The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 767 772 Looking for Weaknesses! 1 more

Chapter 767 772 Looking for Weaknesses! 1 more

If this stone is really a treasure, without it, it would not be easy to escape from the Yamagata Stone Man.

Ding Ning sighed in his heart, fortunately he is the initiator of the inheritance of gods and demons, otherwise, he would suffer disaster today.

If it was another monk who met the stone man in Yamagata, he would definitely be worse than Ding Ning.

Don't worry about it for now, let's talk about recovering your physical strength.

Ding Ning put aside all distracting thoughts and began to concentrate on recovering his physical strength. After all, he could not use the power of his dantian in the trial ground of gods and demons, he could only use his physical strength. Otherwise, how could he be restrained when facing the stone man in Yamagata.

Not long after, Ding Ning came up from the pool. He looked at the water in the pool, just as he saw it at the beginning, bright and clear, filled with aura, even if he jumped in twice, there was still no change.

He took out the stone key again and held it in his hand.

Ding Ning was going to continue to challenge the stone man in Yamagata. Anyway, there is a stone key, so if it doesn't work, just run back.

Ding Ning once again stepped into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

He didn't go through the stone key and directly arrived at the stone man in Yamagata, but started from the entrance of the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

Not long after he entered it, he saw the stone man again, which was also the path he had walked before.

The stone man who had been crushed by him was resurrected, as if nothing had happened before.

Ding Ning frowned and pondered for a while, then he took the initiative to walk towards the stone men and smashed them to pieces with one blow.

This time, after Ding Ning smashed the stone man, he observed carefully. He had observed the resurrection of the stone man before, and now he wanted to figure out the reason.

He wants to see what power can revive the broken stone man.

After observing carefully for a long time, the stone man in front of him has been beheaded by Ding Ning more than ten times in succession, but he still didn't find the reason.

The stone man was indeed crushed by him, but the stone man could still be resurrected.

Ding Ning, who had been studying for a while, could only stop the research. It would be a waste of time to continue like this. He took the opportunity to step into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field one step ahead of others, but time can't be wasted like this.

Touching the stone key, Ding Ning's body flickered and disappeared in the next second. When he reappeared, he came to the stone mountain again.

The Yamagata stone man became a stone mountain again, sitting there, and with the appearance of Ding Ning, the ground shook again, and it was about to move again.

Ding Ning was used to it, and even got used to it. This time, he didn't rush to attack, because Ding Ning knew that even if his attack hit the stone man in Yamagata, the damage would be limited.

Therefore, he had to observe the stone man in Yamagata and find out the opponent's weaknesses, so that he could defeat the opponent.

The stone man in Yamagata is Ding Ning's stumbling block. If he wants to pass the No. [-] proving ground for gods and demons, he must pass the stone man in Yamagata.

The ground shook, and the stone man in Yamagata stood up. He still had the tall body, like an ancient giant. If it was an ancient god and demon, it should be the same size as the opponent. Ding Ning guessed that this place was used to temper the ancient gods and demons. , and now to test him Ding Ning, in terms of difficulty, it is very difficult, because even the young ancient gods and demons are quite strenuous to face this mountain-shaped stone man, let alone Ding Ning.

But fortunately, Ding Ning's physical body is strong. Although he can't reach the level of ancient gods and demons now, he should not be underestimated.

The stone man in Yamagata stood up straight, looked down at Ding Ning from a high position, and then walked towards Ding Ning with one step of his legs.

Ding Ning did not retreat but advanced, and he also rushed towards the stone man in Yamagata.

With every step of the stone man in Yamagata, the ground would tremble and thump.

Ding Ning soon came to the Yamagata stone man, and immediately, the Yamagata stone man raised a stone leg.

Ding Ning didn't attack the stone leg, but when the stone stepped on it, he jumped on it instantly.

The Yamagata Stone Man did not expect Ding Ning to be so courageous, daring to hug its thigh.

It started to shake its legs, trying to shake Ding Ning off its legs.

At this time, Ding Ning crawled onto the elephant like an ant. The elephant felt itchy and began to drive the ant away.

But Ding Ning is not a real ant, and the Yamagata Stone Man is not an elephant. Ding Ning's purpose is to come to the Yamagata Stone Man, so how could he be easily thrown out.

Ding Ning firmly grasped the thigh of the Yamagata Stone Man. To put it bluntly, this thigh is composed of many small stones glued together, and there are handles everywhere, which can be firmly grasped.

Seeing that it could not get rid of Ding Ning, the Yamagata stone man began to bend down and grab it with his hands.

call out.

The stone arm grabbed it, forming a gust of wind, Ding Ning's hair was blown up, and his clothes were flying.

This is the time.

Ding Ning saw the timing, and when the stone palm was about to fall on him, he jumped down suddenly and staggered instantly. However, he did not land on the ground, but stepped on the foot of the mountain-shaped stone man after dodging the stone palm. On the leg, with the help of the rebound force, he jumped up suddenly.


He jumped onto the stone man's arm and grabbed it fiercely.

The Yamagata Stone Man did not expect Ding Ning to come from its legs to its hands again.

It immediately stretched out its other hand to arrest Ding Ning.

After Ding Ning stabilized his body, he climbed up along his arms.

The other hand of the Yamagata Stone Man is getting closer and closer to him. Ding Ning is racing against time. Once the other hand approaches, he will be in danger. go down.

Ding Ning's speed is so fast, on the arm of the stone man in Yamagata, he is like walking on flat ground, daring to approach the stone man in Yamagata now, it is also Ding Ning's skill and courage.

But Ding Ning had no choice. Now he could only hope to go to the stone man in Yamagata to find the opponent's weakness.

There is no absolute. Although the Yamagata stone man is powerful, he should also have weaknesses, but it is not easy to find them.

It is unrealistic to observe from a distance and find out the weakness of the stone man in Yamagata. He will only be chased by the opponent.

Therefore, Ding Ning could only think of the opponent, and perhaps he could find the weak point of the Yamagata Stone Man.


Suddenly, Ding Ning's eyes flashed, he had already reached the shoulder of the stone man in Yamagata, and finally ran to the other side.

Standing on the shoulder of the stone man in Yamagata, Ding Ning didn't stop, because the arm grabbed it with a whoosh.


Ding Ning came to the neck of the Yamagata Stone Man. At this moment, the arm slapped again, and Ding Ning climbed onto the head of the Yamagata Stone Man.

The giant stone palm shot blankly, but the stone man in Yamagata was taken aback for a moment.

Ding Ning came to the head of the Yamagata stone man, and this time, both hands grabbed him.

Ding Ning can only keep tossing on his head, and the Yamagata stone man can't see Ding Ning's position on his head, he can only rely on perception, and this is an available point for Ding Ning.

Only then did he realize that the stone man in Yamagata had a blind spot.

He thought that when he was on his neck just now, the mountain-shaped stone man missed him, but patted himself.

Perhaps, this blind spot is the weakness of the Yamagata Golem.

Ding Ning was overjoyed, finally found useful information.

(I will get married in another five or six days. The veterans will be less and more in these few days. Forgive me. I will resume normal updates after a few days.)
(End of this chapter)

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