The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 924 Sleepy! 929 more

Chapter 924 Sleepy! 929 more

Yellow mist rose from the formation.

After taking a short sniff, Ding Ning realized the threat of the mist. It was a mist with a strong corrosive effect.

If you stay in it for a long time, your body will slowly rot and be corroded, which can be called killing invisible.

Ding Ning just took a sip and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation..." Ding Ning had heard of this formation and knew how powerful it was, but he had never seen it before, because Yelu Kunlun and others did not use this formation to kill him in the previous life.

Now trapped in the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation, he might not be able to get out for a while.

However, he still wanted to give it a try. With a thought, he disappeared in place, entered the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, and then ordered Qi Lingdaotong to urge the God and Demon Inheritance Tower to rush out of this large formation.


The God Demon Inheritance Tower was bounced back by an invisible force.

"Master, there is the power of heavenly thunder in this formation, and it is very strong, I can't break it." Qi Ling Daotong said a little weakly, just hitting the formation, the power of heavenly thunder attached to it hurt it a bit.

Ding Ning frowned. It seemed that the other party had been prepared for a long time. He had expected that he would try to break through and leave with the help of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, so he took this into account early on, and hereby added the power of Tianlei to use it specifically against him. God and Demon Inheritance Tower broke the game.

It's not easy to do this time.

Ding Ning's eyebrows became deeper.

Outside the big formation, people from the two sects of Snake Mountain and Wuji Daomen are all inputting power into the big formation to increase the lethality of the big formation.

The yellow mist in the big formation is getting thicker and thicker, and it covers the entire space in the big formation.

Elder Shewuchang of Snake Mountain encouraged everyone, "Now the enemy is trapped by us, as long as everyone works harder, this guy will definitely die inside."

"He killed the Supreme Sovereign, we must make him pay with blood."

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye."

As soon as Snake Mountain was encouraged, each and every one of the disciples mobilized their own strength and poured it into the formation.

The same is true at the end of the Wuji Dao Sect. The two sect disciples add up to at least nearly 3000 people, and 3000 people work together to mobilize a large formation. Even if this large formation requires a strong person at the Mahayana level to preside over it, it is enough.

Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng were able to breathe. Ding Ning cooperated with the God and Demon Inheritance Tower just now, and they were often bombarded. Fortunately, people from the two sects of Snake Mountain and Wuji Taoist sect were eager for revenge and secretly arranged the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation , Ding Ning will not be able to come out for a while.

To be on the safe side, the two of them didn't just sit around and started to recover their strength. If Ding Ning used some means to escape, they still needed to take action.

The two separated part of their minds to pay attention to the situation of the formation, and the rest of their minds were used to recover their strength.

The monks who had just stood here before saw the sudden change in the situation in front of them, and they were all slightly taken aback. They didn't expect Ding Ning to be trapped in the big formation in the blink of an eye.

Some people thought at the beginning that Ding Ning, who owns the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, might break through the grand formation at once by virtue of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

However, after waiting for a long while, the formation shook a few times before completely quieting down.

Can Ding Ning fail to break through the formation?
Many people subconsciously thought of this, otherwise, there would be no reason why they would continue to fight against Yelu Kunlun and others.

Since he didn't show up, it can only explain one thing, he can't break through the big formation yet.

"It's a good match against the enemy." On the giant spaceship, Master Crane commented lightly.

Jiang Taichao agreed with the words of the old suzerain very much. If Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng hadn't used this formation, they might have nothing to do with Dingning. One couldn't help but not use up any of his strength, and with the help of people from these two sects, he trapped Ding Ning in it, tilting the balance of victory to himself.

"If he really died in the great formation, it is not impossible for me to fight for the tower of gods and demons inheritance. However, how to explain the existence in my body to the sect is a difficult problem." Jiang Taichao thought in his heart. After realizing Ding Ning's identity as Old Devil Ding, he no longer felt too jealous of Ding Ning, because Ding Ning was stronger than him, so naturally he had accumulated a lot in the past. It can be said that after Ding Ning's identity in his previous life was exposed, Jiang Taichao was relieved. The knot in his heart, if Ding Ning is really of the same generation as him, at the same time, only by killing Ding Ning can he get rid of the knot, but now, everything will be solved easily.

On the giant spaceship of Sushui Palace, Li Sunu, the most powerful woman in the world, had a smile on her face: "He is obviously older than me, but now he is younger than me, old devil Ding!" , you can come back alive to take revenge, I don’t know if you can get rid of this nine-day demon refining formation.”

"Is the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation very powerful?"

On the other side, the disciples of the Fengmen Sect had questions about the formation that trapped Ding Ning, but those who knew about the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation were clearly not something ordinary children could know, but the strongest of the Fengmen Sect explained: " Once the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation is completed, as long as the strength is sufficient, it can continuously use the power of the Nine Heavens to kill people in the formation. As for the power of this formation, it is rumored that this formation kills people in transition The existence of the Tribulation Realm level is one of the top ten formations in the world, although it is only ranked at the bottom, but being included in the top ten strongest formations is enough to explain everything."

"I didn't expect that Snake Mountain and Wuji Dao Sect would join hands to deploy this formation. Presumably, the people of Snake Qingwu and Li Wuji completely angered everyone in the two sects, so they came up with this formation."

Regarding the fact that the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation came from the hands of Yelu Kunlun, no one else knew about it except the person concerned. Of course, some people also speculated that it might have been produced by Yelu Kunlun or Lei Mengsheng. Otherwise, how could they have been with the two The sect cooperated so well that they directly led Ding Ning into the formation.

The emergence of the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation changed the current battle situation again.

People who were not optimistic about Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng before can't help but tilt their thoughts towards them again, because the Nine Heavens Demon Refinement Formation is too famous. This is one of the ten most powerful formations in the records. One.

But anyone who is trapped by the formation, even if they are strong in the Mahayana realm, it is difficult to break through the formation.

Everyone's attention was focused on the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation, and Ding Ning, who was inside the formation, was not racking his brains on how to break through the formation as others thought.

I saw Ding Ning sitting cross-legged on the ground, not even waiting in the God Demon Inheritance Tower, and started to practice.

The blood god's banner was suspended above his head, and the pale yellow gas in the air was forming a cyclone, which was continuously absorbed by the blood god's banner.

(End of this chapter)

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