The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 705 710 Demon Cultivation Old Woman! 1 more

Chapter 705 710 Demon Cultivation Old Woman! 1 more

Regarding the questions raised by a curious baby like Lu Yao, Ding Ning casually made up some identities for her to fool her.

After this incident, Ding Ning's existence seemed to be the most dazzling, even Lu Feng was asking Ding Ning's opinion.

Ding Ning does not suggest that a few people stay here and continue to take risks. These demonic monks have already made certain preparations for the hunt and kill of the righteous monks, otherwise they will not be surrounded quietly. Fortunately, there is him like Ding Ning Hidden masters, otherwise, the entire army must be wiped out.

"Brother Ding Mo, I have recorded all the demon monks you killed just now. When you return to the cultivation world, you can exchange these points for many rewards." Lu Feng handed a jade pendant to Ding Ning, It is used to record the killing of magic monks.

Ding Ning glanced at the points above. He had shot a few times before, but he only killed a few demon cultivators. The points were not many. But this time, when it was exposed, he killed more than [-] demon monks in an instant. Cultivator, the points went up in an instant.

It can be seen that Lu Feng did not count the demonic monks killed by Ding Ning on him and get a certain amount of points, which made Ding Ning feel good about Lu Feng in his heart.

"Okay, since Brother Ding Mo suggested to leave, let's leave here first. Our action just now was indeed risky. A large number of monks of the magic way were killed. They will make some preparations. We should take this into consideration." Honestly said.

A group of people left this life star and prepared to leave the scope of the blood world.

After getting away from the previous life star, a group of people took the aircraft and prepared to return to the cultivation world.

"I don't know if those two traitors escaped alive. If I ran into them alive, I must make them two look good. The guy who gave up his teammates is simply despicable and shameless." Lu Yao said to Zhou Ce and Li Luo. The sudden departure of a person expresses great anger, and sometimes swears a few words in his mouth to express his displeasure.

"Little sister, you don't need to get angry with those two people. It's a good thing for us that they exposed their character early, and let us fully recognize them." Lu Feng said.

Lu Yaojue pursed her lips: "I was just angry. In order to survive, I ran away without saying hello."

"This kind of thing is not uncommon. I have experienced many intrigues and I will get used to it." Lu Feng said, as an older brother, he is very open-minded. Although he is angry, he is not like his younger sister Lu Yao. show up.

"When recruiting partners in the future, we must select them carefully, and we must not recruit such people." Lu Yao said.

A group of people took the flying boat and quickly left the blood world.

However, just when they were about to completely leave the Blood Realm, they suddenly saw the devilish energy rising to the sky in front of them, as if someone was sacrificing magic weapons.

No, to be more precise, it is offering sacrifices to refining magic weapons.

The weapons of righteous monks are called magical weapons.

The weapons of magic monks are called magic weapons.

It was a white spirit banner, fluttering in the starry sky, with devilish energy billowing on it, forming various human heads, turning around constantly, very terrifying.

Just looking at the surface of this magic weapon, one can see that this magic weapon is extraordinary. It has the posture of a summoning banner, and ghosts are surging on it, as if countless lives have been sacrificed, full of evil breath.

The cries of many ghosts on the spirit banner can be heard from a distance.

"Hurry up and change the direction, don't rely on it." Lu Feng was in a hurry. The magic monk who can take out such a magic weapon doesn't need to guess, he knows that it is not an existence that they can match. If they pass by there, what is the difference between them and courting death? .

The wood and stone frantically drove the flying boat and turned around. They also knew that the monk in front of him was terrifying. He was definitely a big devil, at least at the Nascent Soul level.

Even if they have Ding Ning, the Nascent Soul Realm, there is no guarantee that they are their opponents.

Several people immediately turned around, but soon they realized that it seemed that it was still too late.

The white spirit flag swished out, blocking the way of the flying boat.

"Zizi, here are a few more orthodox monks. My luck is really good. I am worried about finding the orthodox monks. I didn't expect that people would come to my door so soon."

An icy voice reached the ears of everyone on the airship, and everyone felt chills in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Ning and the others saw an old woman appearing in front of her, holding the white spirit banner in her hand.

"Save me, save us."

Ding Ning and the others' attention were first attracted by the old woman, and then by the voice from the spirit flag in the old woman's hand. They found that there were two figures bound above the spirit flag.

The cry for help came from these two people.

It sounds familiar.

"It's those two traitors." Lu Yao hated Zhou Ce and Li Luo so much that she recognized their voices immediately.

"I didn't expect the two of them to be caught by this person." Lu Feng frowned, not because Zhou Ce and Li Luo were frowned by the other party, but because he felt that this old woman was a great threat to them. It's so hard to leave.

"Brother Lu, sister Lu Yao, help us, we are together." Zhou Ce shouted.

As he shouted, the demonic energy around him dissipated a little, revealing his appearance. When they saw Zhou Ce's appearance, everyone gasped, feeling Zhou Ce's fleshy body, bloody, and many The bones are all exposed. If it weren't for the fact that he was in the Jindan state and his soul was still alive, if he were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

"Brother Lu, save me." Li Luo was also in pity with Zhou Ce. The tragedy was the same as Zhou Ce's. Both of them were bound to the spirit streamers, and those skulls formed by demonic energy were constantly passing through their bodies. , taking away a piece of flesh and blood every time.

"Brother, let's go, they deserved it for abandoning their teammates," Lu Yao said.

Lu Feng didn't intend to save people, let alone he didn't have the ability, even if he had, he didn't want to.


Lu Feng shouted loudly, and also mobilized some of his strength, pouring it into the flying boat, trying to escape from the old woman.

The old woman didn't move, and smiled as she watched the flying ship turn and leave, only to see the spirit flag in her hand vibrating constantly.

The roars of Zhou Ce and Li Luo came from above.

"Willing to die, Lu Feng, I want all of you brothers and sisters to die, I curse you." This is Zhou Ce's insidious curse, and his tone is full of endless resentment, as if Lu Feng's brothers and sisters killed him all over the house .

"We won't let you go even if we're ghosts." Li Luo gritted his teeth.

The two of them were all enduring unbearable pain. They couldn't die, and they couldn't live well. They were simply suffering.

"Be angry, be crazy, be resentful, only the more resentful you are, the more power you will add to my spirit banner." The old woman smiled, the wrinkles on her face were almost piled together.

At the same time, the old woman shook her arms, and said in her mouth: "Turn into a part of my spirit banner completely, and I will let you take revenge yourself."

After the words fell, Zhou Ce and Li Luo heard more painful voices.

(End of this chapter)

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