The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 644 Li Xiubai! 649 more

Chapter 644 Li Xiubai! 649 more

"My lord, I'm ashamed of you." Guo Cheng said dejectedly, with his head down, depressed.

Fang Ji, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, and Meng Lang all won, but Guo Cheng was the only one who lost. Guo Cheng felt so ashamed that he couldn't hold his head up in front of everyone.

"It's not your fault. Your opponent is the head of Liuyun Sect, the eldest disciple of head Qiu. In the entire Qingzhou City, there are not many opponents. It is not shameful to lose to him." Xu Ji said.

"But they all won, and I was the only one who lost." Guo Cheng said ashamedly.

"If you lose today, you can get it back later. I don't blame you." Ding Ning said, and Guo Cheng felt better when he heard that Ding Ning didn't blame himself. of."

Guo Cheng's defeat aroused his fighting spirit. He must catch up with Fang Ji and Meng Lang. Even if he is not compared with Baihua Fairy and the three daughters, he can't be inferior to Fang Ji and Meng Lang.

"Sect Master Qiu really didn't disappoint me, and he didn't let this Northern Wilderness monk take away another quota." City Master Yun said.

"City Lord Yun has won the award. It is my apprentice who strives for success. I hope that I can represent Qingzhou City. In this martial arts competition, I will go to a higher level and enter the eyes of those top powerhouses." Head Qiu said.

Listening to the conversation between Master Qiu and City Master Yun, Master Guan felt uncomfortable. This first spot was taken away by Master Qiu's apprentice. On the other hand, he failed to win any of the places. Naturally, the mood will not be good.

"Hmph, old guy, my apprentice is no worse than you. Your senior apprentice won, but my senior apprentice hasn't played yet, so let you be arrogant." The head of the gate snorted, and sent a voice transmission to the senior apprentice. , be sure to defeat your opponent.

Ding Ning and his party, except for Fairy Baihua, have all been in the arena. Everyone has no doubts about Fairy Baihua's strength and will definitely win a spot.

On the ring, a figure quietly landed, and when this figure appeared, it immediately caught people's eyes.

Dressed in white, with a slender figure and a handsome face, he really looks like a young man in troubled times.

"Li Xiubai!"

"Li Xiubai is here."

The appearance of this figure immediately attracted the attention of the people around him, because Li Xiubai was not only good in strength, but also good in appearance.

The women watching the battle under the arena screamed involuntarily, without any restraint. This is the treatment that other monks did not have before when they played, which made many people envious.

Seeing that his apprentice is so popular, the head of Guan's face is also bright, and he said proudly: "In the whole Qingzhou City, except us Xiubai, no one is treated like this, and some people's apprentices can only be envied. Son."

Head Qiu heard who some of the people that Head Guan was referring to, but this time, Head Qiu didn't say anything, and had to admit that Head Guan's apprentice Li Xiubai was a genius, and he was very talented in every aspect. Excellent, whether it is appearance or talent, they are all outstanding.

Li Xiubai, who was standing on the ring, did not speak, quietly waiting for his opponent.

In the arena, no one came to the stage for a long time.

"Where is the person? It seems that he knows that the opponent is Mr. Li, so he dare not fight."

"If I knew that my opponent was Mr. Li, I would have retreated without a fight. Whatever I do on stage, I would not be Mr. Li's opponent." Someone said.

"Haha, Master Qiu, did you see that? As soon as my apprentice Xiu Bai came on stage, the opponent didn't even dare to show his face. Your apprentice can't do that, right?" Master Guan laughed out loud, with no concealment of complacency in his tone. color.

"Hehe, close the sect master, be careful that extreme joy breeds sorrow." The sect master Qiu said indifferently.

The head of the gate snorted heavily: "Extreme joy begets sorrow? My apprentice will never be defeated."

On the arena, the challengers did not show up for a long time, and commotion had already been caused below the arena.

"What's the situation? If you don't dare to fight, you have to admit defeat."

"From this point of view, isn't Mr. Li the easiest one to win?"

"Zizi, if this is the case, it is really the most relaxing."

On the building opposite the arena, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others were all here, standing on either side of Ding Ning, watching the arena below.

"Why did Baihua Fairy suddenly come to realize it at this time, she wouldn't want to enter the Nascent Soul Realm right away."

"Even if you don't enter the Nascent Soul Realm, it will be a huge accumulation. The enlightenment is hard-won. If you miss it, it will be extremely difficult to enter the enlightened state."

"The point is that Fairy Baihua is now in the ring. If Fairy doesn't show up again, she will be treated as a waiver."

Fang Ji, Meng Lang, and Guo Cheng were worried for Fairy Baihua.

"Young master, why don't we wake up the fairy girl."

"No need." Ding Ning said calmly, Fang Ji and the others wanted to say more, they didn't want Fairy Baihua to miss this last ring battle, at this moment, Fairy Baihua walked out of the room.

It turned out that Ding Ning already felt that Baihua Fairy's enlightenment was over.

"Young master." Fairy Baihua saluted, then glanced at Fang Ji and the others, and said, "I made you worry about me, and I will thank you all after I win this last match."

After finishing speaking, Baihua Fairy and the three daughters disappeared into the room, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived on the ring.

Li Xiubai thought that his opponent had given up automatically, but he didn't expect to appear suddenly at the last moment.

"I didn't expect that my opponent would be you." Li Xiubai said while watching Fairy Baihua.

"You know me?" Fairy Baihua didn't have much impression of Li Xiubai, but from Li Xiubai's appearance, she seemed to know her.

"Hehe, your strength is the strongest among all the female monks I have ever seen. With you as my opponent, I have to use all my strength in this battle."

"According to my observation, your strength is not at the God-gathering level, you should have already formed a core, and you are a real monk at the Golden Core level."


The people around the arena were stunned. Is this woman a monk at the Golden Core Realm?
In the Southern Wilderness, although there are many strong people, there are still a few who can enter the Golden Core Realm before the age of 30, and only a few geniuses can reach it.

"Although you are a female monk, logically speaking, as a male monk, you should be humble, but in the pursuit of Taoism and longevity, there is no distinction between men and women, so I will not hold back."

"On the contrary, I will go all out and hope that you will not hold back either."

After Li Xiubai finished speaking, he assumed a posture of fighting at any time, his expression was serious and serious, and his demeanor also changed drastically, with a touch of sternness.

He didn't know how to imitate his junior brother, he foolishly asked him to do three tricks, but he was defeated in an instant.

He, Li Xiubai, never underestimates his opponents, underestimating his opponents is tantamount to underestimating his own life.

Only by being careful can you sail for thousands of years.

"Needless to say, the teacher must let me win this match. Even if there is no such reason, I, Li Xiubai, cannot lose. I not only want to win, but also win all the way. I want to defeat all the geniuses in the Southern Wilderness. Under the sect of the strongest, I want to become the apprentice of the strongest."

"And the only way to realize this wish is to keep winning!"

Li Xiubai clenched his fists tightly, and his whole body entered into a state of combat readiness. All the muscles in his body tensed up, like a big bow, ready to shoot at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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