The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 775 The Key to 780 Winning! 1 more

Chapter 775 The Key to 780 Winning! 1 more

As the saying goes, there is no absolute in everything. Although the giant stone man is so powerful that it is almost invincible, there is always a chance of life.

There is still a line left in the avenue, not to mention facing this big guy in front of him.

Ding Ning's strength has improved a lot since he fought against the Yamagata stone man before. He believes that after defeating the giant stone man, his strength will increase again.

Ding Ning's crazy attack, the best defense is to attack, even if his attack may not succeed every time, but he just wants to do it.

Every time he expends his whole body strength, he will continue to squeeze his own potential. He has not hidden that he can become a stone man, which is unavoidable.

And it was this state that allowed him to mobilize some physical strength after squeezing himself a few times. He didn't hold the stone key until he could no longer punch.

Ding Ning couldn't remember clearly how many times he was exhausted and exhausted all his strength to return to the pool.

But there are still some gains. Although his attack is not fatal to the giant stone man, it cannot hold back his attack on the same place this time.

And he didn't give the giant stone man more time to recover, as long as he recovered from the pool, he would kill him immediately and fight the giant stone man again.

The giant stone man is really strong. It has rough skin and thick flesh. To be more precise, it has no flesh and blood at all, and some are just stones, which are completely composed of stones.

It is really not easy to crush the giant stone man with flesh and blood, but Ding Ning is making progress in this direction little by little, even if it is only a small step.

It is precisely this kind of scene of constantly shuttling back and forth to fight the giant stone man and returning to the pool to recover his strength. Ding Ning did not notice that the water level of the pool was slowly dropping.

He has already consumed too much energy water in the pool, but this has not yet allowed Ding Ning to defeat him.

After fighting for a whole day without success, Ding Ning felt that he had to find a way. Originally, he planned to attack a specific part of the giant stone man, but the giant stone man saw through this and began to guard against him. do it.

The situation was at a stalemate again. After feeling that he could not splash much water in the pool, Ding Ning realized that the advantage left for him to continue to compete with the giant stone man was gradually weakening.

He must knock down the giant stone man before exhausting the pool of water, otherwise, he really has no capital to contend with.

Ding Ning reckoned that the energy of the water in the pool could support him at most for three days like today.

In other words, within three days, he must kill the giant stone man.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, two days had passed in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. Ding Ning felt urgent, and there was only one day left.

Is it really going to fail?
Ding Ning knew that without the support of the energy in the pool, he would not be able to hold on any longer. After all, it takes time for flesh and blood wounds to heal and recover.

On the other hand, although the giant stone man has been making shots, its power seems to be endless, and there is no sign of fatigue.

This made Ding Ning feel very difficult, the opponent was not so strong.

"It's really a place where ancient gods and demons are tempered. Not everyone can break through this difficulty." Ding Ning couldn't help complaining, but the expression of complaining was only fleeting, and he recovered in an instant. A look of determination.

Ding Ning licked his dry lips, and Ding Ning said slowly, "This is the only way to challenge."

It's not that he has never died before, and he is not afraid of death. Now that he is reborn, how could he fall on this stone man.

Ding Ning suddenly launched an attack. He has made some progress in the fusion of the immortal body and the magic body glass body. Now he uses it to deal with the giant stone man. Although it cannot cause fatal injuries to the opponent, it can still play some role. of.

The means of the two methods of righteousness and evil cannot be used, even the other two methods of the Immortal Taoist cannot be used. Ding Ning does not have many means to rely on, so he combined these two methods to cause damage to the giant stone man .

However, it was quite strenuous for him to hit the giant stone man once. Although the opponent was large in size, his agility was not low at all.

Ding Ning thought of many countermeasures these days, but all of them failed without exception.

As time passed, the water in the pool became less and less, and it seemed to be drying up.

Is it really going to stop here?
Ding Ning was a little reconciled. As the founder of this land of gods and demons, he took all the opportunities, so he could only go to the No. [-] Gods and Demons Trial Field, which is really a pity.

Just when Ding Ning thought to himself that he had wasted his advantage of taking the lead, suddenly, his eyes fell on the stone key.

He stared blankly at the stone and looked up. He was very quiet at first, but after a while, he burst out laughing.

He thought of a countermeasure.

Ding Ning believed that if he used it as he did, it would definitely not be a problem to kill the giant stone man.

After coming out of Tan Shui, Ding Ning's eyes were filled with excitement, and he thought of a solution.

This time, he must be able to kill the giant stone man.

Holding the stone key, Ding Ning disappeared by the pool.

When Ding Ning reappeared, he happened to be not far from the giant stone man. The giant stone man knew that Ding Ning would be back soon. Seeing Ding Ning's appearance, he shot immediately without saying a word.

In fact, since it fought against Ding Ning until now, it has never spoken, which caused Ding Ning to think that this guy can't speak, but he shouldn't, even the stone man in Yamagata can talk, this existence is several times stronger than the stone man in Yamagata, How could it be impossible to speak.

It can only show that the other party is taciturn, maybe he is really dumb.

"Good come!"

Ding Ning stood on the spot, waiting quietly for the giant stone man to approach. The man's speed was very fast. Due to his tall stature, the distance seemed not short, and he approached him in an instant.


Before the giant stone man's attack arrived, the wind it brought was the first to blow over.

This time Ding Ning didn't move at all, just smiled at the giant stone man's attack.

He made no gesture of resistance.

As a result, the giant stone man was taken aback. Although he didn't know what Ding Ning was doing, his attack would not stop.



Ding Ning meditated, counting down, until he said "one", his body disappeared instantly.


Ding Ning's figure appeared at a position three meters away.

The giant stone man didn't care, and continued to attack, but as it kept chasing and hitting Ding Ning, the giant stone man found that he couldn't hit the opponent even once.

Ding Ning's speed was too fast, he disappeared out of thin air without leaving any trace, making him nowhere to be found, and then reappeared in an instant.

"You can't beat me, so I won't be defeated by you in the first place." Ding Ning said lightly.

"Don't you dare to dodge, and fight me thoroughly." The giant stone man spoke, and it was the first time they had spoken in the past few days, with a low and hoarse voice.

Ding Ning raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "Fight, let's fight, let's see how I can defeat you!"

After the words fell, Ding Ning disappeared out of thin air again.

And when he reappeared, he had already come behind the giant stone man and punched him on the neck.

This punch caused the giant stone man to bend down suddenly.

The next second, Ding Ning's voice sounded from in front of the giant stone man. At some point, he ran from behind the giant stone man to the front again: "The show has just begun."

(End of this chapter)

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