The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 878 883 Secret Take! 2 more

Chapter 878 883 Secret Take! 2 more

The air was a little cold, as if winter had come suddenly.

This was the feeling of everyone present, because the killing intent filled the battlefield, causing the temperature to drop suddenly.

The evil king was fighting against five Mahayana demon cultivators alone. This seemingly one-sided situation was once again beyond people's expectations. Even though the evil king fought repeatedly, he still broke out with terrifying fighting power at this time.

"This guy..." The old devil Wuxin stared at Xie Jun, his arm was dripping with blood, the injury was caused by Xie Jun.

"It turns out that his strongest combat power is the blood god's banner, which is simply a lie." Another strong man said, it was Fuyi Mozun.

"All of us have been deceived by him. Everyone in the world thinks that the evil king's strongest method and combat power rely on magic weapons. This is not the case at all. His physical strength is not weaker than that tyrant at all."

In the blood world, Xie Jun is famous for being powerful with magic weapons. As for physical combat power, people don't pay attention to it. The two people were blown away, and the power that erupted was terrifying. Even when the ancient corpse was snatched before, the evil king did not reveal this terrible close combat power.

It turned out that he had been hiding his clumsiness all along. If the five of them hadn't planned to keep the evil king, the world probably didn't know that the evil king's physical body was equally powerful. In melee combat, he was as dreadful as his use of magic weapons.

"He exposed what he didn't want to expose the most, which means that when he is at the end of his rope, everyone should work harder and kill him here." Another person changed his voice to cheer up the others.

"That's right, all the strongest methods have been used, which means that he has no other powerful methods. This is a good opportunity, let's use all our strength."

The five Mahayana realm powerhouses joined forces again to surround and kill the evil king.

People from the Heavenly Demon Sect, such as Subduing Demons, Capturing Demons, etc., all left this battlefield. They could not help the evil king, and if they stayed, they would even drag the evil king down, so they left the moment the evil king gave the order. , Fortunately, no one else came out to stop it.

They want to go back to Tianmozong to move reinforcements. Right now, only Qin Jun can take action to resolve this situation.

Facing the five powerhouses alone, Xie Jun might find it difficult to escape.

Elders such as Fu Mo and Qin Mo speeded up and returned to the Heavenly Demon Sect, leaving Xie Jun alone to fight.

The battle between the strong men of the Mahayana realm, the remaining prestige alone, is enough to hurt people's lives. The people watching the battle retreated again and again, pulling away the distance from the battlefield. It is true that the battle created by the six people is too big.

After a burst of heaven and earth cracking and the light shining brightly, the world returned to tranquility in an instant.

Everyone's eyes widened, trying to see more clearly, only to see the figure of Xie Jun separated from the five strong men, standing opposite, ignoring each other.

The evil king was injured.

Everyone saw that the corner of Xie Jun's mouth was bleeding, and there were several wounds on his body, which could be seen from the outside. It is not known whether Xie Jun was also injured in the body, but from the time Xie Jun faced five strong men of the same realm From the perspective of the observer, the evil king must have been injured in his body.

"You don't have much strength left, you don't want to leave alive today, you should die." Wuxin said.

"Want me to die?" Xie Jun glanced at the five people, and said coldly: "Before I die, I will also recruit one."

"Everyone, don't be intimidated by him. Either he dies or we die today."

"Yes, keep killing."

"Don't give him a chance to breathe."


The fighting continued again, and it was even more intense than before. Just as the six people were fighting in full swing, a tiny shadow from the void was quietly drawing closer to the two ancient corpses.

Even Jiang Taichao, who had been hiding in the void, staring at the battlefield and waiting for an opportunity, didn't notice it.

The two ancient corpses disappeared.

There was no sign, and no one even saw it, so it disappeared inexplicably.

"Huh? Where are the two corpses?" Jiang Taichao, who was originally focused on fighting between the evil king and the five strong men, glanced inadvertently, and suddenly froze for a moment because he found that the two ancient corpses were gone.

What about the ancient corpse?
Just now.

Jiang Taichao found out that he, who was planning to catch cicadas and orioles behind him, unexpectedly ran out of bamboo baskets to fetch water. He thought he came back by surprise and hid in the dark, and continued to wait for the opportunity to grab the fruit, but he was still the first to pick the fruit.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Taichao thought of the guy who got the opportunity to inherit the gods and demons. He was the first to pick the fruit by Ren before, but this time he was picked again. Jiang Taichao was depressed.

I was so depressed that I even wanted to vomit blood, and the blood all over my body was surging.

If Jiang Taichao knew that the person who picked the fruit this time and took away the two ancient corpses was the same person as the person who was one step ahead of him and obtained the inheritance of the gods and demons, he would probably vomit blood directly.

It's so tragic to always be taken first by someone, and also by one person in a row.

When Jiang Taichao felt angry, depressed, and many other emotions because of the sudden disappearance of the two ancient corpses, the five Mahayana demon cultivators who fought against the evil king also discovered the disappearance of the ancient corpses. The location of the ancient corpse is constantly searching.

It's gone, it's really gone, and there is no trace, they didn't see anyone approaching at all, and the two ancient corpses still disappeared.

If it is said that the ancient corpses disappeared by themselves, they would not be careful when they were killed. They died without knowing the existence of tens of thousands of years. How could they suddenly come alive and escape by themselves? Then there is only one result, that is, someone took advantage of their attack and secretly Let's do it.

Who the hell, which guy did it?
The five Mahayana demon cultivators were no less depressed than Jiang Taichao.

Even Xie Jun was taken aback when he saw this, did someone in the dark make the move?
Xie Jun is not completely unprepared for this.

Under everyone's noses, the person who quietly removed the corpses of the two ancient powerhouses was not Ding Ning, but who else.

This can't be blamed on Ding Ning, after all, these two ancient corpses of strong men are in front of them, no one is fighting for them. Two dead bodies.

Only then did he remember that Qi Lingdaotong had told him that if he wanted Qi Lingdaotong to regain his strength, besides the Star Core method, he could also be a strong man at the Mahayana level.

Sure enough, Qi Lingdaotong was overjoyed when he got the two ancient corpses.

"Crossing Tribulation Realm, this is the body of a cultivator in Transcending Tribulation Realm. Great, I can recover more strength again." Qi Lingdaotong said happily, and at the same time brought Ding Ning good news, as long as these two bodies After the power in the ancient corpse is absorbed by Qi Ling Daotong, the time he can activate the God Demon Inheritance Tower will increase several times.

From this point of view, it would not be a pity to waste a chance to take advantage of the opportunity to surprise the evil monarch.

(End of this chapter)

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