The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 647 652 Banquet in the City Lord's Mansion! 2 more

Chapter 647 652 Banquet in the City Lord's Mansion! 2 more

The banquet held by the City Lord's Mansion is equivalent to a gathering of geniuses and masters in Qingzhou City.

Those who can be invited and come here are all people with certain strength.

When Ding Ning and others arrived, the banquet had not yet started, and many people were rushing over.

Standing in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, one can see the luxury and grandeur of the City Lord's Mansion. The tall buildings are obviously different from the surrounding buildings.

Xu Ji said on the side, this city lord's mansion has a history of thousands of years, and the previous city lords have lived there, but Ding Ning and others have learned a lot. To Ding Ning's surprise, the strength of the former city lord has already Standing at the pinnacle of the Leaving Aperture Realm, one step further, you will be in the realm of Hedao, and there is only one big difference from the realm in his previous life.

This Southern Wilderness is quite powerful, and there have been such strong people.

When Ding Ning and the others appeared, attention was cast from all around.

Naturally, these gazes were not due to Ding Ning's relationship, but Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others appeared at the same time, which was too dazzling.

These are all geniuses who have won the quota, especially, they are from the Northern Wilderness, no matter what they are, they have attracted the attention of others.

Ding Ning, Ge Hong, and Wu Langa walked behind Baihua Fairy and the others. It was a rare time that they were not noticed and became neglected characters.

Just after Ding Ning and his party entered the City Lord's Mansion, Guan head of Tianhe Sect arrived with his disciples just now, and saw the backs of Baihua Fairy and others who had just entered the City Lord's Mansion.

You can still hear a lot of people talking about Baihua Fairy and others, saying that they are geniuses from the Northern Wilderness, and they have suppressed the geniuses in Qingzhou City. Somewhat harsh.

"Hmph, let's go." Sect Leader Guan waved his sleeves and led everyone into it.

Entering the City Lord's Mansion, the inside is very spacious. In the entire courtyard, many people have gathered, all of whom are prominent figures in Qingzhou City. City Lord Yun is entertaining the people who came.

Although Baihua Fairy and the others won the quota and are eligible to enter the higher competition of the martial arts competition, in the city lord's mansion where there are so many strong people, they are still a little humble, after all, the strongest is only at the Golden Core level.

Moreover, this is the land of the Southern Wilderness, not the Northern Wilderness. The monks in the Southern Wilderness didn't like the Northern Wilderness monks very much, so that a few people appeared, but they didn't attract much attention. People just glanced at it and stopped looking at it.

On the other hand, City Master Yun scanned them, and finally his eyes fell on Ding Ning, he lingered a few times.

"We have occupied six of the twenty spots. It would be weird if they greeted them with a smile." Xu Ji said, consoling them.

Outside the city lord's mansion, they could still feel the attention, but when they entered the city lord's mansion, they were a bit neglected. This more or less made Fang Ji and Meng Lang feel unhappy.

There is a huge difference from the imagination and the high-profile conjecture.

"If we become the last ones in Wubi, I believe they will never have the current attitude." Fang Ji said.

"Actually, you can also relax your mind. Those who get the places have sects behind them, so they are popular, but look at those few who are almost the same as us, and no one pays attention to them." Xu Ji continued, everyone Following his eyes, it was true that there were several monks who had obtained the quota, and they were in the same situation, hugging each other there to keep warm.

Seeing this, several people felt a little better, Fang Ji muttered: "I knew it would be like this, so it doesn't matter if we don't come to this banquet."

Indeed, I thought I could become the focus, but when I got here, I was left alone, and there was no one to talk to me. It made no difference whether I came or not.

"If you come, you will be safe." Ding Ning said lightly.

Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others nodded when they heard the words. They insisted on coming, but Ding Ning didn't say anything. They even complained, something was really wrong.

"Sir said yes."

As the sky got later and later, almost all the people came. City Lord Yun said: "Welcome everyone to come to my place. Today, the primary election of the martial arts competition is over, and [-] strongest young talents have been selected. On behalf of my Qingzhou City, I will go to Fangcun Mountain for the final battle. As the city lord of Qingzhou City, I will hold a feast for the twenty geniuses and practice it. I hope that the twenty geniuses can make it to the end. Under the sect, win glory for my Qingzhou City."

"Today, you geniuses are proud of my Qingzhou City. In the future, I, Qingzhou City, will be proud of you geniuses. Cheers." City Lord Yun said loudly.



The people in the courtyard responded one after another, raised their glasses, and drank it all in one gulp.

After the toast, the banquet began.

A lot of people gathered around the other young monks who got the places, congratulating each other. Even the few monks who hugged each other to keep warm, there were some people around them at this time, saying some kind words.

Only Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and others were very deserted, no monks came over.

Even in the primary election of the martial arts competition, Fairy Baihua showed her strength in the late stage of Jindan stage, these people did not come to show their favor.

"These people, did they do it on purpose?" Fang Ji felt that he and others had been insulted, and everyone despised them. What's the point of coming to this kind of banquet: "Let's go, anyway, we are out of tune with them, they You are from the Southern Wilderness, we are from the Northern Wilderness, even if you get the quota, they will not want to make friends with you."

Fairy Baihua and Qin Lan don't want to stay here anymore. It's really boring to be a transparent person.

Several people looked at Ding Ning, expressing that they didn't want to stay any longer.

"Are you really going to leave?" Ding Ning asked.

"Well, we don't want to have a hot face and a cold ass. No one cares about us. What's the point of staying here? Let's go directly to Fangcun Mountain. We'll defeat all our opponents then, and then we'll see how these people behave."

"Alright, since you guys are leaving, let's go." Ding Ning got up, and the group was about to leave.

But before a few people took a few steps, they were blocked by someone.

"Hehe, geniuses, I'm sorry, I was busy greeting others just now, so I ignored your feelings." The apologetic blocker who opened his mouth was the Lord Yun of Qingzhou City.

"My lord, we have come to this banquet, and now we want to leave." Fang Ji said.

"Why are you so busy, please forgive me if I don't entertain well, can you stay for a while?" City Lord Yun said.

"No need, we appreciate the kindness of the city lord." Fairy Baihua said with a firm tone.

Being rejected continuously by several juniors, City Master Yun frowned, but he still maintained a smile. Just as City Master Yun continued to persuade him to stay, a voice suddenly sounded, and only a few figures were seen walking from the other side.

"After all, you are a barbarian from the Northern Wilderness. The city lord has kept you with good words, but you still have to leave. Where are you going to put the face of the city lord? Is this the etiquette of your northern wilderness monks? A barbaric land is a barbaric land after all. , no wonder there hasn’t been a top powerhouse for thousands of years!”


Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and the others were all furious and looked at the speaker.

I saw that the head of Guan came to the front with his apprentice, with a fake smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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