The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 620 625 The Legendary Ancient Demon God! 2 more

Chapter 620 625 The Legendary Ancient Demon God! 2 more

The Devil's Cave is very big, and the cold air that is blowing in front of you keeps blowing past your ears. It's hard to imagine that there will be such a strong wind inside a small island in the middle of the river. Could it be that the depth of the Devil's Cave, Has it reached a level of terror?At the bottom, is there an outlet, or is this wind coming from something else?
There is no way to explore the source of the wind, but the scene in the devil's cave is quite eye-catching.

It was only after stepping here that one realized that the Devil's Cave lived up to its name. The surrounding scene was like the mouth of a huge creature, and its smoothness was like skin.

Especially the stench, as if it came back from the stomach, it was very unpleasant, and those who didn't know it thought that the devil's den was a living thing.

"Your map is not fake, right? If we are in danger, even if the young master does not kill you, we will not give you good fruit to eat." Fang Ji threatened, Fang Ji had already heard about the horror of the Devil's Den, Therefore, entering here, it is inevitable that there is also a little anxiety.

Now, they follow the map marked by Xu Ji. If the map is fake or wrongly marked, they may encounter a life-or-death crisis.

"I got this map from the person who entered here. As for whether it is true or not, I have no way of knowing. It is also my first time entering here." Xu Ji was about to cry, he was really not sure about the map Whether the danger and safety marked on it are accurate, if not, Fang Ji will be the first to spare him.

"Don't deny it. Anyway, we are following the map route you provided. If there is a problem, you will be the first to fix it." Fang Ji did not listen to Xu Ji's explanation, and recognized this point.

"My lord, you can't let him do this." Xu Ji said to Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's words almost made Xu Ji despair: "Fang Ji, just do as you said just now."

Fang Ji chuckled, and replied, "Okay, young master." Then, he walked up to Xu Ji, put his hand on Xu Ji's shoulder, patted him, and said, "Brother, you'd better pray that we can travel safely together. , otherwise, I will be the first to send you to see the King of Hades."

After the spaceship flew for a few minutes, the space in front of it began to narrow, as if it was about to enter the neck, and a cylindrical space appeared.

Ding Ning glanced at the map and found that this is the only way to go. If he wants to enter the real interior of the Devil's Den, he must pass through here.

Wu Langjia stopped urging the big boat and waited for Ding Ning's order. After Ding Ning opened his mouth, the big boat continued to move forward and flew into the suddenly narrowed space.


"The stench is getting stronger and stronger." Fang Ji and Meng Lang complained, covering their noses tightly.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing also hate this smell very much. At this time, they can't wait to wrap their whole bodies, and don't want to get a little bit of this smell. However, it is useless to spread a layer of energy protection. A smell, the power to pass through them.

At this time, Ge Hong raised his hand and formed a huge energy shield, covering the entire flying ship, and the stench disappeared and was blocked outside.

"Thank you, Senior Ge." Fairy Baihua and the three daughters thanked them. In the hearts of the three daughters, Ge Hong was almost regarded as a teacher. A few days ago, Ge Hong gave him many pointers. They respected Ge Hong and the three daughters very much.


Through the darkness, light began to appear ahead.

Suddenly, the space in front of them suddenly opened up, and they finally drove out of that narrow space.

This is……

The people on the boat saw the stars above their heads, shining faintly.

It seems to have come to the universe.

Is this really the inside of Devil's Den?

Not to mention Wu Langjia, Ge Hong, Baihua Fairy and others were shocked, but Ding Ning was shocked by this scene.

"I obviously entered a grotto on the river, but there is a cave inside, hidden stars..."

Ding Ning showed a pensive expression.


Suddenly, two rays of light burst out from Ding Ning's eyes, and he suddenly thought of something.

"I seem to have heard of this kind of situation..."

Ding Ning tried hard to recall the memories of his previous life. He remembered that he seemed to have heard or seen such a scene somewhere, but this kind of memory was so far away that it became blurred, and he could not immediately recall it, only a vague impression.

"I'm afraid we have entered another star field at this time." Fang Ji's eyes were full of shock.

"I, Ge Hong, have practiced Taoism for nearly a thousand years, and I have never seen such a spectacle." As a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, Ge Hong also had a spiritual shock. Under a cosmic starry sky.

"As expected of the Devil's Cave, it contains such a strange scene, and there is such a hole in the sky, it is really miraculous, just like a divine creation." Wu Langjia couldn't help but feel emotional.

Not to mention the shock of Ge Hong and Wu Langa, anyone who stepped into the Devil's Den for the first time will be shocked beyond measure when they see the scene in front of them.

"I remember!"

At this moment, Ding Ning said suddenly, and immediately attracted the attention of other people on the boat.

"My lord, what do you remember?" Fang Ji asked.

Xu Ji was also curious. In his opinion, Ding Ning was countless times more terrifying than Ge Hong and Wu Langa. This young man remembered what he said. What exactly is it?
Ding Ning stood at the front of the bow and signaled Wu Langjia to follow his guidance to drive the spaceship. Not long after, they saw a huge sphere, more precisely a star, because this star was so big that it was comparable to an asteroid.

The flying ship stopped next to the star body, which was lifeless and lifeless.

Only Ding Ning's voice sounded slowly: "There are stars above, sun and moon in the center, and bottomless below. This is an ancient demon god. What we have entered is the body of an ancient demon god. Only in the body of an ancient demon god will evolution be possible." Perform such wonders to incorporate the sun, moon and stars into the body."

The body of an ancient demon god?

Hearing Ding Ning say such a sentence, everyone including Wu Langa and Ge Hong looked puzzled.

What the hell is the ancient demon god?

They had never heard of such an existence.

"This matter is very complicated and long. You just need to know one thing. The ancient demon god is so strong that even the Dao of Heaven can only be reduced to its food."

The way of heaven is just food in front of the ancient demon god?

That's right.

But looking at Ding Ning's expression, it doesn't seem like he is lying.

"Feeding on the Dao of Heaven, what an existence this must be. Even the strong out of the Aperture Realm can't compare with it." Fang Ji was shocked.

Ding Ning chuckled, and said, "The ancient demon god can kill tens of thousands of out-of-body bodies with just one look. Compared with the ancient demon god, only the ancient demon god!"

Hearing this, the people on board were even more shocked, and their mood could not be calm for a long time.

In this way, they are now in the body of this ancient demon god!

(End of this chapter)

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