The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 703 708 No need to escape! 2 more

Chapter 703 708 No need to escape! 2 more


The small team of seven was surrounded by the demonic monks. This sudden change caught everyone off guard. They came to hunt the demonic monks, but in the current situation, it was obvious that the demonic monks surrounded and killed them.

"Everything is prepared for the worst." Lu Feng said seriously.

Even if Lu Feng didn't need to say it, the rest of the people knew that their situation was terrible. A dozen or so monks of the magic way appeared together, obviously they had been prepared for a long time, and they probably knew that the monks of the righteous way had come near the blood world, so they made it in advance Prepare.

"Brother, can we get out alive?" Lu Yao bit her lip, and she could see that she was very uneasy, because they were facing twice as many monks as they were, so they didn't have an advantage in terms of numbers.

Before Lu Feng could appease his younger sister Lu Yao, Zhou Ce took the lead and said, "Sister Lu Yao, don't worry, I said before that I will protect you when I encounter danger. Believe me, I will definitely do what I say. You can stand by me." Come back, I will definitely not let you, sister Lu Yao, get hurt."

Zhou Ce looked infatuated and spoke very earnestly. If she was an ordinary woman, she might have been moved by her. However, Lu Yao has a hot temper. Although she was afraid, she didn't need to hide behind an unfamiliar person.

"Thank you for your kindness, my brother will protect me." Lu Yao replied in a low voice, she would not believe Zhou Ce's mouth, a smooth-tongued person, 70.00% untrustworthy, her brother Lu Feng had already sent her a voice transmission in the dark , made comments on the entire team, among which Zhou Ce was the most distrusted, even the most low-key Ding Ning was more reliable than Zhou Ce.

A group of people are all ready to fight at all times.

At this time, the monks who surrounded them spoke.

"You orthodox people, you've been really strong recently. You get rewards by killing us. I, a monk of the magic way, will soon become a stepping stone for you orthodox monks."

"Everything in this universe is equal to all beings. Why do you allow the righteous way to exist, but not our demonic way? If you send us to your door today, none of you will get out alive. Didn't you say that our demonic monks are cruel and cold? Today we Let you see how cruel we really are."

"They all cut off their heads and made them into chamber pots."

"Use their flesh and blood for alchemy."

"It's a pity to kill them. It's better to plant some Ganoderma lucidum on their bodies. Using flesh and blood as the soil, they will definitely become treasures."

This group of monks treated Ding Ning's seven people as food on a plate, something in a cage, and in front of the seven people, they talked about their methods against them as if no one else was around.

Every method is very cruel.

"Hmph, the way of magic is the way of magic. All things are born and all beings are equal, but it is not limited to those of you who have entered the way of magic. The way of magic should not exist in the first place, and those who have fallen into the way of magic should be killed." Lu Feng yelled back loudly. Naturally, it ignited firecrackers like fire, igniting all the anger in the hearts of these demon monks, and all of them became fierce and fierce, showing strong murderous intentions to the seven of them.

"Dare to say that we should kill, the Tao in the heart of my demonic monks is beyond the comprehension of you righteous monks. The Tao is different, and we will not conspire with each other. Since you do not recognize us, we will kill until you admit it. Kill, one Do not stay."

The leader of the demonic monks gave the order to kill, and immediately more than a dozen demonic monks all shot, and the demonic energy billowed, covering the seven of them.


With a loud shout, Lu Feng took the lead in resisting, and was the first to fight together with the opponent. After that, Brother Wood and Stone also confronted two monks of the magic way.

"Kill." Lu Yao held the long sword in her hand and danced it, making continuous sword moves, killing the demon monk opposite inextricably.

Zhou Ce yelled to help Lu Yao, but after shouting for a long time, he couldn't get to Lu Yao's side, instead he was entangled by the demon monks opposite.

In fact, Zhou Ce didn't even think about helping Lu Yao, and he was just pretending to be entangled when he fought against the demonic monk. If he burst out with all his strength, it would not be difficult to kill the opposing demonic monk.

But Zhou Ce didn't do that, because he felt that being surrounded by demonic monks this time was unusual and not evenly guarded. It wouldn't be long before other demonic monks would come. At that time, there would be more opponents, and they wanted the chance of survival. will be greatly reduced.

After all, this place is more or less the territory of the demonic monks, and the movement of their hands is not small, so it is not surprising that other demonic monks are attracted.

"It's the right thing to find a way to retreat." Zhou Ce said in his heart.

Thinking of this, he looked in the direction of Li Luo. Among the group, he felt that Li Luo was a smart person, and he believed that he must have the same idea as him at this time.

Sure enough, Li Luo also looked at him. After their eyes collided for a moment, they both understood each other, and kept fighting with the monks of the magic way, leaning against each other again and again.

They are ready to act together, to run for their lives together in times of danger, this so-called demon-killing team, whether it should be abandoned or will be abandoned immediately.

It didn't take long for the two to fight side by side.

Ding Ning easily dealt with the demon cultivator on the opposite side. With his strength, if he wanted to kill him, he just increased his strength slightly. Even now, Ding Ning was afraid of accidentally killing him.

There is no way, since he pretended to be a low-key Golden Core Realm, then he pretended to be completely good, what's the matter with showing the strength of the Out-of-Aperture Realm all of a sudden.

While dealing with the demon monks at will, Ding Ning also saw all the actions of the other people, like Zhou Ce and Li Luo deliberately approaching one place, all of which were clearly seen by Ding Ning.

However, Ding Ning didn't say anything, and he didn't do anything else. He didn't care much about any thoughts these people had.

Lu Feng fought three demonic monks alone, and his bravery was unparalleled, but based on Ding Ning's understanding of the battlefield, even if Lu Feng could fight three with one, he was no match for more than ten demonic monks.

Because other people are not as powerful as Lu Feng. Of course, if Ding Ning shows his real strength, let him say it.

Seeing Lu Feng, Lu Yao, Shitou, and Mumu deal with difficulties, soon something even more desperate happened.

Another demonic monk gathered over and saw Ding Ning and others, and joined the battlefield. The righteous monks saw the demonic monks and everyone shouted and beat them. In the territory of the demonic monks, meeting the righteous monks would naturally not be taken lightly.

The addition of new mage monks made the already difficult situation worse and even more unfavorable.

And the situation has the potential to get even worse.

"let's go!"

At this moment, Zhou Ce and Li Luo suddenly erupted with real power. Together, the two of them knocked the demonic cultivator on the opposite side into the air.

"They..." Lu Yao's face turned purple with anger, and she stomped her feet.

Lu Feng, Mu Mu, and Shi Shi also looked ugly, and someone gave up the team and ran away.

Several people looked at Ding Ning subconsciously, and found that Ding Ning was in the position just now, and the possibility of escaping was very high. Why didn't he escape?

They didn't know that with Ding Ning's strength, he didn't need to escape at all. If he showed his real strength, if he wanted to escape, he would be a sorcerer.

(End of this chapter)

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