The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 771 776 pitted yourself? 1 more

Chapter 771 776 pitted yourself? 1 more

The stone man in Yamagata was dead. This formidable enemy who made Ding Ning run back to the pool several times to recover his strength was finally defeated by him.

There was no expression on Ding Ning's face, but his heart was not at peace.

Defeating the stone man in Yamagata was second, and the fusion of the three body training methods was the most gratifying thing for him.

In constant trials, Ding Ning found that he wanted to integrate the Immortal Body into the other two body training methods, which was somewhat incompatible.

This is like a wolf trying to blend in with the sheep.

Compared with the two body training methods of Nine-turn Glazed Body and Demon Body of Evil God, Immortal Body is more advanced. Those who want to integrate the high-level into the low-level will not only not become stronger, but will also lower the level. That is to say, after the fusion It's not that great anymore.

In this way, it is a dead end, how to integrate this.

The Nine Turns Glazed Body and the Demon Body of the Evil God are the top two methods of refining the body, and the Immortal Body is even more advanced than these two methods.

Countless thoughts flashed through Ding Ning's mind, but he couldn't solve this problem.

Until, a bolt of lightning flashed across his mind.

Since the Immortality and Undying Body method is essentially one level higher, while the Nine-turn Glazed Body and the Demon Body of the Evil God are one level lower, wouldn't it be good to upgrade both of these methods!
How to upgrade?

If it was someone else, it might take a lot of brain cells, but for Ding Ning, he has already completed the upgrade of these two sets of top body training methods.

Isn't the magic body and glazed body just a combination of the two?

As long as he fuses the demon body glass body with the immortal body, wouldn't that be enough?

In an instant, it suddenly became clear, and all the clouds and mist dispersed in an instant, so there was a scene where Ding Ning entered a special state just now.

Standing in front of the corpse of the stone man in Yamagata, Ding Ning withdrew his mind. Now that the path of fusion has been found, he can just follow the steps step by step.

He put his attention on the mountain golem again, and he wondered if the mountain golem he killed would be resurrected like other golems.

While he was observing, suddenly, he saw a layer of faint blue light descending from the sky, sprinkled on the mountain-shaped stone figure, and only saw the shattered head being re-condensed.

Really revived!
Ding Ning looked at it, how could this work? If the stone man in Yamagata survived, wouldn't he have to waste his energy.

Can't bring it back to life.

Then, Ding Ning moved his feet, and he directly stepped on the mountain-shaped stone man, causing all the blue light to fall on him.

This caused the Yamagata stone man who was on the road to resurrection to stop resurrection immediately.

If the stone man in Yamagata saw this scene at this time, he would definitely scold his mother for selling.

Ding Ning didn't know what effect the light blue radiance would have on him, but it was better than reviving the stone man in Yamagata. Whatever it was, let's grab it first.

Ding Ning didn't feel anything at first when he snatched the light blue light belonging to the Stone Man in Yamagata, but as time went by, he found that after the light blue light entered his body, subtle changes took place in his skin.

Ding Ning found that the skin became the same as that of the stone man, with a stone-like feeling.

Seeing this scene, he was terrified. The blue light might turn him into a stone man.

If he really turned into a stone man, then it would be a tragedy for Ding Ning. He obviously snatched the opportunity for the resurrection of the stone man in Yamagata, so how could he be cheating himself.

Just when Ding Ning was thinking about whether to leave here quickly, he found that the stone skin began to disappear.


Ding Ning touched his arm, just like before, it didn't look like there was any change.

But when Ding Ning used his physical strength, the grayish-white stone-like skin was exposed on his arms.

Even the fists turned into a pair of stone fists, no different from the fists of the Yamagata Stone Man.

what's the situation?
This light blue light is so poisonous, how could he become like this.

Fortunately, if he didn't use his physical strength, the stone-like skin color would disappear, which somewhat comforted his heart.

As soon as he thought about it, the color of his arms changed from normal to gray and white. He touched his waist, and a wry smile appeared on his face. This change was not only in the arms, but also in the whole body.

Ding Ning felt powerless to complain, this time he really cheated himself, turning into a stone man.

This makes him how to hang around in the cultivation world in the future, even if he seeks revenge from his former enemies, it will be very embarrassing.

As soon as he used his strength, it would shake the heavens and earth. As soon as he Ding Ning used his strength, he turned into a stone man, just like a stone turned into a spirit.

Ding Ning couldn't help but yell at him, but he stopped after thinking that he was scolding him. It's no use regretting it now, it's already an established fact.

It seems that he will not use his physical strength in front of other people in the future, otherwise he will transform in minutes.

Ding Ning couldn't help but hammered the ground, but under this hammer, he was stunned again.


His eyes widened a little, and he saw that there was a crack on the ground. Was it caused by a subconscious punch he just punched?

This time, Ding Ning watched his fist hit the ground. When his fist hit the ground, a gap centered on his fist extended to both sides. He looked at it and found that it was almost ten feet long.

It's a bit powerful.

He felt that he hadn't used much force just now, he just punched lightly, and the power was too great, and he didn't have such a strong force before.

Is it because of the change just now that the strength has increased?
Ding Ning felt that it was most likely due to the light blue light. Although it made him become like a stone man when he used his physical strength, the corresponding strength was also strengthened.

Standing still on the spot, Ding Ning was in a daze for a while, and after bringing him back to his senses, he began to use more strength to bombard the ground.

I only saw that the gaps on the ground were wider and longer than the other.

Ding Ning's eyes released a brilliant light, and his strength increased a lot. He could clearly feel that when he struck hard, the power erupting from his body was no less than that of the mountain-shaped stone man he had just killed.

Is it that strong?
The light blue radiance of emotion is more powerful than those three sets of body training methods.

Although it is said that using the power of the body, it becomes like a stone man, but the strength has also increased, which has advantages and disadvantages.

Ding Ning's ability to accept is quite strong, and he quickly accepted the current situation, as long as he becomes stronger, monks cultivate the word "strong", and appearance is not important.

Since the light blue light is so effective, if he absorbs more, will it increase his power even more.

Ding Ning glanced at the mountain-shaped stone man who had stopped resurrecting, so Ding Ning moved away slowly. Sure enough, after he jumped away from the mountain-shaped stone man, the light blue light appeared again. Seeing this scene, Ding Ning hurried over again Snatch the light blue radiance.

After absorbing it for a while, Ding Ning looked at his arm and punched it down.

Why didn't it increase?Same as just now.

Is it not working anymore.

Ding Ning dodged again, the stone man in Yamagata continued to be resurrected, and then Ding Ning came to snatch it again.

After repeated experiments like this for five or six times, Ding Ning found that the light blue light had no effect except for the first time it worked for him.

In this case, it becomes meaningless for him to prevent the stone man from being resurrected. Unless he stays here, once he leaves, the mountain stone man will be resurrected.

Then let it come alive.

Ding Ning didn't stop him any more, let the blue radiance fall, and didn't try to snatch it again. Not long after, the stone man in Yamagata recovered and stood in front of Ding Ning intact.

(End of this chapter)

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