The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 940 945 Pattern changes! 3 more

Chapter 940 945 Pattern changes! 3 more

There was a strong smell of blood in the air. All the monks who killed Ding Ning were pinched and exploded by the blood god before they reached Ding Ning, turning into blood mist, or swallowed whole by the blood god.

The scene is very bloody and cruel.

Not a single corpse was wasted, and all of them became materials for offering sacrifices to the Blood Refining God Banner.

Too many people died, and the six blood gods beheading the rushing monks was as simple as cutting melons and firewood, and none of them could escape the blood god's killing.

Only some Great Elders in the Dao Realm could fight for a while, but as the six blood gods continued to devour them, these Great Elders in the Dao Realm also became invincible, or were killed, or withdrew from the battlefield.

In fact, the six blood gods are too terrifying. If it is not the existence of the Mahayana level, it is difficult to compete with them.

This time, seeing the scene where people from several factions such as Snake Mountain, Dong Family, and Yelu Family were killed one after another, none of the orthodox monks present stood up to help, or shouted slogans to eliminate demons and defend the way.

Everyone really became spectators, quietly watching this scene.

Because they knew that even if the Mahayana-level powerhouses went up, there would only be death. Ding Ning was already invincible, at least not an existence that the Mahayana-level powerhouses present could match.

After the several major forces that wanted revenge were killed in large numbers, no one continued to attack, but recovered their calm and stopped attacking.

Not long after, only Ding Ning and the six blood gods were left in the sky.

The Blood God Banner was still stained with blood beads. After absorbing the bodies, souls, and souls of many monks, the blood became more intense, and it seemed that it was not far away from giving birth to the seventh face.

"From now on, there will be no Snake Mountain, Dong family, Yelu family, Wuji Taoist sect, Fengmen sect, Jianzhong sect, and Youhun sect. From today onwards, anyone who belongs to these sects will be disbanded immediately. People, I will kill without mercy!"

Ding Ning's words reverberated in the void and fell into everyone's ears clearly, but those who belonged to the forces Ding Ning spoke of had complex expressions at this moment, even if they were unwilling, there was nothing they could do.

Ding Ning killed more than one of the Mahayana realm. Killing them was so easy. Ding Ning didn't even need to do it. He only needed to activate the blood god's banner, and six blood gods were enough to kill them. Just now, the six blood gods The strength of the team has already proved that this can be done.

With this opening, these sects and families who still wanted to remain in the top ten forces all seemed to have lost their souls.

It's over, it's really over.

In this way, even if some people still want revenge, they dare not use the banner of these forces.

What happened on this day will definitely be recorded in the historical records. The six top ten forces fell in one day. This is something that has never happened since the emergence of the top ten forces. Furthermore, Ding Ning Strength, the sudden rise, is destined to become the most dazzling person in this era.

One family is sad, one family is happy, and the disbandment of the six major forces has correspondingly brought a good opportunity to the top [-] forces, because they can compete for the six positions that are vacated. Previously, these top ten forces all had the most powerful people. It is extremely difficult to shake, but now, without the threat of the strongest in the Mahayana realm, other forces have the qualifications to compete for the top ten forces.

For this, they would also like to thank Ding Ning. If it wasn't for Ding Ning, some forces would definitely have to delay for a long time if they wanted to attack the top ten forces.

But now, Ding Ning has cleared the obstacles for the top [-] forces.

Two days have passed since the battle between Ding Ning and the digital Xeon.

As expected, the world of comprehension, especially Eastern Shenbuzhou, started a new round of reshuffle, and the top [-] forces began to compete fiercely for the positions of the six vacant top ten forces.

This scramble has triggered a lot of powerhouses to fight.

Among the top [-] forces, there are quite a few forces that have been secretly accumulating power for a long time, and now they are showing it, which surprised many people.

Because among these top [-] forces, monks at the level of the Mahayana appeared. Although it was only in the early stages, they were genuine Mahayana existences.

In this way, three positions were quickly determined, which were the original top [-] forces: Tianhe Sect, Qianshan Sect, and Xuandong Sect. At this time, the three major sects occupied the territory and resource.

The remaining three positions have been contending for, and there is no final conclusion yet, but if you want to gain a firm foothold among the top ten forces, it will be very difficult without Mahayana-level powerhouses. There will inevitably be a lot of fights .

The structure of Eastern Shenbu Continent has changed, and the blood world has also undergone considerable changes.

The first among them is the Ghost Sect. Because the Emperor Youhuang was killed, the Ghost Sect has no Mahayana strongmen, which led to being attacked by other powerful sects in the first place. As a genius, Han Qianhuang plans to grow up and go to school. He sought revenge from Ding Ning, but fell under the siege of other blood forces, because these people were also afraid that Han Qianhuang would grow up and seek revenge from them, so a genius like Han Qianhuang was immediately regarded as a key target. It must be erased.

The territory and resources of the Ghost Sect were divided up. Several elders died in battle, and those who fled fled. It can be said that the building was empty, and there was nothing left. Even the original hall was turned into ruins.

Apart from the Ghost Sect, the other one that has undergone changes is the Heavenly Demon Sect.

It stands to reason that after the Heavenly Demon Sect loses the most powerful person, its ending is not much better than that of the Ghost Sect. After all, the strong person who lost the Mahayana realm sits in command. In the blood world where human life is like a mustard, it is easy to be attacked and become the target of others. .

But Tianmozong became the only exception.

There is no other reason.

Anyone who has experienced the battle between Ding Ning and Yelu Kunlun and others has heard the news that Ding Ning is Laomo Ding.

Because of the betrayal of Qin Jun and others, Ding Laomo disappeared, and then returned as Ding Ning, just for revenge.

What kind of strength is Ding Ning? When thinking of Ding Ning, many people's hearts shudder. This is an existence that kills the Mahayana realm without mercy.

He is Old Devil Ding, who would dare to take the idea of ​​Tianmozong.

Otherwise, Ding Ning was furious, what should he do if he wants to fight for the Demon Sect?
Few people can bear Ding Ning's anger, especially after seeing Ding Ning's strength, and they don't want to be an enemy of Ding Ning.

This also caused Tianmozong to lose the last strongest person Qin Jun, not to be coveted by others, but more people came to visit Tianmozong, wanting to have a good relationship with Tianmozong, which became a hot topic in the blood world most forces.

Regarding this, the people of the Tianmo sect have mixed feelings, but generally speaking, they are still excited, because the first suzerain who founded the Tianmo sect is still alive, and now that the strong one is back, does this mean that the Tianmo sect will Completely dominate the entire blood world.

As for Qin Jun, he has now become the object of everyone's disdain. He is a traitor, and everyone can punish him.

With the changes happening everywhere, no matter it is the cultivation world or the blood world, everyone wants to know where Ding Ning is now.

He seems to have disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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