The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 754 759 Inheritance of gods and demons! 2 more

Chapter 754 759 Inheritance of gods and demons! 2 more

"Resurrection, I'm back here again!" Ding Ning looked at the scene in front of him and sighed.

In his last life, he failed to go deep into this cave, and only circled around the periphery. Even so, he also got such a precious thing as a meniscus pendant, which enabled him to be reborn.

"In this life, I must enter the core of the cave."

To be able to have such a precious treasure as the crescent moon pendant here, the core inheritance must be extremely precious.

This is a cave. According to Ding Ning's guess, it is very likely to be the cave of monks in ancient times, which means that there is a high possibility of inheritance from ancient human monks.

It is definitely not easy for a human monk to leave a legacy in the Gods and Demons Continent.

Ding Ning has a lot of expectations for this place in his heart. If he can get a big chance, the time for his revenge will be greatly shortened.

"I went through it once in my last life, and I already know the key." Ding Ning looked at the illusion in front of him, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised. He must be cautious about other people coming here suddenly, but Ding Ning knew that the cave mansion The first level is the illusion.

Stepping forward, Ding Ning stepped into the illusion, and soon there were scenes of illusions that he had experienced in his previous life. Ding Ning, who had experienced it once, immediately woke up from the illusion and continued to move forward.

After passing through the gate of the phantom, Ding Ning came to a courtyard. He went straight to the house in front of him, pushed open the door, and stepped in.

There are rows of shelves in front of you, filled with books, and you can feel the strong aroma of books when you stand at the door.

Scanning the bookshelves one by one, Ding Ning muttered to himself: "There are countless books here. In the last life, I was immersed in them and almost didn't want to wake up, but in this life..."

With a smile on his face, he walked through the bookshelf without looking at any of the books on it, because he knew that once he read it, he would fall into the Dharma Gate, and the Dharma Gates placed here are all incomplete , you will involuntarily want to complete him, but you will spend energy and deduce incomplete grievances.

If you can't see through this point, you will exhaust your energy and die, which is not to say that it is not vicious.

If Ding Ning hadn't known that this cave was left by the orthodox monks, he would have thought it was the cave of the demonic monks.

After passing through many bookshelves, Ding Ning came to the door, and there was another door behind it.

Ding Ning didn't know how many doors there were behind each door. In his last life, he passed through thirteen doors in a row, but unfortunately got stuck in No. 40. No. 14 door is actually not difficult, but No. 14 door is aimed at demon Cultivator, therefore, he can no longer break in, so he can only retreat temporarily.


One door after another, Ding Ning broke through, until the tenth door, his speed slowed down, because he has not recovered to the strength of the previous life, so it is a little more difficult.

But fortunately, he has broken through, even if it is difficult, it will not be difficult for him.

It took him half a stick of incense to break through the tenth door.

No.11 door, he spent an incense stick of time.

It took two sticks of incense to wait for the No.12 door.

It took three incense sticks of effort to reach No.13 gate, and Ding Ning stopped in front of No.14 gate. These gates used up a lot of strength, and he needed to recover. Not to mention the rewards of spirit stones after passing through the customs. In this life, all of them were collected by him, which is really not what it used to be.

After consuming 5000 yuan of spirit stones, his strength returned to its peak level.

Ding Ning just stood up, ready to push open No.14 door.

"In the last life, the No. 13 gate rewarded millions of spirit stones, plus some magic tools, and the crescent moon pendant. There must be something better in this No. 14 gate." Ding Ning thought in his heart, and then Mobilize the righteous power in the body and pour it on the door.

He couldn't push the door open in his last life, no matter how much strength he used, he couldn't push it open, because he is a demon cultivator, the owner of this cave, and he didn't want the demon cultivator to get his inheritance, so he set up a door on No. 14 door. Even if Ding Ning's strength was high and powerful, there was no way to force his way into it.


In a trance, Ding Ning only paid attention to some righteous forces, and opened the door that could not be opened in the previous life, so simply and easily.

After entering the No.14 road, Ding Ning saw a huge statue that was a thousand meters high. From the bottom, it was impossible to see its whole picture.

Ding Ning froze for a moment, the scene in front of him changed abruptly.

Before, it was a level of carved beams and painted buildings, but now the painting style has changed, and it has suddenly become so rough.

What the hell is this huge stone statue.

He glanced around, but didn't see any shining treasures, not even a piece of Lingshi.

The only thing is that huge stone statue, no...

Ding Ning's eyes flashed suddenly, there was still something else, he walked over, and saw a person sitting cross-legged at the foot of the stone statue.

Suddenly, Ding Ning showed a look of fear as if he was facing a big enemy, because he could feel the aura emanating from this cross-legged person, which was very terrifying, stronger than his previous life.

Is it the existence of crossing robbery level?
Ding Ning backed away quickly, not daring to be careless, God knows whether this person is dead or alive.

However, after Ding Ning waited for a while, he was relieved to see that there was no movement.

I'm afraid it's gone.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning walked over again. He came to the front of the cross-legged person and felt it carefully. He really couldn't feel any vitality. He was already dead. I don't know how long he had been dead, but his body didn't rot. That's because he was powerful during his lifetime, so even after death, his body would not rot.

According to Ding Ning's guess, this physical body is more terrifying than the indestructible golden body, otherwise it would not give Ding Ning a lot of pressure after death, which shows how terrifying he was during his lifetime.

Ding Ning had no scruples about a dead strong man. He glanced at the position on the man's chest, suddenly reached out with his arm, and took the thing clamped on the man's chest.

This is a scroll made of unknown fur, with a lot of words written on it.

It was only after Ding Ning read it that he fully understood the identity of this person.

"It turns out that he is the Immortal Taoist!"

Immortal Daoist, a legend-level existence in the cultivation world, is a Sanxian who has survived the nine heavenly tribulations, and can escape from the top existence of this universe by one step.

The cave he had been to before was not left by monks in ancient times at all, but was laid by the immortal Taoist. The main reason why the immortal Taoist laid down the inheritance of this cave was that he discovered the inheritance of an ancient god and demon.

And the treasure behind the No. 14 gate is the inheritance of the ancient gods and demons.

Ding Ning couldn't help thinking, could it be that the crescent moon pendant was obtained by Immortal Taoist from the inheritance of ancient gods and demons?
Unfortunately, there is no record about the inheritance of gods and demons on this scroll.

(End of this chapter)

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