The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 714 719 The second enemy! 2 more

Chapter 714 719 The second enemy! 2 more

Ding Ning, Lu Feng and his party were sitting in a tavern.

The table was full of dishes, and several people chatted while eating.

"You didn't see that guy, don't mention how ugly his face is. Thanks to Brother Ding, you appeared, otherwise brother's soul injury, I don't know what can heal it." Lu Yao said.

"How did you hurt your soul?" Ding Ning asked.

Lu Feng said it again. After Ding Ning left, the group of them continued to hunt and kill the demonic monks. Because of a lesson, they did not dare to approach the edge of the blood world easily. Finding, relatively speaking, is a lot safer.

But if you often walk by the river, there is no reason not to get your shoes wet.

After they found a trace of a magician monk, they surrounded him and prepared to kill him. After a great battle, the magician monk only had half his life left.

As for Lu Feng and the others, except for Lu Feng, they all exhausted their strength, so it became a solo fight between the two.

For this reason, after a fight, Lu Feng was about to end the other party's life, but at this moment, the other party took out the means of soul attack, causing Lu Feng's own soul to be severely injured while killing the other party.

Ding Ning nodded, and only then did he understand what happened. Lu Feng didn't ask about Ding Ning's whereabouts after he left the team. Although Ding Ning helped him, it was because of his previous friendship. Lu Feng was still very clear about this.

After chatting for a while, Lu Feng reminded Ding Ning, "If you helped me, you must have offended that person. His identity may be extraordinary, and he may be a burden to Brother Ding Mo."

Ding Ning shook his head and didn't care. If he was afraid, he wouldn't stand up. Now that he dared to stand up, he wouldn't be afraid of trouble.

If he dared to trouble him, he would kill him backhanded.

There can never be too many souls on the Blood God Banner.

Anyone who dared to provoke Ding Ning, Ding Ning would sacrifice all of them to the Blood Refining God Banner.

Several people reminisced about the past and chatted for more than two hours, and finally, they were about to leave, all busy with their own affairs.

"Brother Ding Mo, I look forward to your return." Lu Feng smiled.

"Yes, Brother Ding, you can go back to the team." Lu Yao looked very pitiful, she was the one in the team who most hoped that Ding Ning would stay.

Ding Ning shook his head, he came for revenge, if he got too close to Lu Feng and the others, he would implicate them.

"Brother Ding, will we meet again?" Before parting, Lu Yao asked with red eyes.

"If there is a destiny, we will meet again in the future like today."

"When we meet again, I will definitely catch up with you." Lu Yao said resolutely.

"it is good."

Ding Ning left, disappearing into the crowd of people on the street.

Lu Feng and the others continued to embark on the road of killing demon monks. Ding Ning, a strong man of the same generation, inspired all of them to practice hard and improve their strength.

Ding Ning was walking on the bustling street, his mind returned to revenge, and now it was time to visit one of his enemies from the previous life.

Judging from the news he inquired, the Dong family is not far away.

As Ding Ning kept getting closer to Dong's house, suddenly, he found that there was a person hanging behind him all the time, following him very closely. Since he separated from Lu Feng and the others, this person had been following him.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth raised, but he didn't turn his head back, giving the other party a signal that he was discovered.

As he was walking, he suddenly got into an alley.

This alley is very long and there are no people. It is in stark contrast to the bustling street on the other side, and it looks very quiet.

Not long after Ding Ning entered the alley, a figure also appeared in the alley.

After the man noticed that Ding Ning had entered, he disappeared. He glanced forward, but there was no sign of Ding Ning in front of him.

"Are you looking for me?"

At this moment, Ding Ning's voice came from above this person's head.

After a while, Ding Ning came out from the alley. As for the person who was following him, he was lying on the ground, lifeless.

It turned out to be a guy who coveted his points.

Ding Ning thought it was the person sent by Dong De to follow him, trying to harm him, but unexpectedly, it was the trouble caused by the points.

Although points are not spirit stones, they can be exchanged for treasures, which are equivalent to currency.

If the wealth is not revealed, no one will naturally pay attention to it, but Ding Ning was very generous before taking out [-] points and exchanging for a solid soul pill. It is normal for people to notice.

In addition, Ding Ning's aura is not strong, only at the Golden Core level, so naturally someone wants to draw his attention.

If Ding Ning revealed that he had an out-of-body aura, then the person who made the move would have to scrutinize it.

It was precisely because Ding Ning deliberately kept a low profile that he attracted the jealousy of others and wanted to kill people and take away points.

It's a pity that Ding Ning is stronger than everyone thinks, and he easily sacrificed the jealous people to the blood refining god.

To Ding Ning, this incident was just a small episode, not even a trouble, a mere middle-stage Golden Core Realm dared to have his idea, and was shot to death by Ding Ning without hesitation.

Of course, before killing the other party, Ding Ning also conducted a soul search. From this person's mind, he got some information that he didn't know.

"I really guessed it right." A gleam flashed in Ding Ning's eyes.

That Dong De is indeed a descendant of that guy.

Ding Ning learned from this person's soul that Dong De is the descendant of Dong Yu, the most powerful member of the Dong family.

Ding Ning's purpose in coming to this ancient city was for Dong Yu, who was one of the most powerful men in the world.

In the previous life, it took a lot of effort to cause Ding Ning to fall.

But Ding Ning will not let anyone who participated in the siege of him in the previous life, Yelu Kunlun count as one, but at present he has no choice but to hold Yelu Kunlun temporarily, this Dong Yu is the second, of course, he takes Dong Yu Yu also had no choice, the only people he could deal with were people other than Dong Yu.

In the previous life, there were three orthodox monks who attacked him, namely Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu and Lei Mengsheng.

The reason why they were the first to find Yelu Kunlun and Dong Yu was because these two people had a lot of power under them. Because of their own strong relationship, their family naturally became stronger and became one of the top powers in the cultivation world.

But Lei Mengsheng is different, he is a casual cultivator, alone, and has not created any sects, it is the most difficult to find revenge on him, because his traces are more difficult to find.

Therefore, Ding Ning put Yelu Kunlun and Dong Yu as the primary targets of revenge.

Yelu Kunlun was alone now, and he didn't seem to know that his family was destroyed by Ding Ning, otherwise there should have been a bigger commotion.

This is also good, he Ding Ning can eliminate the family under Dong Yu bit by bit.

When Ding Ning came near the gate of Dong's house, Dong De's face was still ugly when he returned to the house, and he lost his temper because of what happened today.

"Find out who this Ding Mo is. If he dares to fight with me, I will make him pay the price."

(End of this chapter)

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