The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 876 881 Blood God's Seven Killing Tactics! 7 more

Chapter 876 881 Blood God Seven Kills! 2 more

The tyrant is dead.

The sudden news of his death made Xie Jun stunned for a while, because he never thought that the tyrant would die suddenly.

The strong men at the Mahayana level are all strong men who have gone through countless fights and reached the peak. Which one has not grown up after experiencing a lot of tempering. It is not easy to kill a strong man at the Mahayana level.

As for the tyrant, not only was he killed, but he didn't even know who the murderer was.

Is it the mysterious person who sneaked into the Heavenly Demon Sect and killed many people?
Who is this guy?
Why do you want to attack Tianmozong?

And also has the strength to kill the tyrant, which opponent is it?
The Heavenly Demon Sect has offended many people, after all, it occupies a lot of resources and is coveted by many demon cultivators.

The reason why the evil king is angry is not because of how deep his relationship with the tyrant is, but because of the death of the tyrant. This fear will be reduced.

A strong Mahayana realm can establish a sect, and losing one is the most serious loss.

Even if the evil king does not deal with the tyrant, he does not want the tyrant to be killed.

It's okay for the two of them to fight internally, but they don't want to put the Heavenly Demon Sect in crisis.

Especially in the current situation of scrambling for the ancient corpse, the news of the tyrant's death came from his end, and other people will soon receive the news one after another.

"Master Xiejun, Lord Tyrant..." Elder Fu Mo and other elders also received the news, and they all showed shock, expressing that they couldn't believe it.

"Let's go back to the Heavenly Demon Sect." Xie Jun didn't let the Elder Fu Mo say more. It's best if the people present didn't know the news.

Xie Jun prepared to leave here with the remaining eight elders and more than [-] disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

However, before they could mobilize the crowd to leave, they were blocked in front.

"Evil Lord, didn't you say you want me to die? Why are you leaving in a blink of an eye? Could it be that something major happened to your Heavenly Demon Sect?" The person blocking the way was the blood disciple Demon Venerable. There was a crack in the blood god's banner of the evil king. For the blood disciple Demon Venerable, his heart ached to death. It would be fine if the evil king didn't take the initiative to retreat. If he really wanted to retreat, how could he let the evil king leave easily.

"Go away." The evil lord said coldly, with murderous intent rising again in his eyes, if it wasn't for the news of the tyrant's death just now, he would have made the bloody demon king pay the price, but the tyrant died, he changed his mind, this place is not suitable stay long.

Moreover, he wanted to go back and find out at whose hands the tyrant died. He felt that the death of the tyrant might mean that someone was targeting him at the Heavenly Demon Sect. At this time, the Heavenly Demon Sect might be targeted by someone.

"My magic pestle was damaged because of you, do you think I will let you leave easily?" Give me your blood god banner, and I will make way for you to pass."

"Do you think I really can't kill you?" The blood god's banner is the most powerful magic weapon of Xie Jun, and it is also the most powerful means. Let him hand it over, how is it possible, Xie Jun's tone is getting colder and colder.

"Since you don't give me the blood god's banner, then you don't even think about stepping over it." The blood disciple Demon Venerable said firmly.

"Then I'll step on your corpse and walk over." Xie Jun shot directly without finishing his sentence.

The blood god banner appeared again, and under the urging of the evil king, seven blood gods came out.

"Blood... God... Qi... Kill... Jue!"

Xie Jun said word by word, the seven blood gods did not merge into a whole and become a huge blood god like before, but each of the seven blood gods stood in the same position and wrote the words with their own blood. A symbol, this symbol immediately turned into a weapon.

The seven blood gods just wrote seven symbols and turned them into seven weapons.

Knife, spear, sword, halberd, axe, axe, hook!

With the speed of lightning, these seven weapons lifted the Blood Demon Lord up, and then shot out wildly.


The seven weapons turned into tens of thousands in a blink of an eye, densely packed, covering the void, and there were countless numbers, forming a rain of weapons, completely submerging the Blood Demon Lord.

Everyone present was shocked by this move.

Because the scene created by Xie Jun's Blood God Seven Kills is really too big, once he makes a move, it feels like the whole universe is filled with his attacks.

Even the other five Mahayana casual practitioners couldn't help but feel surprised in their hearts, thinking in their hearts, if they face the evil king's move, can they continue and survive.

Half of them are not sure.

Because this trick of the evil king is indeed too terrifying.

The attack deduced by the cooperation of the blood god on the blood god's banner, I am afraid that only the evil king can do it in the whole blood world.

puff puff puff...

Although the figure of the Blood Demon Venerable could not be seen, people could clearly hear the sound of something being stabbed, and then the liquid flowed out. If they guessed correctly, it was the blood of the Blood Demon Venerable.

The Seven Killings of the Blood God lasted for five seconds before dissipating.

Xie Jun's body trembled slightly. Others don't know how much power he used for this trick, but he knew it in his heart, but Xie Jun didn't show it, because he didn't want others to know that this method would cause a lot of consumption to him .

Even if the Blood Demon Lord is not dead at this time, he is probably seriously injured.

The evil king is still very confident in this point. When the transformed weapons were dispersed, the blood disciple Demon Lord appeared in people's field of vision.

Everyone gasped when they saw the scene where the Blood Demon Lord was covered in blood.

It looked so terrifying, as if it had been cut into pieces by thousands of knives.


The blood disciple Demon Lord suddenly raised his drooping head, and asked, "You Blood God Seven Kills is the method of Ding Laomo, the founder of the Heavenly Demon Sect?"


As soon as the Blood Demon Venerable opened his mouth, everyone present who heard about it began to discuss it.

Because the founder of the Heavenly Demon Sect is a legendary figure, although he is nowhere to be seen now, his story has been circulating in the blood world. It turns out that the evil king's terrifying method is his method, no wonder it is so powerful.

"That's right." The evil lord did not deny it. This move was shown once in front of the world, but only once. I didn't expect the blood disciple Demon Venerable to recognize it.

However, Xie Jun didn't want others to talk about the first owner of the Blood God Seven Kills Art, because this was a secret in his heart, a shocking secret that only a few strong men knew.

Jiang Taichao, who was hiding in the void, was also muttering about the founder of the Tianmo sect. He had heard of that existence, but had never seen it, but in the cultivation world, he was very familiar with the founder of the Tianmo sect.

It was a demon cultivator with strange things and a peculiar style, a dreaded and hated existence.

Ding Ning, who was rushing here, felt his ears heat up, as if someone was talking about him.

(End of this chapter)

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