The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 727 732 is hooked! 1 more

Chapter 727 732 is hooked! 1 more

Nearly thirty demonic monks, all dressed in the same costume, each exuded a powerful aura.

Most of these demon cultivators were at the out-of-the-body level, and only one leader gave Ding Ning a sense of unfathomable depth.

"This lineup, placed in the blood world, is an extremely powerful force. Whose subordinates do they belong to?"

In Ding Ning's memory, there were so many masters in the blood world back then, but only a few, one was the old ghost Tongtian, who had countless disciples, and there were seven capable generals under his command, all of whom were in the Leaving Aperture Realm.

The second is the Red Lotus Demon Immortal, who is a female monk, and her strength is not weaker than him back then.

In the end, it was Ding Ning himself. At the beginning, he also had three generals under him. Of course, the chief culprit who caused his downfall in the end was also due to these three generals.

"Aside from Old Ghost Tongtian and Red Lotus Demon Immortal, who else can have such a strong lineup?" Ding Ning thought.

Although he was reborn, what happened before has not changed. The cultivation world is the same as before, but because of his death, the blood world has undergone a change in structure.

Then there is the change of the earth, going back in time, and returning to the past all of a sudden.

And it was only a few short years from his rebirth to his return to the realm of comprehension, and it was only a few years before he fell.

It is not something ordinary people can do to gather so many out-of-body monks together in such a short period of time for their own use.

"Maybe it's one of the three of them." After thinking for a long time, Ding Ning thought of those three people. With the resources he left behind, it is not difficult to create a large number of strong demon cultivators in a short period of time.

What's more, these three people only need to follow the steps and follow his method to train capable subordinates.

Ding Ning didn't know what happened in the blood world, and he didn't know that these twenty or so out-of-body demon monks were one of his subordinates, the subordinates of the evil king.

Seeing these people take away the souls of the righteous monks who were killed, Ding Ning didn't think too much about it. After all, the souls of the righteous monks are of too much use to the demonic monks.

"I'd like to see who you are working for." Ding Ning followed these demon cultivators, lurking in the dark, just to find out their roots.

If he really guessed it right, then he would have the possibility to meet his former friends.

Of course, now, it will also be the enemy he wants to kill.

Ding Ning silently followed behind these people, secretly watching their every move.

It didn't take long to see these demonic monks massacre the righteous monks again. None of the righteous monks who met them could escape.

It is really because their strength is too terrifying. There are more than [-] out-of-body realms. Even the families of the top monks cannot produce so many masters at one time, let alone the righteous monks who enter here. He would have imagined that he would be able to meet more than [-] powerful magic monks at once, otherwise, no one would dare to step here easily, no matter how generous the reward was.

With these more than 20 out-of-the-body level demon monks, it is a nightmare for righteous monks.

Not to mention other people, even Ding Ning didn't want to face these monks.

Ding Ning frowned deeply as he followed behind these demon monks, and there were no less than thousands of orthodox monks who witnessed these murders.

He has already seen that these people are purely for collecting souls.

Looking at the soul-binding bags in everyone's hands, there are probably thousands of souls in each soul-binding bag.

Ding Ning licked his lips. He had the idea of ​​robbing these soul bags. You must know that his blood god banner also needs souls to be sacrificed. If these people's souls are added, the blood god banner will definitely be sacrificed Out of the third side, it will not be far from the fourth side.

Ding Ning wanted to continue to use the blood god banner like in his previous life. In his last life, he used the blood god banner to kill all directions. Although he was hit, he still withstood many killing moves for him.

In this life, Ding Ning has one purpose in washing and offering sacrifices to the Blood God's Banner, which is to sacrifice the souls of the three traitors to the Blood Refining God's Banner. The three Mahayana souls may be able to push the Blood God's Banner to the divine weapon the height of.

"Nowadays, because of the Dong family, many orthodox monks are looking for me, and now there are so many out-of-body demon cultivators, which can make my blood god banner rapidly improve." Ding Ning already had an idea, and he In the Shura battlefield, the seven blood god banners were re-sacrificed. Although this is a bit exaggerated, if five blood god banners are sacrificed, it should not be difficult.

There was a sneer on Ding Ning's face: "The Dong family said that I have a divine weapon, which is of great benefit to me, and will attract more people to enter this Asura battlefield, and I just need to kill them all That's it."

"But before that, it's best to kill these demon cultivators first, more than [-] out of the body!" Ding Ning licked his tongue, this is definitely a great tonic for the Blood God Banner.

Ding Ning became murderous, and wanted to hunt and kill more than twenty demonic monks not far away.

If someone knew what was going on in Ding Ning's mind, he would definitely think that Ding Ning was crazy. It would be impossible for one person to kill more than [-] people in the Leaving Aperture Realm, unless he was a monk in the Mahayana realm.

But if this matter is placed on Ding Ning, it will not be difficult for Ding Ning.

With a heartbeat, the plan comes from the heart.

Immediately, he jumped out suddenly, exposing a breath of righteousness, and then disappeared quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the team of more than twenty demon monks turned their heads and looked at the place where Ding Ning disappeared.

"It's just an ant, let's go."

"Although there is only one person, it can't stand to add up. Lord Xiejun gave the order to die, and the number of souls must reach the standard, otherwise Lord Xiejun will blame you, but there will be no good fruit to eat. Since you are too lazy to do it, then I'm here, an ant can't run far, you go first, I'll be there later."

The magic monk at the end of the line said something to the people in front, then turned around and chased in the direction where Ding Ning disappeared.

The demon monk in front didn't pay much attention to this, it was just an unlucky orthodox monk passing by, and they happened to find him, but there was only one person, and most of them were unwilling to make a move.

Since someone doesn't want to let this orthodox monk go, let him chase after him, there will be no problem anyway.

When Ding Ning felt the magic breath behind him, the corners of his mouth raised and a smile appeared on his face.

"The fish is hooked..."

Ding Ning's speed suddenly increased, and he changed direction at the same time. The demonic aura behind him followed up.

(End of this chapter)

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