The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 674 More than 679! 1 more

Chapter 674 More than one in 679! 3 more

The death of Patriarch Fenglei was related to Ding Ning and others. The news was quite explosive, and many people hadn't recovered yet.

But seeing several experts in the Out-of-Aperture Realm wanting to attack one after another, the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion were overjoyed. This is the result they wanted. If so many experts deal with Ding Ning and others, the ancestors will definitely take revenge.

"Teacher, I hope you will be alive in the sky, and you will be able to see the scene where the person who killed you was killed. Immediately, the murderer who killed you will be executed."

"Teacher, open your eyes and see for yourself the horror of that murderer."

The three elders all said excitedly, soon, all the experts will strike and kill Ding Ning and others.

"Boy, kill for your life, let's take your life today, and you will be the first to do it!" Venerable Xiang exuded a strong murderous intent towards Ding Ning, and immediately attacked Ding Ning.

With a flash of his figure, he came in front of Ding Ning, with the strength of the out-of-above state, condensed on the fingertips, and pointed towards the center of Ding Ning's eyebrows.

This is to blow the head with one finger.

call out……

This pointing came as fast as lightning, and everyone could only see a bright light gathering at the fingertips of Venerable Xiang, and then there was a dazzling light.

One finger, one point, one drop.

Then bang.

Like a watermelon being kicked and burst, scattered everywhere.

According to people's imagination, the result of this finger falling down is roughly the same.

However, when people looked over, Ding Ning was still standing there intact, and the finger of the Elder Xiang fell down, but the point where it touched was not between Ding Ning's eyebrows, but Ge Hong's chest.

Venerable Xiang let out a cry of surprise, retracted his arms, and instinctively stepped back, as if he had encountered some dangerous person.

If one could look close to Venerable Xiang's skin, one would find that the hairs all over his body stood on end at this moment.

"Out of the Aperture Realm!"

Venerable Xiang spat out these three words with great difficulty, his gaze fixed on Ge Hong like a nail.

The people around were also shocked when they heard these three words.

Another out-of-body-level powerhouse!
No way.

Beside Ding Ning, could it be that there are two out-of-body masters? Who the hell is this guy? There are actually two strong guards by his side.

With this lineup, no one of the top forces in the Southern Wilderness could come up with it.

"To be able to block Venerable Xiang's consonant finger, this person must be at the Out-of-Aperture Realm, without the strength of the Out-of-Aperture Realm, this person would have been turned into ashes long ago." The old man Tianji of Xianrenju said seriously.

The Venerable Pufa of Lingjue Temple frowned, and said with a frown: "This person is definitely not in the ordinary state of leaving the body. Look at his physical body. Just now, this person didn't even raise his hand, let alone use any method. , just blocked there with the physical body, and the consonant finger of the venerable elephant was blocked. It can be seen how terrifying this person's physical body is. It seems that the venerable elephant with a strong physical body is afraid that he will meet his opponent this time. gone."

"A young baby, there are two out-of-body-states around him, what is the origin of this baby, are we really going to continue to target him?" Wuji Shenni was shaken, one out-of-body state was nothing, and at this time came again One, this shows that Ding Ning's identity must be unusual. Besides, this group of people can kill Fenglei Patriarch, even if they have a few masters at the Leaving Aperture Realm, they may not be able to kill them all easily.

It's hard to guarantee that the other party will not be desperately dragged into the back of a few, then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Let's see if Venerable Xiang can solve this person. If not, then make a decision." Venerable Pufa of Lingjue Temple said.

Venerable Xiang originally thought that Wu Langjia was recovering and it would be very easy to kill Ding Ning, but he never thought that there was a master hiding beside Ding Ning.

His eyes moved, and he saw the position where the consonant finger landed on Ge Hong's chest just now. There was a hole in the clothes on the chest, but the flesh and blood were not damaged at all, which showed that Ge Hong's physical body really blocked the position just now. That blow.

"What a strong physical body." Venerable Xiang said, feeling that he has met a strong opponent. The strong men in his Wanshou Mountain are all famous for their physical strength. Those who are at the level of leaving the body like him, the degree of physical strength is even worse. Having said that, even monks who are also in the Leaving Aperture Realm dare not easily compare their physical bodies with him.

There is no other reason. He, Wanshou Mountain, is a strong man who has cultivated spirit beasts. The physical bodies of spirit beasts basically surpass humans, so in terms of defense, they are stronger.

Generally speaking, at the same level, spirit beasts are slightly stronger than human monks.

"The one finger just now used three layers of my strength. I think you can resist my consonant finger with several layers of strength." Venerable Xiang used the same move again and disappeared on the spot.

However, this time, his target was Ge Hong, not Ding Ning. If he wanted to move Ding Ning, he had to deal with Ge Hong.

Ge Hong is his stumbling block, and only by getting rid of Ge Hong can he kill Ding Ning.

call out!
Another point.

As soon as the surface of Ge Hong's body shook, Venerable Xiang felt a counter-shock force, which was transmitted along his fingers, causing the power in his body to be shaken, and a force was wantonly destroying his body functions.

Venerable Xiang snorted, and the current strength increased from the fifth floor to the seventh floor. However, throwing it could not cause damage to Ge Hong.

Venerable Xiang looked stern, and the other party was able to block his seven-level power simply by relying on his physical body, which was a bit too scary.

"I don't believe it, your tenth level of strength still can't hurt you."

Venerable Xiang shouted loudly, all the strength in his body was concentrated on one finger.

This finger can break mountains and rivers, pierce the void, and destroy everything.

He didn't believe that the all-out attack of Consonance Finger was still unable to cause harm to Ge Hong.

What's more, Ge Hong didn't move, didn't even raise his hand, he was too conceited, he was as big as the Venerable, and he was out of the body, isn't it worth raising your arm?

Out of this anger of being underestimated, this consonant finger, it can be said, has condensed strength beyond the tenth level, reaching almost the peak combat effectiveness.

"Death to me!"

Venerable Xiang let out a low cry, and until this moment, Ge Hong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally stopped being motionless, and did not take the blow with his chest without moving.

He lifted his palm up, and the palm also glowed, and then he saw that this finger and a palm collided together.

With the collision point as the center, a strong energy radiated from the two of them. If it wasn't for the actions of several other experts in the Aperture Realm, the scattered aftermath would definitely affect other people.

Ge Hong and Venerable Xiang are close at hand, and they are both watching each other.

"You are inferior to me." Ge Hong said.The tone is very flat, so flat that there is no tone.

Venerable Xiang's face was turning purple, and the people around watched the scene quietly, thinking that Venerable Xiang should not be so angry just because of the other party's words.

However, when everyone saw clearly between the two of them, they realized that when Ge Hong grasped the consonant finger of the venerable, it changed color because of pain, not because of anger.

This person fought against Venerable Xiang and gained the upper hand!

Everyone was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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