The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 908 913 Entering the Mahayana Realm! 2 more

Chapter 908 913 Entering the Mahayana Realm! 2 more

As soon as the Shifang Shenquan was released, Ding Ning's fists were everywhere in the world.

Faced with such a violent attack, Tian Jie Ding Ning had no room to fight back. For just a moment, no attack could resist the bravery of the Shifang Shenquan.

bang bang bang...

The ten-direction magic fist fell on Tianjie Ding Ning, making Tianjie Ding Ning's figure become more and more faint. The ninth Heavenly Tribulation could last for a while, but with Ding Ning's bombardment, Tianjie Ding Ning consumed a lot of energy. The power of the Heavenly Tribulation led to the early end of the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation.

In the end, Tianjie Ding Ning's body was blown up, turned into light, and disappeared.

The Ninth Heavenly Tribulation was thus obliterated by Ding Ning.

He crosses over!

Anyone who saw this scene knew that Ding Ning had succeeded in crossing the tribulation, and that he was about to become the most powerful man in the Mahayana realm.

A Mahayana realm in his twenties, there is no second one in the entire universe.

Against the sky!
They witnessed the rise of a strong man against the sky.

People who don't know Ding Ning's true identity simply think that Ding Ning is a peerless genius in his twenties who has achieved Mahayana at the age of less than thirty. Don't you know that Ding Ning has lived two lifetimes.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing left." Ding Ning looked at the empty front, a little disappointed. After all, it was the last catastrophe, but after being beheaded by him, he got nothing.

Ding Ning shrugged his shoulders, looked up at the thick dark clouds, and said, "After nine catastrophes, it's time for me to benefit from it."

There was no thunder in the dark clouds, but a curtain of light descended, covering Ding Ning.

A star-like object fell from the light curtain and was absorbed by Ding Ning.

Ding Ning sat cross-legged in the void, accepting the gift after the catastrophe, and completely stepped into the Mahayana realm.

At this moment, Ding Ning's dantian changed again.

The area where the black Nascent Soul was located was filled with demon energy, and all the starlight was actually absorbed by the Nascent Soul of the Demon Dao. The black Nascent Soul had grown a lot taller, and was twice the size of the Righteous Nascent Soul.

The change of Nascent Soul, or secondly, is mainly due to Ding Ning's promotion to the Mahayana realm, which has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, the size of the dantian was only ten feet, but now, the dantian is expanding crazily, increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, from ten feet to dozens of feet, and this is only a few short breaths.

If it continues like this, Ding Ning has no doubt that his dantian may be able to hold a smaller star.

The Mo Dao Nascent Soul is suspended in the center, with a faint black light emitting from the whole body, his eyes are closed tightly, and he looks solemn, like a god.

To Ding Ning's surprise, the change in the dantian was that only the area where the Mo Dao Nascent Soul was located had expanded, while the Zhengdao Nascent Soul was still the same as before, only ten feet in size.

Being able to maintain this balance, Ding Ning knew, was due to the black and white profound arts. If there was no black and white profound art to reconcile in the middle, the demon nascent soul would probably swallow up the righteous nascent soul the moment it was promoted to the Mahayana realm.

It would be great if he could also break through to the Mahayana realm in the righteous way, and his dantian would be completely balanced.

Looking at the Nascent Soul of the Demon Dao, hanging in mid-air, and looking at the Nascent Soul of the Righteous Way, Ding Ning was looking forward to the breakthrough of the Realm of the Righteous Way, when one would be black and the other white, like a cold moon and a scorching sun.

At that time, what kind of scene will be in his dantian.

In his last life, when he broke through the Mahayana realm in the realm of the Demon Dao, there were more than seven hundred feet in the dantian, which can be said to be much larger than the monks who had just passed the catastrophe.There are quite a few monks in the Mahayana realm. When they first entered the tribulation realm, there were only three hundred, four hundred feet, and seven hundred feet in the dantian. Not to mention rare, but definitely not many, belonging to the very few inner.

And in this life, judging by the expansion speed of the dantian, it has expanded to three hundred feet, and the speed of expansion has not slowed down. It should not be difficult to reach the size of seven hundred feet in the previous life. This should be the lowest. How to say, this life It is also more profound than the previous life.

Ding Ning no longer focused on the changes in his dantian, but immersed himself in the process of transforming the power of the He Dao state into the power of the Mahayana state. This process is necessary, and it takes a little bit.

He doesn't have to worry, other people will attack him during this period, because it is still considered that the catastrophe has not really ended. As long as the catastrophe is not over, anyone who intervenes in other people's catastrophe at will will suffer the blow of the catastrophe.

For a cultivator, crossing the catastrophe can be said to be a narrow escape. If you can't pass it, your body will die and your way will disappear. Crossing it is a step towards a new level.

Although the catastrophe is full of destruction, it also leaves a glimmer of life for people, and protecting those who have just passed the catastrophe belongs to the category of a glimmer of life.

During the period when Ding Ning was transforming his power, there was a lot of discussion about the addition of Ding Ning, a strong man in the Mahayana realm.

Because Ding Ning is too topical.

He robbed many forces in the cultivation world, including the top [-] and even the top ten, and robbed them all. He even beheaded the children of two of the top ten forces, forming a death feud.

Now I heard that Ding Ning has caused a lot of incidents in the blood world. The deaths of the tyrant and the evil king are all related to him.

About Ding Ning's making up of a strong master of the star old fairy in the blood world, it was also known by the righteous monks present. People found that Ding Ning is really a person who likes to make troubles, and every time he makes troubles, he is not small. .

"This is pulling a tiger's skin to make a big banner. What is he doing this for?" Someone exclaimed, and then expressed puzzlement.

On the other hand, the person next to him immediately gave a reasonable answer: "Needless to say, it is obviously for the purpose of accumulating knowledge, fighting with various monks, and gaining experience. I don't see that they have already broken through the Mahayana state of catastrophe. Ah, quite a few were contributed by those people.”

This word spread to the ears of some demon cultivators, and many of them felt extremely depressed, because most of them had fought against Ding Ning, and they had worked hard to worship under the nonexistent old fairy XingXiu. Woolen cloth.

Tenenai's, I can't stay here anymore.

Some demon cultivators turned around and wanted to leave, but when they thought about it, they felt that they couldn't afford to be hurt.

Such people are definitely not just one or two. Among the demon cultivators who were deceived by Ding Ning, there were at least eight hundred, not to mention one thousand.

For example, Han Qianhuang from the Ghost Sect and Elder Xu all fought against Ding Ning. Obviously, they were also used by Ding Ning as a tool to gain experience.

But this kind of depression, they can only smash their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

They were no match for Ding Ning when Ding Ning was at the Dao Realm, and now that Ding Ning has become a monk at the Mahayana Realm, they are even less of an opponent.

"I hope Qin Jun will be able to kill him in a while, and vent his anger for me." Han Qianhuang can only pin his hope on Qin Jun. In his opinion, Qin Jun's action is inevitable.

As for his Ghost Sect, even because of his relationship, he can't easily offend a strong Mahayana, even if the opponent has just entered the Mahayana, and Ding Ning doesn't seem to be an ordinary Mahayana.

How strong he is, now, no one knows.

After an unknown amount of time, the light curtain covering Ding Ning's body slowly dissipated, and the dark clouds in the sky also began to recede.

This marks the complete end of the catastrophe!
And at this moment, several figures suddenly disappeared, and in the next second they suddenly appeared above the sky, surrounding Ding Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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