The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 700 705 You can seek revenge on me now! 2 more

Chapter 700 705 You can seek revenge on me now! 2 more

Inside a cave.

Several figures were trapped in a large formation.

If there were people from the cultivation world here, they would definitely be shocked by the extraordinaryness of these figures.

Because, they are all the top powerhouses standing in the current world, with the existence of Mahayana realm cultivation.

"What happened to Brother Kunlun?" A big man asked.

"There is a bad feeling in the dark, as if someone is targeting my Yelu family." Yelu Kunlun said, frowning, this unreasonable irritability is unusual, something bad must have happened.

"Brother Kunlun is the strongest in the world. Who dares to attack your Yelu family? I don't think anyone has the guts. Give Brother He a period of time to break through this formation. As long as the formation is broken, everyone in the cave will The treasures are not all in our hands."

"Brother Kunlun, don't worry, after we get out of here, you just go back to the family."

Yelu Kunlun nodded, now trapped in the formation, even if something happened, he couldn't go back immediately.

With some of his followers left in Yelu's house, they should be able to solve all the troubles.


Yeluzhen was eaten in public, and there was not even a bone left. In this scene, the hands and feet of those who watched were cold.

Let me ask who is stared at by this evil god and doesn't feel frightened.

A majestic strong person in the state of leaving the body, one step away, can enter the existence of harmony and become food for others.

In fact, it is not immediately acceptable.

The horror of the evil god with one glance climbed in the hearts of many people, causing many people to retreat quickly, not wanting to be stared at by the evil god with one glance, and also be eaten. God knows, whether the evil god with one glance will make a move.

"Cultivators are really delicious food." One glance at the evil god glanced at all the cultivators in the distance, and all those who were glanced at by the evil god all felt cold and couldn't move all over their bodies.


Is the evil god going to eat me at a glance?

Why are my legs not working well?

Whether you are in the Golden Core Realm, the Nascent Soul Realm, or the Out of Aperture Realm, under the gaze of an evil god, you are all like sculptures, and it is difficult to move.

It seems that its eyes have magical powers and can fix everything it glances at.

"You should go back." Ding Ning said suddenly, reminding the evil god.

"Hehe, one cultivator is not enough for me. I want to eat a few more. Next time, I won't have such a good chance." The evil god ignored Ding Ning with a glance, and completely ignored Ding Ning's words.

Ding Ning can summon it, and it helps Ding Ning kill people, but this does not mean that the evil god has to listen to Ding Ning 100% at a glance. As a dark creature, no one can dominate it, only it can dominate itself.

"If you don't go back, I'll send you back." Ding Ning said calmly. When he used this summoning method, he thought that the evil god would be out of control. He was attacked by the evil god in his previous life.

It is easy to invite gods to send gods away, just like this evil god, when summoned, it is easy to be backlashed, resulting in an uncontrollable situation.

"Actually, compared with them, I want to taste your blood more. I feel that you are more delicious than them." The evil god stared at Ding Ning, licked the blood on the sharp claws, and there was still Yelu on it. real blood.

Seeing the evil god walking towards Ding Ning, all the monks around were relieved, as long as the evil god didn't target them.

call out.

A glimpse of the evil god appeared in front of Ding Ning in an instant. Its fingers pierced Ding Ning's chest, and had completely sunk into his chest. Even though Ding Ning's physical body was strong, it had already been pierced.

With a flick of his finger, Ding Ning frowned, glanced at the evil god, licked the blood on his fingertips, and said softly, "It really is delicious."

"You should go back." Ding Ning said lightly, without looking at the scar on his chest.

"Hehe, I remember your taste. I look forward to your summoning again. At that time, I will definitely chew and taste you carefully." The evil god said with a glance, only seeing the previously condensed Passing through the gate, a huge suction force suddenly appeared, forcefully sucking a glance of the evil god back.

The door closed and disappeared with a whoosh.

The figure of the one-eyed evil god had already been dragged back to the door and disappeared together, leaving only a faint smell of evil, which proved that the one-eyed evil god had just appeared.

Ding Ning let out a deep breath, but luckily he closed the summoning door in time, so that the evil god had to go back, otherwise, he would also end up in the same fate as Yeluzhen.

At that time, this one-eyed evil god will definitely stir up a huge storm in this star field.

have they gone?
Many people who paid close attention to this scene could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and their hearts were finally relieved.

it's over!
First, Ding Ning broke through, Yeluzhen showed the true wheel, and then the evil god appeared, Yeluzhen was killed, and the last glance of the evil god backfired, all happened in a short time of half a stick of incense.

After seeing the evil god away, Ding Ning left this galaxy and left in front of everyone.

No one stopped his footsteps. After all, everyone was afraid that Ding Ning would summon the evil spirit again.

And what happened today doesn't end there.

The death of Yeluzhen and the death of a great elder of the Supreme Family will definitely trigger a huge tsunami.

Many people can imagine how Yelu Kunlun will react if he finds out about this.

Tianmaxing, the residence of the Yelu family!
Patriarch Yeluu originally wanted to pursue Ding Ning, but after Elder Yeluzhen took action, Patriarch Yelu brought everyone back to the mansion, waiting for Elder Yeluzhen to bring back good news.

Patriarch Yeluzhen was not worried about Yeluzhen, because he believed that with the strength of Elder Yeluzhen, there would be no surprises against Ding Ning.

After all, the Great Elder Yeluzhen was the one who received the true biography of his ancestor Yelu Kunlun, so how could he not be able to deal with a little Ding Ning.

However, after waiting for a while, the Great Elder Yeluzhen did not come back.

Half an hour has passed, like a master's move, it usually only takes a moment to kill, logically speaking, it shouldn't take so long, there is no movement at all.

Just as Patriarch Yelu was talking with other members of the family, a piece of news was reported by his subordinates and spread to the mansion.

"It's not good, the big thing is not good, Patriarch!"

Li Guanshi came to Patriarch Li in a panic, and Patriarch Yelu frowned: "What happened?"

Guanshi Li took a deep breath and said hurtfully, "The Great Elder has fallen!"

Patriarch Yelu suddenly stood up.

"How did the Great Elder fall? Who killed him?"

The head of the Yelu family was full of murderous aura, so he was the great elder of the Yelu family, so he would die?
"It's that guy. The Great Elder caught up with him and fought with him. He was summoned by that man to summon an evil god, and the Great Elder died at the hands of the evil god." Li Guanshi said quickly.

In the entire lobby, you can hear needles falling, and it is extremely quiet.

"Damn it! You must avenge Elder Yeluzhen!" Patriarch Yelu said bitterly.

The disciples of Yelu's family who were present also opened their mouths one after another, fighting against the enemy, saying that they wanted to kill Ding Ning.

"If you want revenge, you can seek revenge from me now."

Suddenly, a voice floated into the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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