The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 954 So What If You Offend 959! 3 more

Chapter 954 So What If You Offend 959! 3 more

The appearance of the middle-aged man prevented the fight from breaking out.

The old man glanced back at his young master, and the middle-aged man also looked over, and said with a smile, "Young master, can you show me some face?"

The young man rolled his eyes, touched his chin, and said, "Okay."

"Thank you, son." The middle-aged man gave a fist, and the old man known as Uncle Jia also walked back behind the young man.

The young man glanced at Ding Ning, and said with a smile: "You are lucky, you escaped the catastrophe temporarily, and we will settle the score after we get off the boat."

After finishing speaking, the young man walked back to his seat without looking back, and the old man followed him like a shadow.

Not being able to teach Ding Ning immediately, Wang Chenglun was a little disappointed, but after hearing what the young man said just now, he knew that after arriving at the destination and disembarking from this airship, no one would stop them from taking action. At that time, the young master will definitely help him avenge .

"Let's go around you first, but don't be lucky. After getting off the boat, I'll have you to see me. Then I will make sure that the scars you left on me will be doubled." Wang Chenglun said a harsh word, and immediately Let's go, for fear that Ding Ning will strike again quickly.

The middle-aged man who stopped the fight looked back at Ding Ning, walked away without saying anything.

Lu Feng, Lu Yao and the others breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure brought by the old man just now was too great. If Ding Ning really fought against him, he might not be his opponent.

Fortunately, this fight did not start.

However, the few people were not happy because the young man said that he would still settle accounts with Ding Ning after reaching the finish line.

What should come will still come, but it will be delayed a little bit.

Thinking of this, several people couldn't help worrying about Ding Ning.

Lu Feng asked: "Brother Ding, are you sure you will meet that person? It's really not possible, then you go first, and we will defend you for a while. Anyway, this matter was caused by our brothers and sisters. With us, he may not What will happen to you."

Ding Ning smiled: "Don't bother, you can put your heart in your stomach and don't worry about me."

Ding Ning's tone was very calm, and his face was always calm. Hearing Ding Ning's words, Lu Feng and the others' eyes lit up. It seemed that Ding Ning was sure, which reassured them.

If a few people know that Ding Ning is the old devil Ding who killed several Mahayana experts, they don't have to worry about it. Unfortunately, no one knows Ding Ning's identity.

In this confrontation, Ding Ning had already felt that the middle-aged man would stop him, because the opponent had noticed him since he shot Wang Chenglun, but his speed was too fast, and the middle-aged man didn't react to stop him.

Afterwards, Wang Chenglun asked the young man to take action, and the young man ordered Uncle Jia to attack Ding Ning, but Ding Ning had no intention of attacking at all. He knew that this time, the middle-aged man would definitely stop him.

Facts have proved that his guess is correct. In order to ensure that the flying ship reaches the destination smoothly, he will not allow fighting on the ship. Otherwise, if one fails, the whole flying ship will be reduced to pieces. This level of monks fight.

Wang Chenglun let go of the harsh words with the young man, and Ding Ning was not afraid to continue to settle accounts with him after arriving at the destination. If he hadn't been on the flying boat, with his strength, he would have sent the other party to see Hades long ago.

It can be said that it was the appearance of the middle-aged man that saved the few people from this catastrophe, not Ding Ning's luck, it was them who were really lucky.

If Ding Ning's true strength exploded, all the people on the entire airship would not be enough to kill him.

They all sat down in their seats again, and the spectators around them also breathed a sigh of relief. Some were worried that a fight would really happen, and some showed a touch of disappointment, but were happy to see the scene of conflict.

But no matter what, everyone present knew that once they arrived at the location, the relationship between Ding Ning and the young man would inevitably continue.

Cheng Kun sat down, and the old man sat aside, leaned into Cheng Kun's ear and whispered: "My lord, that person just now is not simple."

"Being able to beat someone like that in an instant, his strength cannot be underestimated."

Uncle A spoke highly of Ding Ning, and Cheng Kun nodded: "I can see it too, otherwise you wouldn't let Uncle A take action. It looks like you are going to participate in the selection battle. If you can solve a strong enemy in advance Why not do it, it's a pity that you can't do it here."

"Young Master, do you think he will be your strong opponent in the screening battle?"

"That's right, so to solve his matter, you still need Uncle A to take action. Although this guy hides his strength and makes it hard to see through, I believe that as long as Uncle A takes action, he will definitely not be able to win." Cheng Kun has great confidence in Uncle A, because Uncle A has experienced too many trials and hardships with him over the years.

"As long as there are obstacles in front of you, young master, I will remove them for you." Uncle Jia said.

"If it wasn't for not being able to fight in the arena in front of my sect, I wouldn't have met him. Since I met him, I would get rid of him in advance. If you want to blame it, it's your bad luck." Cheng Kun is still very confident in his intuition Yes, he could feel that Ding Ning would definitely be his formidable opponent. Since there would be a battle sooner or later, why not get rid of the opponent first, then it would be much easier for him to get the spot.

One more strong competitor will lead to more accidents.

He, Cheng Kun, didn't want too many accidents. Since he met, he could solve one if he could.

Inside the flying boat, the previous silence was restored, only familiar people were talking in low voices.

The distance to Taishangmen's location is getting closer and closer. Lu Feng and Lu Yao can't be like Ding Ning. Knowing that there will be an unknown confrontation after reaching the finish line, they can still close their eyes and rest their minds. They still feel a little anxious.

Just when there was still half a stick of incense reaching the finish line, Lu Feng received a message from the jade slip, and this message suddenly changed his expression drastically.

"How can it be so coincidental?"

"What's wrong brother?"

Seeing that Lu Feng's expression was wrong, Lu Yao asked suspiciously.

The wood and stone also looked over, wondering what message Lu Feng had received from the jade slip.

Lu Feng did not explain to the few people, but took a deep look at the direction Cheng Kun was in, and then sent a voice transmission to Ding Ning, revealing to Ding Ning the shocking news he just learned.

"Brother Ding, what should we do?"

"Brother Ding, you should reply."

Lu Feng was really anxious, because the news just now was not a good thing for them.

Under Lu Feng's urging, Ding Ning finally replied, and the sound transmission entered Lu Feng's ears, and said lightly, "It's just the son of the Tianhe Sect Master, so what if he offends him."


Lu Feng was taken aback.

The son of the suzerain of the Tianhe Sect, so what if he offends him, offending him is tantamount to offending the five powerful forces.

Do you understand the importance of this?
Lu Feng has a headache, don't brothers Ding care about it?

Even Tianhezong, the top five powers, is no longer in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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