The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 677 Breaking the 682 law! 3 more

Chapter 677 Breaking the 682 law! 3 more

The old man Tianji from Xianrenju, the Venerable Pufa from Lingjue Temple, and the Wuji God and nun from Wuji Palace walked towards Ding Ning at the same time.

Seeing this scene, people exclaimed, are the three strong men going to deal with Ding Ning together?

It seems so by the posture.

"It actually attracted three strong men to attack. Is this person really worthy of the three seniors?"

"Didn't you see that the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion were knocked away by him? None of the three Nascent Soul Realm are his opponents. How can other people be opponents? Only those who are stronger than Nascent Soul can make a move."

The comments of the people around him could not stop the next scene. The people around Ding Ning all retreated automatically, leaving a large open space. They didn't want to be affected by the strong man's attack.

"My lord..." Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others wanted to step forward, but Ding Ning stopped them and told them to retreat too.

Only Ding Ning was left alone, facing the three strong men.

Wu Langjia stopped recovering her strength, stood up, and wanted to help Ding Ning resist a person.

"You can recover with peace of mind, I will deal with these three people myself."

"But son, there are so many of them."

"I have my own measure in my heart."

Wu Langjia was also ordered by Ding Ning to retreat, leaving the battlefield to him, and the people around were also amazed. After all, Wu Langjia's strength was also seen by everyone. He was able to defeat Venerable Xu, and his strength was obvious , when being targeted by three strong men, Ding Ning didn't need Wu Langa's help, and even said that he could solve it by himself.

This is probably too arrogant.

Can you solve the three out-of-body experts?
"Hehe, young man, do you really think that you alone can stop the three of us? This is probably the biggest joke I've ever heard." Wuji Shenni laughed.

Anyway, the three of them are also in the Out-of-Aperture Realm, no matter how strong Ding Ning is, can he still be stronger than the three of them?

How come the confidence.

However, Ding Ning was so reckless, it made old man Tianji and Venerable Pufa look serious, and communicated with each other secretly, so don't be careless, maybe Ding Ning really has some special means to make it work.

Wuji Shenni does not believe that Ding Ning has any means to deal with the three of them at the same time. Even if the strong leave something on Ding Ning, it needs enough strength to move it. At most, it can resist them alone, and it is impossible to go against the sky. Enough to stop the three of them.

"Since you are afraid, I'll try him." Wuji Shenni was the first to kill him.

Just when Wuji Shenni made a move, on the other side, Zunzhe Xiang and Ge Hong, who had been confronting each other for a while, had a new change.

Ge Hong firmly grasped the two tusks of Venerable Elephant with both hands, and then raised his arms, and the huge body of Venerable Elephant was actually lifted up by him. Hit the ground.


This smash made the ground tremble violently, and a huge pit of ten meters appeared here in an instant, and everyone around them staggered, and then widened their eyes, and saw Ge Hong swinging his arms again, like the Venerable from the ground. It was lifted up again and smashed down again.

It's not over yet, after smashing it once, Ge Hong raised it again and continued smashing.

All I saw was the venerable elephant in Ge Hong's hands, the huge body was being swung back and forth like nothing, and smashed into the ground hard, left and right, everyone was stunned.

To be able to shake a strong person in the Aperture Realm like this, the strength required is very terrifying. Only then did people realize how terrible Ge Hong is.

The venerable elephant was stunned by the smash, and he had no power to parry, so he could only bear it passively. He didn't have the domineering aura of a strong man.

Boom boom boom...

not good!

Seeing this, Venerable Pufa and Old Man Tianji thought inwardly that it was broken. If Venerable Xiang was killed by Ge Hong, wouldn't they be dealt with next? Besides, Ge Hong is so strong, which made them feel strong vigilance, and they must not let Ge Hong kill him. Hong killed Venerable Xiang. No matter what, Venerable Xiang is also a master of the out-of-body state. On their side, once there is one less strong man, wouldn't it be even more difficult to deal with Ding Ning and his party.

"I'll help him, and you join forces with Wuji God and nun to quickly deal with that young man, so as not to cause other accidents." Venerable Pufa said, and immediately flew to the side to intervene in the fight between Ge Hong and Venerable Xiang.

Elder Tianji responded, and shouted: "Old nun, I'll help you."


Wuji Shenni and Tianji old man attacked and killed, one at a time and one behind. Ding Ning stood where he was, with a calm expression on his face.

Someone saw a smile on the corner of Ding Ning's mouth at this moment.

Never thought that Ding Ning could still laugh.

"Go to hell." Wuji Shennun approached, and with a killer move, Ding Ning was enveloped.

This is the Wuji Palace's attack method, using Yin Jue to form a huge golden circle, enveloping the opponent, and then quickly shrink until the opponent is crushed.

The golden halo enveloped Ding Ning, and it shrank to a thickness of one meter in an instant. It seemed that Ding Ning was about to be imprisoned in it, just like being trapped by a diamond ring.

However, as the golden circle continued to shrink, Ding Ning stretched out two fingers and clamped the golden circle between them.

He smiled slightly at Wuji Shenni, and lightly squeezed his two fingers together, only to hear a bang, and the golden ring was instantly broken, as if it had been cut open by a sharp weapon.

Wuji Shenni's complexion suddenly changed, Ding Ning actually pinched off her attack with two fingers, how could this be possible.

"You are not in the Nascent Soul Realm!"

Her attack was formed by the pure out-of-body state power. It was impossible to break through the Nascent Soul state, but Ding Ning did it, and it seemed very easy.

"I'll kill him." Old Man Tianji's attack landed suddenly, and he came to Ding Ning when Wuji Shenni was astonished.

A multicolored divine light shot out from the palm of Old Man Tianji, like a rainbow.

This is one of old man Tianji's killing move. In order to avoid nights and dreams, he just used it. In the old man Tianji's mind, using this move to deal with Ding Ning is somewhat overkill.

But Wuji Shenni's attack was broken by Ding Ning, old man Tianji's heart shuddered, but he would not retreat, since he made a move, how could he stop it.


As long as Ding Ning, the core figure, is killed, there is no need to worry too much even if there are two out-of-body-level powerhouses.

Old man Tianji had such a hunch in his heart that as long as Ding Ning died, the rest of the matter would definitely be much simpler.

"Boy, go to hell."

Wherever the colorful divine light passed, everything turned into nothingness, including the air that could not escape, and a black hole appeared, as if a crack was torn open in the space.

The next moment, the multicolored divine light suddenly shot out.

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to spit out. A ray of sick light suddenly shot out from his mouth. It collided with the multicolored divine light instantly, and then turned into a bright ray of light.

Then, the sick light returned to Ding Ning's side, while the five-colored light disappeared.

In an instant, Ding Ning deflected the attacks of the two out-of-body masters one by one. All the people who watched the battle looked shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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