The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 860 865 Infiltrated the Heavenly Demon Sect! 2 more

Chapter 860 865 Infiltrated the Heavenly Demon Sect! 2 more

Elder Constellation?

After the young man learned of this name, he couldn't help showing a look of secret joy on his face, because he was the first person besides Ding Ning to know the name of the mysterious strong man.

This news is very valuable, he will soon get back the blood spirit stones given to Ding Ning, and more than twice as much.

Ding Ning only talked with the young man for a few words, and then broke through the air and left here.

He purposely released the name of Xingxiu Old Immortal, but it was done at will, without any special consideration.

However, Ding Ning didn't know that this name aroused many people's associations.

The first is the relationship between Ding Ning and the old fairy Xingxiu. Is Ding Ning the old fairy Xingxiu's apprentice?Otherwise, how could he have walked down from Xingxiu Mountain.

Second, people finally know the name of the strong man on Xingxiu Mountain, they can tell that they are not ordinary people just by hearing the name, otherwise how dare they call themselves the title of old fairy, the strength is absolutely terrifying.

Thirdly, people learned from the information leaked from Ding Ning's mouth that the old fairy Xingxiu entered the world, and there is no fixed date when he will return.

If Ding Ning heard that a name he casually mentioned caused so many suspicions, he would definitely feel amused, because he didn't think of so much himself.

The name of Old Immortal Xingxiu quickly spread in the blood world, and basically everyone knew that there was a suspected Mahayana powerhouse in the blood world.

The number of people at the foot of Xingxiu Mountain has increased instead of decreasing, but all the people who come here are still very polite, and no one crosses the boundary to go to the top of the mountain.

Even if the old fairy Xingxiu was not on the mountain, no one dared to ignore the rules of the living.

Who knows if Xingxiu Old Immortal will leave some other means on the mountain to kill those who offend easily, people dare not make fun of their own lives, once there is really something behind, it is too late to cry.

Of course, the most important thing is that the old immortal Xingxiu's power to kill the butcher is still there, which is dreadful.

Near Tianmozong, a figure slowly appeared, it was Ding Ning who left from Xingxiu Mountain.

He came here with only one purpose, revenge.

In the previous life, he was betrayed by those three henchmen, causing him to fall. Now, he came to take revenge.

Since his own strength has not yet reached the point where he can sweep the invincible, Ding Ning did not attack directly, but sneaked over. With his strength, even if there are patrols near the Demon Sect, they cannot catch him.

Before coming here, Ding Ning had a general understanding of the strength of those three people, and what he learned from them was similar to his own guess.

The target he chose was the evil king.

Because Xie Jun was always at the bottom among the three, and his methods were basically magical weapons, he was not good at melee combat, and preferred to use magic weapons to win.

As for the other two, one is Qin Jun, who is both wise and brave. Among the three, he is the most difficult to deal with. Ding Ning even suspects that the three of them betrayed him. Qin Jun is very likely to be the first to have this idea people.

Ding Ning was going to keep him in the end.

The second is the tyrant, with a hot temper and the cruelest method among the three. His attacks are very violent, which is why he got his name. In addition, the tyrant has a strange power and a strong physique. It can be said that he is a demon cultivator. Among them, the body cultivators are somewhat similar to today's Ding Ning, and Ding Ning listed him as the second target of revenge.

Another reason for choosing the first target of revenge is Xie Jun, that is, he has seen Xie Jun make a move before, which is not much different from when he did not fall.

Persimmons are naturally soft.

It is not difficult for Ding Ning to enter the interior of Tianmozong, because he is so familiar with this place, it is like his own home.

At first, he thought that the three traitors would carry out a massive rectification of the Tianmo sect after his fall, but in fact they didn't, and many buildings were still the same as before.

This should be related to the three people's explanation to the Tianmo sect. The three said that Ding Ning failed to cross the catastrophe and died in the catastrophe. In this way, changing Ding Ning's previous layout will cause many people to speculate.

Pretending to be a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Ding Ning revisited his hometown, but unfortunately, his identity is different now, he is no longer the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

It is believed that except for the three traitors, everyone in the Tianmo Sect still does not know the real cause of his death.

Ding Ning is going to go to the palace of the evil king to find out if the evil king is in it.

Today, the Heavenly Demon Sect is decided by the three demon kings. Each of them has a palace, which is called the Holy Palace by the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect. Few people go to the place of worship.

The palace of the evil king is behind the palace of the king, including the palaces of the king of Qin and the tyrant.

The palace of the three people is further back than the king's palace, and those who are interested will definitely see something from it.

Ding Ning was not surprised, nor was he angry. The three traitors dared to betray him and join forces to deal with him. Now, behind his palace, three more palaces were built on top of his head. It is not surprising.

It is estimated that if the three of them had not continued to maintain a false face, they would have gone too far.

Ding Ning walked familiarly inside the Heavenly Demon Sect. At this time, he had already arrived at the core area. If he wanted to go to the palace of the evil king, he had to pass through the palace of the king.

Originally, Ding Ning planned to skip it directly, and did not intend to enter the palace to see the palace of the previous life.

But halfway, he still couldn't help but want to go and have a look.

The palace of the king is under the pressure of the palaces of the three demon kings. Is there anyone paying homage to him in the palace of the king and missing him?

Ding Ning couldn't help being curious in his heart, even though he didn't expect much, but curiosity still drove him to look at Wang Dian.

That's it.

It's all here, so it doesn't matter if you take a look.

He decided to enter the palace to have a look.

After walking more than 100 steps, the palace of the king was in front of him. On the stone road leading to the palace of the king, he saw a few young children walking towards him. They seemed to have just come out of the palace of the king.

The clothes of these people are the clothes of the core disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect, belonging to people with relatively high status.

These young people didn't pay much attention to Ding Ning, because at this time Ding Ning was wearing the servant's clothes, which belonged to the lowest status person in Tianmo Sect, who was in charge of cleaning and other errands every day.

Ding Ning passed by each other. Ding Ning didn't pay much attention to these people at first, but the moment he passed by, he heard the content of the other party's conversation, which made him frown suddenly.

"That old guy is really stubborn. He goes to clean the palace every day, and he still talks about why the suzerain will not die. I have told him [-] times. The first suzerain is already dead, and died in the catastrophe."

"I don't even believe the words of the three Lord Demon Lords, and even dare to question Lord Demon Lords and contradict Lord Demon Lords. If you are in this situation, you can only blame yourself."

"Now it is no longer the world of the first suzerain. The entire Heavenly Demon Sect is decided by the three Lord Demon Lords. They have contradicted the three Lord Demon Lords several times. If the three Lord Demon Lords hadn't thought that this old guy was doing things for the sect After making a lot of contributions, he would have been killed long ago."

"Hehe, even if it's not easy for the three Lord Demon Lords to attack him, there are other people in the sect who acted for the three Lord Demon Lords. Over the years, this old guy has been bullied by those people a lot. Didn't we tease him just now? Well."

"Haha, don't tell me, although this old guy's strength has been crippled, he is really resistant to fighting. Let him recover from his injuries first, and we will come again in a few days."

"It's reasonable and reasonable."

"You stop."

Several people were talking, when suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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