The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 717 722 Destroy corpses and wipe out traces! 1 more

Chapter 717 722 Destroy corpses and wipe out traces! 1 more

Dong De's body stopped suddenly, only to see Elder Gao smashing in front of his eyes, blocking his way.


This time, Elder Gao wanted to say something, but before he finished speaking, his head was punched and his soul was taken away by Ding Ning in an instant.

At this time, Ding Ning displayed a very obvious demonic aura, which made Dong De's eyes widen.

"You are a monk of the magic way..." Dong De was stunned, and Ding Ning was a monk of the magic way with a deep secret.

Ding Ning ignored Dong De's surprise, and in front of Dong De, he took Elder Gao's soul as a sacrifice to the blood god banner, and in an instant, there was another soul that had left the body state on the blood god banner.

"You are a demon cultivator, dare to be an enemy of our Dong family, you are dead, my Dong family will not let you go, and other righteous monks will not spare you." Dong De was shocked by Ding Ning's identity, and was also surprised Due to Yu Dingning's strength, he brought so many strong men, all of them were killed by Ding Ning, not even their souls escaped.

Ding Ning smiled, and said lightly: "The ones who killed were members of your Dong family. As for the other orthodox monks, as long as I don't expose them, how can they know about my demon monks?"

Dong De was stunned, yes, just a moment ago, he was kept in the dark. Ding Ning is not only a monk of the magic way, but also his level is not low. Even if he is discovered, ordinary people are not his opponents.

And seeing Ding Ning's posture, he was going to kill him too.

Thinking of this, Dong De was in cold sweat, he didn't want to die yet, as the son of the Dong family, he hadn't enjoyed enough of the life of a master, how could he die.

"You can't kill me. I am the ancestor's favorite descendant. If you kill me, the ancestor will definitely not let you go." Dong De could only move out the ancestor, hoping to deter Ding Ning.

"Do you know who the ancestor of my Dong family is? It is Dong Yu, the top powerhouse in the world. Although your strength is strong, you are not as strong as your ancestor. If I want to kill, my ancestors will definitely know, and besides, you have opened up the aura of the evil way now, and it won’t be long before a righteous monk will come to kill you, if I were you, I would leave here immediately." Dong De said In the final analysis, he just hoped that Ding Ning would not kill him.

Listening to Dong De's description of his ancestor Dong Yu, Ding Ning's face was expressionless. When Dong De spoke to the end, a smile suddenly appeared on Ding Ning's face, which made Dong De feel chills in his heart.

Could it be that Ding Ning didn't even fear strong people like his ancestors?

so lawless?

In the next second, Dong De heard the most insane words, which came out of Ding Ning's mouth, and at the same time, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"Those people just killed are just the beginning. I will kill more descendants of the Dong family. Even the ancestor of your family, I will not let it go. What about the Mahayana realm? I will kill him sooner or later." Kill." Ding Ning said murderously.

Hearing that, Dong De felt chills in his heart.

Ding Ning was not afraid of his ancestor's reputation at all, and even dared to say that he wanted to kill his ancestor. In Dong De's heart, the label of madman was imprinted on Ding Ning crazily.

Only a lunatic can be so crazy, even the current generation's strong people are not in their eyes.

"The monks of the magic way are really lunatics, and they like to be reckless." Dong De has seen some monks of the way of magic, and they are indeed fearless when they are pushed to the end. To put it simply, they are not afraid of death.

Just because there is no fear, he dares to do anything and becomes more unscrupulous.


Am I going to die?
Seeing Ding Ning's appearance, Dong De felt that he was going to escape the evil hands.

In a flash of thought, he changed his previous tone, and suddenly, his words became gentler, "I think there is no need to fight between us. Although you are a monk of the devil, I don't hate the monk of the devil. I take the initiative It is indeed my fault to come to you, but you have killed someone, and you have vented your anger, so how about we don't know each other, how about this matter? I swear, I won't trouble you again. "

"I know that you demon cultivators lack the resources for cultivation. In this way, I have 10 yuan of spiritual stones on me, and I will give them all to you. How about just pretending that everything just didn't happen?"

Dong De put a storage ring in front of Ding Ning, hoping to prevent Ding Ning from killing him.

Taking out so many spirit stones, although Dong De is also quite painful, but in order to fight for a chance of life, these foreign things can be discarded, as long as he can live, no matter how much he pays, he is willing to give up.

With a sincere expression on Dong De's face, he calculated in his heart that if he returned to the family, he would immediately report to his father, and then send all the powerful members of the family to kill Ding Ning.

Now I can only bear it.

Only by bowing your head can you have a chance to survive.

Dong De believed that in front of Ding Ning, he had to bear the burden of humiliation, and after he left alive, he would be able to redouble his revenge and come back.

These thoughts flashed through Dong De's heart. In order not to let Ding Ning see it, he deliberately squeezed out a smile.

Ding Ning pretended to be thinking, and then took Dong De's ring away.

Seeing this, Dong De was overjoyed, did Ding Ning agree to give him a way out?

He really didn't feel any killing intent from Ding Ning.

Just when he was about to say something, Dong De suddenly looked at his abdomen. Just now, Ding Ning pierced his dantian with a punch.


Dong De spat out three words with difficulty.

Ding Ning's answer was simple: "From the moment I made a move, it means that you will definitely die."

As far as Dong De's little thought is concerned, he thought he was hiding well, but how could he escape Ding Ning's piercing eyes. In his last life, Ding Ning, an old monster who lived for hundreds of years, can see people's hearts very clearly.

A mere Dong De, a young man, still wanted to survive in front of him, how could he fail to see Dong De's thoughts, and naturally waited for him to return alive, and then come to him for revenge.

Of course Ding Ning would not give him this chance.

If Dong De hadn't said before that he was one of Dong Yu's most related descendants, Ding Ning would not have killed Dong De, but since Dong De had spoken, he had given Ding Ning a reason to kill him.

Dong Yu was one of the murderers who killed Ding Ning in his previous life. Now that Ding Ning is reborn, he cannot kill Dong Yu for the time being, but if he can kill someone he values, it would be a form of revenge.

Dong De's death was purely self-inflicted.

If he didn't want to take revenge on Ding Ning, he wouldn't die.

If he didn't reveal his relationship with Dong Yu, he wouldn't die either.

All in all, Dong De's death was entirely his own fault.

Ding Ning killed Dong De, and his soul was sacrificed to the Blood Refining God Banner, not giving Dong Yu a chance to find any trace.

After finishing all this, Ding Ning shot out a few flames from his hands and burned all the corpses on the ground.

Destroy the corpse!

Afterwards, he removed the energy shield that isolated the surroundings, and quickly left the place.

Not long after Ding Ning left, someone from the Dong family came here.

(End of this chapter)

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