The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 882 887 Traitor! 2 more

Chapter 882 887 Traitor! 2 more

The blood god's banner quickly passed through the void, and after staying away from the battlefield, it stopped abruptly and landed on a withered star.

As soon as Xie Jun jumped off, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The aura of the whole person dropped suddenly, and there was a faint posture of falling from the peak of the late Mahayana realm to the middle stage of the Mahayana realm.

This is not to blame Xiejun himself, but because of this series of fights, he has suffered a lot, and he has fought against several Mahayana masters, hurting his source, and being able to leave alive is already considered lucky.

Xie Jun's own situation, he knows well, if those four guys really continue to kill him, it won't be long before he will be unable to succeed, and at that time, he really cannot escape death.

Fortunately, the other party was terrified of being killed by him, so he did not hesitate to explode the blood god, killed the old devil Wuxin, and frightened the others.

Thinking of the self-exploding blood god, Xie Jun couldn't help but feel distressed for a while. It took him a long time and an unknown number of souls to sacrifice the seven blood gods, but now there are only three left. Yes, they all blew themselves up. To recover, the difficulty is not much worse than re-sacrificing from the three-faced blood god banner to the seven-faced blood god banner.

The loss is not insignificant.

However, Xiejun is not too pessimistic, leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood, he Xiejun can sacrifice the seven-faced blood god banner once, and then he can sacrifice again.

Just survive.

Xiejun is going to cultivate here for a while to restore his strength before continuing on the road, because the strength in his body is almost dry now, and it will be very dangerous if he encounters an emergency.

He has already checked, and no one is following him, but there are no creatures on the withered star. He can recover his strength here for a while, and it will not be too late to continue on the road when he recovers to the third or fourth floor.

Xie Jun immediately sat down cross-legged, and began to absorb the blood around him, recovering his strength without wasting any time.

However, Xie Jun didn't know that there was a person following him all the time, and this person was Ding Ning.

Hiding in the tower of the inheritance of gods and demons, Ding Ning escaped the detection of the evil king.

Seeing Xie Jun enter the recovery state, the corners of Ding Ning's mouth twitched slightly, do you want to recover?
Hehe... how could I give you this time.


Ding Ning appeared out of thin air, he did not choose to sneak attack, but appeared in front of the evil king majestically.

As soon as Ding Ning appeared, his aura was not deliberately hidden, and was immediately noticed by the evil king. The evil king immediately stopped practicing and stared at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Has Your Excellency been following behind me?" Xie Jun asked.The young man in front of him gave him an unfathomable feeling. This was the first time he saw such a young man.

As for why Ding Ning appeared here, Xie Jun didn't ask, because he felt that the other party must have his own purpose, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared here.

He was just surprised how Ding Ning escaped his detection, because he just scanned around with the Mahayana state of consciousness, but he never found it, and Ding Ning followed behind him.

A character who can follow himself without being discovered, even if it is just a child, the evil king will not be careless.

It is taboo to underestimate the enemy.

Xie Jun knew this very well, so even though Ding Ning was very young, he did not take it lightly.

"Since you already have the answer in your heart, why do you need to ask me?" Ding Ning's tone was very flat, making it difficult to see why he came here.

Xie Jun was silent for a moment, "So, Your Excellency is here to kill me?"

Ha ha……

Ding Ning smiled.

Xie Jun is waiting for Ding Ning's answer.

Ding Ning said indifferently: "I don't come to kill you, could it be that I came to make friends with you?"

Xie Jun's expression flashed, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"Is there a reason to kill someone?" Ding Ning asked indifferently.

Xie Jun frowned, and then heard Ding Ning say: "I'm here to kill you, just like you don't need a reason to betray others, I also don't need any reason."

This sentence sounds very familiar.

Following Ding Ning's words, Xie Jun's thoughts were pulled back a few years ago. At that time, facing that man, the other party also asked him why, and his answer was so similar to the answer of the young man in front of him. , exactly the same.

What he said at the time was that you don’t need a reason to kill people, and you have to work hard to get what you want. There is nothing wrong with that, the fault is only that you are in front of me.

and many more……

Suddenly, Xie Jun realized the special word in Ding Ning's words, "betrayal"

How could he know that his evil lord had betrayed others? This secret is only known to a few people. How did this young man know? Besides, even if the other party knew about it, the other party would have no reason to kill him. .

That person doesn't have any descendants, why should he avenge him.

But how did the evil king know that no one came to avenge Ding Laomo, but he himself came to avenge himself.

"Who the hell are you?" Xie Jun stared at Ding Ning, as if he wanted to see through Ding Ning. It was related to the matter of the year, so he couldn't help but not take it seriously.

Seeing Xiejun's expression changed, and realizing that he was related to the events of the year, Ding Ning smiled and said, "Who am I, you can go down and ask the tyrant, he will tell you."


Xie Jun's face changed again, and then, his eyes were full of horror, and he blurted out a sentence: "You killed the tyrant?"

Ding Ning nodded noncommittally, and smiled slightly: "A traitor deserves to die, I just sent him on the road ahead of time."

Hearing Ding Ning's own confession, Xie Jun's eyes became more solemn than ever. This is a person who killed the tyrant, and now he appears again when his strength is almost exhausted.

Then, it wouldn't be too difficult for the other party to kill him.

However, before that, he wanted to figure out one more question, who exactly was Ding Ning?

Why did he want to avenge Lao Mo Ding.

"Why?" Xie Jun asked again.

But this time Ding Ning didn't speak anymore, and after smiling, he took the initiative to attack.


Ding Ning's speed was very fast, and the evil lord didn't have much power left, so he could only continue to use the blood god banner, and said two words lightly: "Blood god kill!"


The three blood gods suddenly appeared and took the initiative to lie in front.

Xie Jun decided in his heart that once Ding Ning approached, he would immediately explode the three blood gods. He did not believe that Ding Ning would not die. This was already his strongest attack so far.

In the face of someone who can kill the tyrant, the evil king dare not be careless, even if he loses everything, he will not hesitate.

However, just when the evil king was thinking that he was about to detonate the blood gods, one of the blood gods suddenly ignored his command and attacked the other two blood gods.

bang bang.

The two blood gods were stunned by the beating, and they never thought that their comrades would attack him.

what's going on.

Not to mention the blood god, the evil king was also stunned.

Blood God betrayed himself?how could it be possible.

These are all blood gods that he sacrificed himself.

And the next scene made Xie Jun surprised again.

The blood god who suddenly attacked his companion ran to Ding Ning obediently.


Xie Jun was completely messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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