The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 641 646 Attention! 2 more

Chapter 641 646 Attention! 2 more

Ding Ning and his party stayed in Qingzhou City, because Fairy Baihua and the others had all defeated their opponents, so they needed to stay for two more days for the next fight.

Although it was said that they had won, and they were in full bloom, including Fang Ji and Meng Lang, they had defeated their opponents, but there was no joy on the faces of the few of them, and self-blame and worry were replaced by them.

After the fight, they attracted a lot of attention, because there were four or five Northern Wilderness cultivators at one time, and they all won, which was rare in previous martial arts elections.

When Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan and others felt the attention of the people around them, they were happy and proud at first, because they thought that they represented Beihuang and won, which was very honorable, and it was also to make up for Wu Langjia's regret, and even more further.

But as more and more people discussed them, Fairy Baihua and the others suddenly thought that they seemed to have overlooked one thing, and it was not a trivial matter.

They can't be high-profile now.

Otherwise, people will recognize it.

Suddenly thinking of this, when they returned to Ding Ning's side, they all seemed to have made a big mistake and were downcast.

"You don't have to blame yourself. Since I agreed with you to participate in the Wubi election, I have already considered this issue." Seeing the appearance of these people, Ding Ning couldn't help laughing.

"My lord, you didn't blame us?" Fairy Baihua and the others didn't expect Ding Ning to say that. Since your lord knew that he would be recognized by others if he participated in the martial arts competition, he still let them participate. This...

"My lord, since you know, why didn't you stop us?" Fang Ji asked puzzled.

Once someone recognizes him, he will definitely be in trouble. At that time, let alone the southernmost point of the Southern Wilderness, as long as he is on the land of the Southern Wilderness, he will be unable to move an inch.

"Yeah, son, why did you agree to our action? As long as you ask, we don't have to participate. It will hurt everyone." Qin Lan said.

Ding Ning smiled: "There is no such thing as getting involved or not. It doesn't matter if I, Ding, are high-profile. Even if the sky falls, I will support you. There is only one thing you need to do, and that is to defeat all opponents and become the strongest!" the one, understand?"

Hearing Ding Ning's domineering words, Baihua Fairy and the others were not only convinced of Ding Ning's heart, but also very grateful for Ding Ning's actions.

"We will never let you down, young master." Several people said together.

After one night, the Wubi General Election went a step further from the initial screening. After filtering out a large number of weak people, the rest were all of good strength.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji, and Meng Lang arrived at the competition scene early. Not long after, the fight began, and everyone started the second battle.

"Based on their strength, it shouldn't be difficult to enter the top [-] places. I have already found out the geniuses in Qingzhou City, and the strongest ones are at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm." Xu Ji said.

Xu Ji is next to Ding Ning, playing the role of a spy, and this role is more suitable for Xu Ji, because Xu Ji's hidden strength is strong. At the beginning, even Ding Ning himself was almost not found, and Xu Ji is a man. Smooth, articulate, and a master at dealing with people.

A person like Xu Ji, even if he is not a cultivator, but just an ordinary person, can be successful.

Hearing what Xu Ji said, entering the top [-] will definitely not change much.

Furthermore, Ding Ning also had confidence in the few people. Originally, the strength of the few people was not considered weak. In addition, on the way to the Southern Wilderness, after some guidance from Ge Hong, they made great progress.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others were defeated, there was one person who would not be defeated, and that was Fairy Baihua.

Now Fairy Baihua's strength has entered the late stage of Golden Core Realm. At this age, with such a realm, she is by no means weak in a place like Nanhuang, and belongs to the ranks of geniuses.

After all, there are very few existences like Ding Ning, not to mention the Southern Dipper, even in the cultivation world, those who enter the Nascent Soul Realm at the age of less than [-] are all phoenix-haired water chestnuts, let alone younger than the cultivation world. Ten thousand times the Southern Dipper.

Looking at the fight in front of them, it didn't take long for Fairy Baihua to end the fight. It can be said that the victory was won in seconds, and the winner was decided in an instant.

This result caused a lot of amazement. I didn't expect a female monk to be so strong. The most surprising thing was that this female monk came from the wild land of the Northern Wilderness.

Immediately, there were more discussions.

"How could Beihuang give birth to such a beautiful and powerful woman?"

"Yeah, look at this skin, it's like white jade, and that powerful body, Zizi, how can this be a person from the Northern Wilderness."

"According to the strength she showed just now, I dare to conclude that she will definitely occupy a spot."

"The strong man who can win in seconds, Qingzhou City, there is such a one at present, and one spot will definitely not be able to escape."

"By the way, I remember that there were two female monks from the Northern Wilderness yesterday. I don't know if they can win again."

Just after the man finished speaking, there was a sudden exclamation from a distance: "Win, win."

"What won?"

Everyone asked this person to make it clear who would win.

"It's the few Beihuang monks yesterday, they all won."

So, not only the two female monks won, but also the remaining two male monks?

This time, the people under the ring were not calm anymore. Speaking of the monks of the Northern Wilderness, when did they become so powerful? Could it be that they appeared in groups?Otherwise, how to explain that the ones who won all at once were all monks from the Northern Wilderness.

"What's the situation? How do I feel? These Northern Wilderness cultivators have suddenly emerged. Didn't they say that there are no strong ones there? How come there are so many powerful young monks?"

While many people were discussing, Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Fang Ji and others had already returned to Ding Ning's side. The group did not stay longer at the scene and returned to their accommodation.

The faces of the few people were calm, and they were not overjoyed by the victory, because they knew that the victory in front of them was nothing, and Ding Ning let them go to the end and become the strongest one. In these fights, they are only the weakest opponents , what is there to be proud of?

Several people felt embarrassed that they needed to stay in Qingzhou City for one more day, and felt that Ding Ning's schedule would be delayed. Ding Ning didn't say much, but just told them not to waste time, and to practice hard at night.

He returned to the world of comprehension, not too short of a few days.

With Ding Ning's encouragement and support, the few people are full of motivation. In order not to disappoint Ding Ning, they are also working hard.

On the third day, the third arena battle began.

This time, there were obviously many more people around the arena than before, because the appearance of Fairy Baihua and others attracted many people who were not interested in this martial arts competition, and wanted to know how many people they had. Can people continue to win.

(End of this chapter)

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