The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 773 778 Giant Stone Man! 1 more

Chapter 773 778 Giant Stone Man! 1 more

A thought quickly flashed through Ding Ning's mind, he turned over and quickly jumped away from the wide area covered by the feet.

If this is stepped on, it will definitely be trampled into meatloaf.

One foot missed, and the giant stone man dropped the other foot again, as if it thought that it only needed to use the soles of its feet to deal with a human monk like Ding Ning.

bang bang bang...

The feet of the giant stone man kept falling, and Ding Ning dodged back and forth.

How can it go on like this, Ding Ning can't keep hiding like this.

He has to fight back.

While dodging, Ding Ning stared at the giant stone man's legs, and after aiming for an opportunity, he immediately jumped up.

The legs of the giant stone man are like a huge stone pillar, only more flexible than the stone pillar.

Ding Ning quickly climbed along the giant stone man's legs, continuously upwards, under the giant stone man's feet, after all, it was difficult to compete with him, so he wanted to come to the giant stone man, just like when he faced the Yamagata stone man before, he found The weakness of the Yamagata stone man was revealed, forcing the opponent to shrink his body to fight him.

Anyway, there is no difference between this giant stone man and the previous Yamagata stone man in essence. They both belong to the stone man tribe, so the opponent's weakness should be the head, and its blind spot is the same as that of the Yamagata stone man. Where to touch.

Ding Ning was like climbing a ladder, climbing higher and higher, and in a blink of an eye, he had climbed to the waist of a giant stone man.

If he could use the power of his dantian, he wouldn't be as strenuous as he is now. With a thought, he could fly in front of the opponent in an instant, but it's different here. If he wants to get to the giant stone man, he can only follow the opponent's direction. The body climbed up.

Ding Ning ran onto the giant stone man, and the possibility of the other party trying to trample him to death instantly went to zero.

Not long after, he saw a black shadow approaching.

This is……

Ding Ning's heart tightened.

He saw clearly that it was a fist.

The giant stone man started to use his fist, which showed that the opponent had begun to value him.

Seeing the fist attacking, seeing the power of that big fist, it would definitely be uncomfortable to get hit, at least he could be knocked down with one punch.

Even if his strength has also increased, Ding Ning is not sure that he can resist the opponent's punch.

After all, this big guy is much more powerful than the previous Yamagata stone man, how could the increased strength from the Yamagata stone man be his opponent? It's this big guy.

If you can't force it, then outsmart it.

Ding Ning suddenly changed direction, and ran directly to the back of the giant stone man. In this way, the giant stone man could not bombard it with his fists. As Ding Ning expected, the giant stone man used his fists instead of grabbing, directly grabbing from the back. Come, and hold both hands together.

Those ten fingers, like ten pillars between heaven and earth, weaved into two big nets, scratching around the back of the giant stone man.

Ding Ning has accumulated a lot of experience in fighting the stone man before, and even the back of the stone man is a blind spot. He only needs to stay in the blind spot, and the danger will be greatly reduced.

No matter how powerful the giant stone man is, he still can't grab all the parts of his back.

And these places are the places of life.

Along the back of the giant stone man, Ding Ning continued to climb. At this time, he was like a small mosquito, which annoyed the giant stone man, but he couldn't be slapped to death immediately.


The palm of the giant stone man kept grabbing behind his back, leaving many marks, but Ding Ning's movements were quite flexible, and he avoided it several times without giving the opponent a chance to catch it.

Not long after, Ding Ning finally came to the head of the giant stone man. He suddenly stopped and stared into the air, because he saw that the giant stone man had already slapped his palms, which seemed to be aimed at him.

The air became strangely quiet.

Ding Ning stared at the slap, and with a gust of wind blowing, the slap fell suddenly.

Ding Ning's body was tense and half-bowed, and he was about to be slapped for fear of death. Suddenly, Ding Ning disappeared in the position just now, and when he reappeared, he had already run to the other side.

At the same time, the giant stone man's slap hit him on the back of the head.


Like a thunderclap, this slap, the giant stone man hit him, hearing the sound, Ding Ning felt the pain for him.

The giant stone man felt that he was being tricked. In the next second, Ding Ning felt as if he was being blocked, because the two palms of the giant stone man covered the back of his head completely, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Ding Ning didn't want to be caught by him, so he immediately sank down and landed on his shoulders. He didn't stop for a moment, and quickly ran to the back of his neck, and punched heavily at the connection between his head and his body.

This punch gathered the strength of his whole body, and it can be said to be the strongest punch without using the power of his dantian.

He wants to break its neck with a punch, so that even if the giant stone man does not die, he will be seriously injured, so that he has the possibility of killing him.

However, his punch was blocked only halfway through the bombardment.

It turned out that the giant stone man raised his neck, making the position of the back of the neck suddenly lose its weakness.

Even if he punched down, it was useless, the weakness of the neck was hidden.

Just when Ding Ning was thinking about what to do next, the giant stone man's fist appeared silently behind him, and he was sent flying far away by a force.

Ding Ning landed on the ground and rolled more than ten feet away. The giant stone man's attack followed closely. It raised its legs again, ready to step on it again.

Ding Ning clenched his fists tightly and slammed on the ground. A very wide gap was blasted in the ground.

As a result, the giant stone man stepped down and directly stepped on the gap. Suddenly, one leg of the giant stone man sank into the ground.

Ding Ning knew that the opportunity had come. Taking advantage of the giant stone man's body bending down, he jumped up from the ground.

But when his body was in mid-air, it was about to fall on the head of the giant stone man.

Suddenly, a force rushed over and sent him flying again.

Ding Ning was knocked into the air again, and only stopped after rolling tens of meters.

The sudden blow caused Ding Ning a lot of damage, and directly collapsed his shoulder.

Ding Ning got up, and he saw that although half of the giant stone man's leg sank into the ground, it used only one arm to break free, and what hit Ding Ning was the giant stone man's other hand.

This guy is tricky.

Ding Ning found that this giant stone man was much stronger than the previous Yamagata stone man, both in terms of strength and experience, it was terrifying.

Ding Ning rubbed his collapsed shoulder. If he couldn't use the power of his dantian, he couldn't repair it. It would take a long time to recover on his own.

"It's a pity that such a good opportunity."

He had to go back to repair his injuries. Even if it was a good opportunity for the giant stone man to sink to the surface, he could only give up.

"I'll kill you again in 10 minutes!"


With a flash of light, Ding Ning disappeared, his voice still echoing in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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