The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 880 The Power of the Evil Lord! 885 more

Chapter 880 The Power of the Evil Lord! 885 more

The God Demon Inheritance Tower silently came to Jiang Taichao's side, Jiang Taichao himself didn't know it at all.

It was him!

Jiang Taichao's appearance formed a picture in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, a bit like watching TV.

How did he come here?

Ding Ning was quite surprised that Jiang Taichao appeared here, because Jiang Taichao, a righteous person, went to the territory of a demon cultivator alone, which is really rare.

In order to fight for the opportunity, it seems that the opportunity just appeared, Jiang Taichao couldn't have known it so early.

Is he looking for me?

Ding Ning analyzed the reason why Jiang Taichao appeared here in detail, and finally found that the other party was most likely to find him, and it was very likely that he happened to meet the opportunity in front of him while looking for him.

If this is the case, Ding Ning really has to take it seriously, Jiang Taichao, he doesn't think there is anything, no matter how genius he is, he is not afraid, but the existence in Jiang Taichao's body is extraordinary, it is definitely a monster who does not know how long he has lived, And it's still in Jiang Taichao's body, so he can't ignore it.

Ding Ning thought that Jiang Taichao was there when he was playing hide-and-seek with Yelu Kunlun and others, and had been watching secretly.

Then Jiang Taichao must know that he is the winner of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. Now that the opponent has chased him to the edge of the blood world, Ding Ning thinks that there is no other reason besides this reason.

"So it's really coming towards me." Ding Ning narrowed his eyes.

Now that he had guessed the other party's true intentions, Ding Ning had a decision in mind, and he suddenly thought of a good solution.

"Master, how to deal with him? Do you need me to take action?" Qi Lingdao Tong said, with two ancient corpses, Qi Lingdao Tong does not need to save power, and can use more power to stimulate the God and Demon Inheritance Tower to assist Ding Ning bombards the opponent.

With the fighting style of Qi Ling Daotong, as long as it is an opponent, just smash it directly with the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Enemies can always be smashed to death.

Ding Ning also asked Qi Lingdaotong why he only used smashing, and Qi Lingdaotong's answer was also very simple and straightforward, because the previous owners of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower liked to smash people.

Shaking his head, Ding Ning didn't intend to let Qi Ling Daotong take action, otherwise, wouldn't it be directly exposed, which is no different from jumping out on his own initiative, and will still become a target of public criticism.

"What do you mean, master?"

Ding Ning hooked his fingers, and Qi Ling Daotong ran over immediately to listen to Ding Ning's method.

After knowing Ding Ning's idea, Qi Ling Daotong stared at Ding Ning and said, "Master, you are good or bad."

"Master, you heard me wrong, I mean hello..."

Jiang Taichao searched around for a while, but did not find the slightest figure of Ding Ning. According to the existence in his body, Ding Ning must be hiding in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, hiding in the dark like them.

"If he hadn't owned the God Demon Inheritance Tower, he wouldn't have been able to take away those two ancient corpses in front of everyone."

Jiang Taichao gritted his teeth and said, if Ding Ning hadn't been one step slower and Ding Ning had taken the opportunity, the God and Demon Inheritance Tower would belong to him, and the two corpses would also belong to Jiang Taichao.

Slow step by step, slow step by step, Jiang Taichao now earnestly realizes the importance of being one step ahead of others.

He suffered too much in this respect.

It's a pity that the God and Demon Inheritance Tower has shrunk to the extent that it cannot be seen by the naked eye. Even if Jiang Taichao knew that Ding Ning was here, he couldn't find the specific location of Ding Ning, and there was nothing he could do.

The fight between Xie Jun and the five Mahayana realms reached the most tragic level. Not to mention the injuries on Xie Jun's body, blood flowed out in many places.Of the seven blood gods, three were forced to break up and returned to the blood god banner, and the remaining four blood gods formed the blood god killing array to help the evil king relieve the pressure.

The situation of the five demon cultivators is not very good at this time. They thought that their side had the superiority in numbers, and it would not be too difficult to kill the evil king. However, the facts were beyond everyone's expectations. The god banner resolved all their attacks.

Even, Old Demon Wuxin almost died behind Xiejun, the last explosion of the three blood gods turned into a blood mist, and Old Demon Wuxin almost exploded into countless pieces.

If it hadn't been for Fuyi Mozun to make a timely move, Wuxin Laomo might have fallen and died in the hands of the evil king, and Fuyi Mozun rescued Wuxin Laomo. Although the two of them escaped the terrible attack, they both suffered a lot. Serious injury.

Right now the main combat power is left with three Mahayana realms, and the evil king is still fighting against them tenaciously.

This is the result of the five people's joint battle until now. It's hard to imagine that if they faced the evil king alone, they would have died a long time ago.

The evil king was already red-eyed, and the three blood gods were forced to blew themselves up in exchange for a chance to kill the opponent. This was the decision made by the evil king. He was also forced by the other party to have no choice but to do so , in order to reduce the opponent's number, otherwise, even if the opponent fights with wheels, the consumption will consume him to death.

It's a pity that at the critical moment, Fuyi Mozun ruined his good deed, allowing Wuxin to escape.

The evil king still wanted to be the first to kill the old devil Wuxin, if he failed once, he would kill him again.

The other three demon cultivators also noticed it, because the evil king was so crazy that he even traded his own injuries for opportunities in his attacks. The evil king with this appearance made the three of them a little scared.

A lunatic is not scary, but a capable lunatic is scary. Who knows if the evil king will do something similar to self-destructing the blood god again in order to kill the old devil Wuxin.

In other words, they still have lingering fears because of the self-destruction of the three blood gods before, because it is impossible for any of the three of them to face the self-destruction of the blood god without being unscathed.

As a result, the attacks of the three Mahayana realms and the evil lord became less intense, because they didn't want to fight to the death with the evil lord, which led to the evil lord having a chance to come in front of Wuxin Laomo.


Xiejun has long wanted to kill the old demon Wuxin in his heart. He was the blood disciple demon before, but the blood disciple demon was smart. Stand up and target him, the evil king.

If the evil king wanted to kill him, he would be the first to kill Old Demon Wuxin.

Old Demon Wuxin didn't expect that Xie Jun would break through the alliance of the three Mahayana realms and come before him. He anxiously asked Fuyi Mozun for help, because he was really no match for Xie Jun now.

"No one can save you." The evil lord never gave Fu Yi Demon Venerable a chance, and three students desperately blocked the other three demon cultivators. The remaining Blood God came in front of Wuxin Old Demon and immediately blew himself up.

Wuxin Laomo blew himself up with this sound, his body was blown up and cut in two, but he was still alive.

Xie Jun walked over with a smile on his face, and killed Wuxin Old Demon again.

So far, in the entire battlefield, the first fallen Mahayana realm powerhouse appeared.

Seeing the scene where the evil lord beheaded the old devil Wuxin, the other people present were all in awe, even the other four great realm demon cultivators.

Dead, dead!
One of the five people dealt with the evil king, but one was beheaded instead.

Seeing Xie Jun's self-detonation of the blood god and reducing the power of the blood god's flag, the remaining four were thinking about whether to continue killing.

(End of this chapter)

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