The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 916 921 Nobody Shot! 3 more

Chapter 916 921 Nobody Shot! 3 more

"His aura is increasing!"

Qin Jun suddenly discovered that the breath on Ding Ning's body was no longer the breath when he first stepped into the Mahayana realm, and he already had a feeling that he was about to enter the middle stage of the Mahayana realm.

This is terrifying. It only took a long time for Ding Ning's strength to increase again. Even if Ding Ning has the experience of the Mahayana realm, it is too fast.

Yelu Kunlun also noticed the change of Ding Ning's aura. He thought that Ding Ning was trapped by the formation before, but Li Wuji was defeated by the God Demon Inheritance Tower, and now he is colliding with Snake Qingwu. With Snake Qingwu's strength, It will be a matter of time before they are cleaned up by the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Dealing with Ding Ning through formations has already failed, but Ding Ning's strength now shows signs of breaking through again, which is not bad.

"The longer the delay, the stronger his strength will become. If we really want to restore him to his peak strength, we will all die." Qin Jun said the seriousness of the matter.

Yelu Kunlun knew that it was not easy to kill Ding Ning, and Qin Jun was right. Ding Ning's peak strength was the same as they are now. If they still couldn't kill Ding Ning immediately, with Ding Ning's talent, it might not take long. It is really possible to restore him to the peak. In that case, coupled with the inheritance tower of gods and demons, it will be even more powerful. Let alone the two of them, even two Mahayana realms will not help.


Yelu Kunlun turned his gaze to the area outside the battlefield, where the onlookers were heading.

"Fellow Daoist Crane, if you don't take action at this time, it will be difficult to seize the inheritance of gods and demons. How about helping me?" Yelu Kunlun sent a voice transmission to Master Crane.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Yelu, I don't want to get involved in the affairs between you for the time being when I'm too close." Master He refused.

Yelu Kunlun frowned, didn't say any more, but looked at several other Mahayana experts from the top ten forces.

However, all the answers he got were that he didn't want to interfere.

"These cunning guys, must wait until I'm exhausted before they are willing to take action!" Yelu Kunlun was a little angry. These people are obviously interested in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, but they pretended not to be interested in front of him, making it clear what they wanted have to wait.

When Yelu Kunlun wanted the righteous monks to help, Qin Jun also contacted the Mahayana powerhouse in the blood world, saying that as long as he made a move and dealt with Ding Ning together, he, Qin Jun, would owe him a favor.

Qin Jun's favor is naturally extremely tempting, even if he is a demon cultivator who is also in the Mahayana realm, Qin Jun is also the one who stands at the top.

Normally, he would give Qin Jun a face.

But today, no one wants Qin Jun's favor.

Because they knew that once they joined the battle, they might perish. Dong Yu and Li Wuji, two Mahayana realms, both fell, and no one dared to take the risk easily.

Even if he could make a move, it would only be when Ding Ning was in decline.

Neither of them could find a helper, and it was obvious that the faces of both of them were a bit ugly.

"Hehe, no one is willing to intervene. This is forcing them to compete with Ding Xingxiu."

Several talented students from Nanzhan Buzhou stood together. Yang Yun opened his mouth and saw what happened between Yelu Kunlun and Qin Jun's expression changes just now, and interpreted it perfectly.

"Because he is too strong, no one wants to take risks. Even if there is a huge opportunity in front of him, he dare not act rashly. After all, there are too many strong people here. Otherwise, I will not intervene for the time being. "Xie Hongyun continued.

"Have you noticed, this Ding Xingxiu, we seem to have seen it somewhere before, please look carefully at his figure." Goddess Snow Lotus said.

When Goddess Xuelian said this, several people all stared at Ding Ning's figure non-stop. Not to mention, looking at it like this, there was indeed a feeling of déjà vu, as if they had seen it somewhere before.

"Not to mention, after you reminded me, Goddess, I feel that I have really seen him, but I can't remember where it is."

"We met him when he was crossing the catastrophe!" Yang Yun said suddenly.


Is it the catastrophe that just passed?But it won't give them an illusion of deja vu.

Several people all looked at Yang Yun, so Yang Yun reminded everyone in detail: "It wasn't this catastrophe, it was the person who crossed the catastrophe we met halfway when we were rushing to the inheritance of gods and demons. That person was him. .”

After Yang Yun's reminder, several people all showed a look of sudden understanding, and suddenly remembered.

"That's right, it's really him, his figure is exactly the same." Meng Wudi said.

"No wonder..."

They ran into it by accident, but they didn't see Ding Ning's real face at that time, Ding Ning disappeared after the tribulation, and then met Yelu Kunlun and others.

At that time, Yelu Kunlun was looking for Ding Ning, but he was one step too late.

"This guy is really an evildoer. It has only been a few short months since we ran into him to cross the catastrophe. He has been directly promoted from the Hedao state to the Mahayana state. I can't find a practice speed in Nanzhan Buzhou." Fast people, it’s useless for me to call myself a genius, compared with him, I’m really far behind.” Qiu Li said.Several other people deeply agree with these words, any genius will lose face in front of Ding Ning.

While several people were discussing, the battle between Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun and Ding Ning started again.

From time to time, drops of blood dripped from the sky. It was unknown whose blood it was, but judging from the momentum in the sky, the fight between the three of them was extremely fierce.


The three figures separated. This time, everyone could see clearly that Qin Jun was holding two blood holes on his body, and the blood was still dripping.

Although Yelu Kunlun was not as serious as Qin Jun, he was not much better, because his injuries, more internal injuries, were caused by Ding Ning. Of course, if there were no defensive weapons to block Ding Ning's ultimate move for him , it's not just as simple as being shaken out of internal injuries.

Ding Ning's aura has entered the middle stage of the Mahayana realm, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such a great result.

Dealing with Qin Jun and Yelu Kunlun at the same time has become easier and easier.

Yelu Kunlun glanced down again. He didn't speak, but his eyes seemed to say to those Mahayana experts that if they didn't make a move, it would be even harder to kill Ding Ning.

Unfortunately, no one has come forward.

Ding Ning has raised his strength to the middle stage of the Mahayana realm. For them, why not be terrified and improved in battle. This kind of talent is even more evil than evildoers. Even if some people want to make a move, considering this point, they have to seriously think about it It's worth it, because Ding Ning's fighting talent is terrifying, especially at this growth rate, in case, Ding Ning is suddenly promoted to the late Mahayana stage, who can kill him.

No one knows how deep Ding Ning's background is, and those who choose to wait and see don't dare to bet.

Yelu Kunlun and Qin Jun all looked serious. They had nothing to do with the fact that Ding Ning became stronger in the battle. They had already tried their best to kill Ding Ning, but Ding Ning was very difficult to kill because of his copper skin and iron bones. Injuried.

"I'm here to help you."

Suddenly, a voice resounded throughout the world, and only a figure was seen to grow from a black shadow to a large size.

(End of this chapter)

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