The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 979 There are no rules! 984 more

Chapter 979 There are no rules! 984 more

(Today is June [-]st, and it’s a holiday again. As a person who is still a year old, I’m going to go out and make waves today! A wave in a wave!)
The arena was chosen on the huge square in the center of Dragon City.

There are four dragon pillars with a height of [-] meters around the square, and this is the legendary place where the real dragon is buried.

At this time, the square was already full of people, and countless casual cultivators came from all directions, wanting to witness this battle with their own eyes.

There hasn't been such a grand arena battle in Eastern Shenbu Continent for a long time, so many people are very interested in it.

Because there were too many people, the inns and restaurants in Dragon City were all full. Some people had no place to sleep, so they simply spent the night on the ground.

When Ding Ning and others came here, they were startled by the crowd of heads.

There are too many people.

Looking around, it was full of people, and it was difficult to find an open space.

"Zizi, there are a lot of people." Hong Qi sighed on the side, it was a bit difficult to move forward, and it was completely in a state of crowding.

Many people couldn't help cursing because of the crowd, but they really couldn't fight, there was no place to fight, how could you fight.

At this moment, an old man appeared on the ring, and he said loudly: "Anyone whose name I can read please stand on the ring, but those who don't come up will be regarded as abstentions."

Those who pass the preliminary screening will go to the ring.

All eyes were on the ring, wanting to catch a glimpse of the elegant demeanor of the eighteen passers.

There are 18 young geniuses who have been screened in five places. This news is no longer an inside story. Many people have bought a piece of information about [-] people. Even if they are not qualified to enter the ring, they still want to Find out who these eighteen geniuses are.

At this time, the old man called out the first name: "Fang Yunhu!"

The words Fang Yunhu echoed in the square.

Only a group of people cheered, and many people looked over and recognized the cheering crowd.

"It's Wuxiangmen."

Someone immediately revealed the identities of those who shouted, and they turned out to be disciples of the Wuxiang Sect.

This is not surprising, because Fang Yunhu is a genius of Wuxiangmen.

"Wuxiangmen not only has this one person who passed the preliminary screening, but there are two more."

Just as the man finished speaking, the old man said two more names on the spot.

"Zhang Ji."

"Feng Jue."

There was a flash of three figures, and at the same time they landed on the ring, it was Fang Yunhu, Zhang Ji, and Feng Jue.

"The three of them can be said to be the strongest three of the younger generation of the Wuxiang Sect."

"As expected of the Wuxiang Sect, one of the five powerful forces, there are as many as three geniuses who are invincible in all battles."

Many people are lamenting the power of Wuxiangmen, and there are three geniuses who show their hands.

"Wuxiangmen doesn't have the most geniuses, but Taishangmen has the most."

When mentioning the geniuses of Taishangmen, many people were stunned. Yes, there are four geniuses in Taishangmen who have passed the preliminary screening. This number crushes the number of geniuses of any other top five forces.

"If Jiang Taichao, the first genius of Taishangmen, also participates in the screening battle, there will be as many as five Taishangmen, which is simply terrifying."

"The future Taishangmen will secure the top spot among the five powers."

"That's right, there are too many geniuses who are too close to the door. This is the case when the genius Jiang Taichao didn't show up on the first day, and there are so many people."

While many people were discussing, the old man pointed out the four geniuses who came too close.

The four figures also appeared on the ring together.

The Mu family, the Mu family has two people who passed the preliminary screening.

Then there was Sushui Palace. When the two geniuses of Sushui Palace appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of many male monks present, because these were the only two female monks.

Among the disciples who are full of female monks, there is only one in Sushui Palace.

"Li Yanran, Li Yanran is the most beautiful woman, the number one beauty in Sushui Palace."

"The number one beauty in Sushui Palace, she is too modest. We, the number one beauty in Eastern Shenbu Continent, can also afford it."

The appearance of Li Yanran overwhelmed the limelight of everyone before him, who made him look good, beautiful and popular.

More importantly, Li Yanran is not only beautiful, but also powerful. He is the dream lover of many young monks. Many people dream of having a beautiful Taoist couple like Li Yanran.

"If I can win Fairy Yanran's favor, this life will be worthwhile."

"Go ahead and live your sweet dreams. How could Fairy Yanran fall in love with you? If she wants to fall in love with you, she also falls in love with me."

With a smile on Li Yanran's face, she was completely fascinated.

Many monks shouted Li Yanran's name from below.

Lu Yao saw that Ding Ning's eyes also fell on Li Yanran, she couldn't help pouting, and snorted, "What's there to see, I'm not bad, okay, Brother Ding, why doesn't he look at me more?"

As both women, Lu Yao naturally looked at Li Yanran very upset, after all same-sex repulsion.

Turning her head away, Lu Yao found that her brother was also staring at Li Yanran non-stop, and the anger in her heart became even bigger, but she still held back her anger and asked in a low voice: "Is she beautiful?"


Lu Feng replied without hesitation.

"How does it compare to your sister Lu Yao?"

"Why is my sister as beautiful as Fairy Yanran? She is fair and beautiful, with long legs, and most importantly... big enough!" Lu Feng was completely immersed in Li Yanran's beauty, and subconsciously answered his sister's question. When the taste came, I saw my sister's pretty purple face, full of anger.

" actually commented on your sister like that."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yao stepped on Lu Feng's foot hard.

"Sister, listen to my explanation..."

But Lu Yao has already stayed away from Lu Feng, and doesn't want to hear anything.

Stone, wood, seeing this, all couldn't help laughing.

Ding Ning also saw Lu Yao's angry look, and smiled. At this moment, the old man said the word 'Ding Mo', and Lu Feng, Shitou, and Wood immediately reminded: "Brother Ding is here for you."

Ding Ning nodded, and immediately, with a little step, he flew towards the ring.

After the last person named Luo Yixiao clicked, there were exactly [-] people, all standing on the ring, attracting everyone's attention.

These eighteen people are the strongest geniuses among the younger generation selected in the entire Eastern Shenbu Continent.

Among them, geniuses from the top five forces accounted for 18 out of [-] people.

Of the remaining five people, three are from the top [-] forces, and only two are casual cultivators without any sect background.

Ding Ning is one of them, the other is the last one, Luo Yixiao.

Eighteen people looked at each other and judged who was the most difficult one to deal with.

Everyone below the ring is also paying attention to the eighteen geniuses, looking forward to the next battle.

"I will announce below, the rules of fighting."

"The next thing you will face is a melee, and the rule of this melee is... there are no rules!"

"What you have to do is to eliminate the remaining eight people, leaving only ten people, and then the remaining ten people will represent our Eastern Shenbu Continent to fight against the geniuses of the other three continents."

"Now, the scuffle begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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