The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 972 977 Taken! 3 more

Chapter 972 977 Taken! 3 more

Before waiting for whether the elders of several major sects present agreed to this behavior, Cheng Kun had already taken the initiative to kill him.

Just now, he was punched by Ding Ning and flew away. It was really embarrassing.

How could Cheng Kun allow himself to fail like this, so he came back.

In fact, Ding Ning's fist just now did not cause much damage to him, at least not a serious injury, but only shook his internal organs.

The reason why he was not convinced was also because of this, because Cheng Kun felt that he had the strength to fight, and he couldn't be defeated so vaguely.

Of course, if Ding Ning ignored him, there was nothing he could do. After all, the rules were there to lose. If he left the ring, it meant he lost.

What he didn't expect was that Ding Ning accepted his refusal to admit defeat and signaled that he could continue to attack.

That being the case, Cheng Kun naturally wants to seize this opportunity, no matter what, he wants to get back all the face he lost just now.

Cheng Kun turned into a bolt of lightning and moved swiftly.

He no longer used the Xingchen Transformation, because he knew that he had tasted the strength of Ding Ning's fist just now, and knew that Ding Ning's power was very strong.


He suddenly came in front of Ding Ning, with a cold smile on his face, and immediately punched Ding Ning in the face.

Ding Ning just raised one arm, and with a twist of his wrist, he was about to sweep away Cheng Kun's fist.

And at this moment, suddenly, an inaudible air flow shot out from Cheng Kun's sleeve.

"go to hell."

Cheng Kun's face had a hint of a successful plot.

That's right, he used a magic weapon, a magic weapon that can be called a hidden weapon, and this magic weapon is also coated with poison.

He just wanted to use this hidden weapon to kill Ding Ning and restore his lost face.

Cheng Kun doesn't know how to fight Ding Ning in close quarters. After he felt Ding Ning's power just now, he knew that he would suffer a loss in close combat. If he wanted to win with a method, it seemed that he was not as good as Xinghe Bian, but Xinghe Bian It didn't work on Ding Ning at first.

This had to make Cheng Kun think of other ways to win, and taking advantage of the opportunity to use hidden weapons became his best way.

And with his method, no one will notice, when Ding Ning is killed by him, what can outsiders say.

This plan is not to say seamless, at least it is very feasible. He believes that Ding Ning will definitely fall for it if he is caught off guard.

With the hidden weapon and the poison on it, there is no reason for Ding Ning not to be killed by him.

Cheng Kun watched the tiny silver needle getting closer and closer to Ding Ning, but Ding Ning didn't seem to notice it, and didn't avoid it at all.

It became.

The tiny silver needle hit, and it pierced Ding Ning's chest.

Cheng Kun couldn't help laughing out loud.

Why did it stop?
Cheng Kun was about to watch Ding Ning being pierced by the silver needle, and then showed an ugly expression, when he suddenly found that the tiny silver needle seemed to have stopped on Ding Ning's chest, and did not penetrate it.


Ding Ning grabbed Cheng Kun's fist at the beginning. The two were very close, and Ding Ning said indifferently: "You are very confused, why didn't your hidden weapon penetrate into my body, right?"

Cheng Kun's expression changed suddenly. Seeing Ding Ning's smiling face and calm tone, he had the feeling that Ding Ning seemed to have noticed it a long time ago, but he didn't hide on purpose.

And when he saw Ding Ning's other hand pinching the tiny silver needle that he shot out with two fingers, he was stunned.

The silver needle didn't go in at all, how did this guy do it?
"You have a bodyguard on you?"

Ding Ning didn't answer, but picked up the silver needle, looked at it for a moment and said: "There is poison on it, you are really good at it."

Being exposed by Ding Ning in public, Cheng Kun's face became even more ugly.

When Ding Ning told about the poison, everyone below the ring could hear him clearly. Everyone knew that Cheng Kun used a hidden weapon when he was fighting Ding Ning. This is not a glorious thing.

"How much do you want me to die? In order to kill me, you even used such a despicable means." Ding Ning seemed to be talking to himself.

"In this case, I should also reciprocate, are you right?"

As he said that, Cheng Kun's heart skipped a beat, and he saw that Ding Ning was about to pierce the silver needle into his body.

Elder Qi Shan in the distance suddenly got up and shouted: "No."

Cheng Kun was struggling, trying to avoid Ding Ning's poisonous needle.

However, in the next second, he stopped struggling because Ding Ning suddenly stopped moving.

"Letting you die is too cheap for you. You are despicable. I can't be as despicable as you." Ding Ning threw the poisonous needle aside.

Cheng Kun was stunned for a moment, and at the next moment, Ding Ning's voice came again: "I said I will beat you until you are convinced, then let's start."

Before Cheng Kun came back to his senses, suddenly, he felt his body was pulled back by Ding Ning, and he floated into the air.

The next moment, he saw that Ding Ning's fist immediately covered his sight.

Ding Ning's fist really hit Cheng Kun's face, and as soon as the punch fell, Cheng Kun's face continued to spurt blood.

In just a few punches, Cheng Kun's face was swollen like a pig's head.

Of course this is not the end.

Because Ding Ning held Cheng Kun's wrist tightly with one hand, he couldn't break free at all, and could only bear Ding Ning's attack passively.

Ding Ning's fists began to hit Cheng Kun's body, sometimes on his chest, sometimes on his abdomen, and sometimes on his legs.

During this process, Cheng Kun also resisted and took Ding Ning's attack with his fist, but his strength was no match for Ding Ning's. With just one punch, his fist was shattered by Ding Ning, and then his entire arm was also beaten. broken.

On the arena, there was a picture of Cheng Kun being completely hanged and beaten.

It's too awful.

Under Ding Ning's punch, Cheng Kun had no power to resist at all, and his whole body began to take in less air and let out more air.

The people around were all stunned. The son of the suzerain of the Tianhe Sect, a genius in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, was so violently beaten, he dared not even think about it.

"Do you wear it?"

Ding Ning dropped his fist and asked indifferently.

Cheng Kun's mouth was beaten so hard that he was speechless, and he couldn't answer happily at this moment.


Another punch landed, Ding Ning also asked again: "Are you convinced?"

Cheng Kun felt that he was about to be beaten to death. He wanted to persuade the guy in front of him to stop, but he couldn't speak well, and he just wanted to say the word "convincing", but he heard Ding Ning say to himself: "It seems that he is still not convinced. .”

So, another punch fell.

Cheng Kun was unable to shout, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. He was really going to be beaten to death in the ring.


Suddenly, a figure appeared on the ring and stopped Ding Ning.

"Since the outcome has already been decided, why do you bother to push each other so hard?" The person who came to stop him was Qi Shan, how could he just watch Cheng Kun being beaten to death by Ding Ning.

Facing Qi Shan, Ding Ning didn't care, and said indifferently: "He said he is not convinced, I just want him to be convinced."

Seeing Cheng Kun being beaten into a pig's head, Qi Shan couldn't help being angry, but when he thought that this is a selection arena and he was one of the supervisors, he could only suppress his anger and try to calm himself down, saying: "Then Let me tell you for him, if you accept it, can you hand him over to me?"

Hearing Qi Shan utter the word 'serve' for Cheng Kun, Ding Ning was silent for a moment, and immediately threw Cheng Kun, who was limp in his hand, to Qi Shan.

Qi Shan took a deep look at Ding Ning, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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