The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 893 898 Retreat! 1 more

Chapter 893 898 Retreat! 1 more

If Qin Jun knew that the black bricks were the inheritance tower of ancient gods and demons, he would never fight against them with his flesh and blood.

How can his physical body be able to resist the training ground of ancient gods and demons, the Tower of Inheritance? Even if he breaks through the Tribulation Realm, he still cannot smash the Tower of Inheritance of Ancient Gods and Demons.

Qin Jun's fate was doomed from the moment he wanted to compete with the Ancient God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Ding Ning deliberately made the ancient gods and demons inheritance tower look like bricks, just for this inconspicuous appearance, to anger Qin Jun, so that Qin Jun's attention was all shifted to the gods and demons inheritance tower.

The many demon cultivators around were stunned, because the black brick was too domineering, facing Qin Jun's fist, they directly blasted back, and it turned out that Qin Jun was blown away.

What does this mean?
Old Immortal Xingxiu is very powerful. If an insignificant magic weapon in his hand is so terrifying, then Old Immortal Xingxiu's strength will definitely be even more astonishing.

No wonder it is so difficult to worship under the old fairy Xingxiu. It is really the old fairy Xingxiu who is very terrifying. He has not seen a single magic weapon from others, which is enough to rival Qin Jun.

The gods and demons inheritance tower was turned into bricks, which deceived everyone and infinitely magnified the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu.

With a flesh and blood body in the Mahayana realm, Qin Jun bombarded him several times, but he didn't get any benefits. Instead, he was hit several times and injured himself.

In Qin Jun's heart, the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu has rapidly improved. The power of a brick is so great, and the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu must be even more terrifying.

Before, he thought that Old Immortal Xingxiu didn't make a move by himself and blocked him with a magic weapon, which was a contempt for him, Qin Jun. Now it seems that he overestimated his status in the other party's eyes.

Could it be that the other party is an existence at the level of Transcending Tribulation Realm?

"Master, this guy is very strong, I can't defeat him." Qi Lingdaotong sent a voice transmission to Ding Ning, although he hit Qin Jun a few times, but he couldn't kill Qin Jun, because Qin Jun's physical body is also very strong.

"I see." Ding Ning replied.

"Unless the seal on the fifth floor is opened, it will be very difficult to kill this person with the power of the previous four floors of the inheritance tower. Even if I kill him in front of me, my strength will also consume the price." Qi Lingdaotong explained.

Ding Ning understood that there are still five layers of the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower that are sealed, and he needs to unseal them one by one, but his current strength has not reached the time to unseal them. Things, he Ding Ning can also use it.

Qi Lingdaotong meant that he could also try to fight Qin Jun to the death, but in the end, he would run out of strength, and Ding Ning didn't want to do that.

Even though he wanted Qin Jun to die, he was more likely to die by his own hands. He would kill the traitor with his own hands, and finally whispered his identity to the other party in his ear.

Ding Ning signaled Qi Lingdaotong to stop temporarily, and at this time the main body of Zhengdao said: "Your Excellency wants to compete with me, but I'm afraid it's not enough. I'm going out today to accept disciples, and I don't want to increase the killing. What you did to my disciples, I won't argue with you, just go away."

The voice of the old fairy Xingxiu came down from the top of the mountain and slowly echoed down the mountain.

"Old Immortal Xingxiu is so merciful. I thought Qin Jun was dead. After all, the other party is someone who can counter Qin Jun with a magic weapon once he makes a move."

"Not to mention that we in the blood world are all monsters who like to kill, there are also existences who don't want to kill. Maybe this senior Xingxiu old fairy is one of them."

This sentence has aroused the approval of some people. There are indeed such demon cultivators in history. They do not kill, but are more like Buddhist cultivators, constantly influencing others.

"I remember that the founder of the Heavenly Demon Sect was such a person."

"I read from the records that this is indeed the case. Before that person attacks someone, he always persuades the other party first, and only starts to attack when the persuasion is useless."

All of a sudden, what everyone was talking about went away, and Qin Jun was silent for a moment after hearing what the Xingxiu old fairy said.

His gaze was fixed on the blurred figure on the mountain peak, the expression on his face was flickering.

"it is good."

In the end, Qin Jun compromised, he didn't make any more moves, fearing the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu, he turned and left.

Qin Jun left.

This is not surprising to everyone, after all the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu is there, it is impossible to win if you continue to fight, and you may be ashamed in front of many people.

Of course, as for what Qin Jun thinks about, everyone is not clear, but it should be like this.

Seeing Qin Jun leaving, Ding Ning let out a sigh of relief, the other party is gone, if Qin Jun insists on fighting with Xingxiu old fairy, it will be difficult, even if Ding Ning bites the bullet, he has to let Qi Ling Daotong stopped, even if he exhausted his strength.

If he doesn't continue to maintain the virtual powerhouse of Xingxiu Laoxian, he will be attacked by Qin Jun immediately.

Although he could hide in the god-devil inheritance tower, the other party might not have a way to deal with him, but Ding Ning couldn't always be a coward, right? He hid when he saw danger.

What's more, he was facing his former subordinate, a traitor.

No, he has to break through as soon as possible and enter the Mahayana realm of the Demon Dao. Even if there is just a head-on wave at that time, Ding Ning will not be afraid.

The name of Xingxiu old fairy can protect him for a while, but not forever. Who knows whether Qin Jun will see that Xingxiu old fairy is a fake at all.

Ding Ning doesn't want to gamble anymore, he wants to enter the Mahayana Realm of Demon Dao.

As long as the realm of the upper magic way is raised first.

Immediately, Ding Ning told everyone that today's assessment was over, and everyone left reluctantly, and some wanted to see the demeanor of the old fairy Xingxiu, but unfortunately, they could only vaguely see a figure.

With a snap of Ding Ning's fingers, a large formation formed on Xingxiu Peak, and suddenly clouds and mist suddenly formed, turning into a vast expanse of whiteness, like a fairyland.

And after Ding Ning himself returned to the top of the mountain, the two true deities of righteousness and evil merged into one.

"If I want to break through, I definitely can't be here, even if there is the devil of the old fairy Xingxiu, I'm afraid I can't, the risk is too great." Ding Ning stood on the top of the mountain, thinking about the next plan.

If he wants to break through, he has to find a no-man's land, and this place is already enough focus, and it can't become a bigger focus. At that time, not to mention provoking someone like Qin Jun, but also attracting other strong people, the change will be too great after all. , if one fails, they will be besieged.

In the blood world, there are not a few crazy people.

Thus, Ding Ning quietly left Xingxiu Peak without anyone knowing.

And Qin Jun, who had returned to Tianmozong, sat in the main hall with a serious expression on his face.

Ding Ning failed to be captured.

"Old Immortal Xingxiu, what is your strength?"

Qin Jun kept replaying the vague figure in his mind.

Have it.

Perhaps the answer to this matter can be obtained from Yelu Kunlun and Dong Yu. They may know more about the old fairy Xingxiu than themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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