The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 765 770 Powerful stone man! 1 more

Chapter 765 770 Powerful stone man! 1 more

No. [-] God and Demon Trial Ground.

Jiang Taichao waited for the Taishangmen to come, and his appearance made all the Taishangmen who came here overjoyed.

Regarding the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, Taishangmen is bound to win, so Jiang Taichao, who is a genius, naturally bears the brunt of entering it. Those who are Taishangmen know that Jiang Taichao has already gone to the battlefield of Shura, so since the people who beat Taishangmen entered the gods and demons. After the trial field, he has been looking for Jiang Taichao.

Jiang Taichao is the most talented child of Taishangmen, so nothing should happen to him.

With the help of the sect, Jiang Taichao doesn't need to face the wild beasts alone.

Moreover, Jiang Taichao discovered that other people did not have the meniscus crystal, which shows the value of gods and demons, which made Jiang Taichao feel strange, but he did not say anything. Thinking about it carefully, isn't it a coincidence that he got the meniscus crystal? He caught a glimpse of it, but he missed the meniscus crystal.

Others don't know, but this is a good thing for Jiang Taichao, and he inquired about it, but no one has ever heard of the value of gods and demons.

"It seems that I still have an advantage over the latecomers. Even if I am not as good as the guy who started the inheritance, I still have a great hope of winning the inheritance of gods and demons." Jiang Taichao felt that he was only better than the guy who started the inheritance of gods and demons. People have a little less advantage, but they have one more advantage than others.

Jiang Taichao's eyes flickered. Since he has this advantage, it is natural to increase the number of gods and demons. He feels that if the number of gods and demons can reach a certain level, it will definitely surprise him.

Through talking with the sect disciples who came later, Jiang Taichao also learned that only monks below the Mahayana realm can enter here, which is perfect for Jiang Taichao.

In this way, there are even fewer people who can threaten him.

What's more, Jiang Taichao realized that the demon cultivators were also pouring in, and he remembered that there was a sleeping demon cultivator in his evil body.

However, with the strength of that demon cultivator, it is impossible to enter the trial field of gods and demons.

This made Jiang Taichao breathe a sigh of relief. Although he hated the evil king to death, and it was the evil king who caused the existence in his body to fall into a deep sleep, if he were to meet the evil king, he would really be unable to take revenge. His strength is not the opponent of the evil king at all.

Thanks to the restrictions imposed by the rules of the God and Demon Trial Field, such a powerful opponent was blocked outside, otherwise, it would be a big trouble.

However, the power of the dantian is suppressed here, and besides, there is no shortage of strong people when he is too close, even if he does bump into him, there is actually no need to worry too much.

Jiang Taichao pondered for a while, and then started his new plan. He wanted to get as many gods and demons as possible before other people got the meniscus crystal. Otherwise, once the number of men who got the meniscus crystal increased, he might kill those beasts You have to compete with each other.

He, Jiang Taichao, now has to take advantage of this slight opportunity to take the lead every step of the way.

Just when Jiang Taichao was thinking about letting the people from the Zongmen surround the wild beasts in the wasteland, and let him kill them himself to obtain the god and demon values, Ding Ning was fighting fiercely with the stone man.

The Gods and Demons Trial Field not only suppresses other monks, but also treats Ding Ning equally, and will not give him more favor just because he is an opener. In this regard, Ding Ning is the same as other monks.

In the No. [-] trial field of gods and demons.

Ding Ning kept moving forward, beheading many stone men on the way, it can be said that he went all the way and killed all the way, but those stone men were still killed, as if there were endless.

Rao Ding Ning has many kinds of body training methods, which is not a small consumption.

After all, he is a human race, not ancient gods and demons. This place is dedicated to tempering ancient gods and demons. The human race has a gap with the ancient gods and demons. They are used to train gods and demons. They are used to train Ding Ning. For Ding Ning, the natural pressure is not great Small.

He no longer remembered how many stone men he had killed. Although his body was beginning to feel tired, which meant that his muscles and bones were exhausted, the harvest was still not small. His god and demon values ​​had accumulated more than 2000.

Moreover, Ding Ning found that fighting these stone men was no worse than fighting human monks. Although the opponents were stones, in terms of lethality, they were not weaker than human monks.

In particular, stone people are not afraid of death, their moves are a means of killing people, and their lethality is not small. Ding Ning deeply doubts that these stones are definitely becoming spirits, and they are almost as good as the human race.

It has to be said that the means of the ancient gods and demons are really powerful, and they created this kind of training scene just to train their offspring, which is simply breathtaking.

In the last life, Ding Ning stood at the top of the cultivation world and looked down at the cultivation world. At that time, he thought that the methods of the ancient gods and demons might be exaggerated. Now it seems that he was too naive. Sharpening means is a kind of miracle, and it is impossible for human monks to do it.

He even felt that even if he entered the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, he might not have such means to become a casual cultivator.

Otherwise, Taoist Immortal wouldn't have died at the place where the inheritance of ancient gods and demons was opened.

Comparing the inheritance of the Immortal Taoist and the inheritance of this ancient god and demon, it is like the sky and the earth.

As for why the Immortal Taoist didn't enter this inheritance of gods and demons, Ding Ning felt that maybe when the Immortal Taoist discovered it, he was already in a state of exhaustion, so he didn't go there.

Otherwise, if the Immortal Taoist is in a state of complete victory, his inheritance alone will not be so easy. After all, the Immortal Taoist is also a legendary figure who survived nine catastrophes without dying. How could his inheritance be so simple? .

As Ding Ning continued to move forward, the stone men he met became stronger and stronger.

In the beginning, there were sporadic stone men, or stone men made up of piles of stones, but it will not be so simple in the future.

Ding Ning saw a huge mountain in front of him, and when he approached, he couldn't help but gasped.

What the hell is a mountain peak? It's completely a stone peak.

This guy can't also turn into a stone man, let's attack him.

In the next second, Ding Ning had the urge to slap himself on the mouth, because he really hit the spot, the ground began to shake, and he saw only a huge rocky mountain peak, which began to shake, and then an amazing scene appeared, the huge The stone mountain suddenly rose from the ground, and it stood up.

This is a huge stone man. Ding Ning is like an ant moving in front of him. He has to look up to see the head of the stone man.

With such a big guy, he could only use his physical strength to fight against him, Ding Ning almost scolded him.

However, he didn't leave right away, because Ding Ning wanted to test the strength of this stone man. With such a big man, his movements must be very slow. Perhaps, it is not impossible for him to defeat the opponent.

So Ding Ning punched it directly, and the stone man didn't move, allowing Ding Ning to hit one of its legs.

Ding Ning did not have any joy on his face, because his punch was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it didn't affect the stone man at all.

How to fight this?
Ding Ning is puzzled!

(End of this chapter)

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