle-aged man was fully presented in front of people's eyes. People suddenly discovered that there was a blood hole between the middle-aged man's eyebrows at some point.

The blood hole was still dripping blood.


The middle-aged man's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief, and he muttered: "Why...why did you do this...I have...did as you said, why did you...kill me? ..."

Ding Ning's answer was simple: "Because of your apology, I don't accept it."

"So, you have to die!"

After getting Ding Ning's answer, the middle-aged man collapsed unwillingly and died.

The scene became very quiet in an instant.

It was as if a wolf suddenly appeared among the lively flock of sheep, and none of the sheep dared to bleat.

(End of this chapter)

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