The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 989 994 Not Interested! 2 more

Chapter 989 994 Not Interested! 2 more

Several people celebrated until midnight, and finally, they all went back to their rooms to rest.

Luo Yixiao got drunk. With the strength of a cultivator, the strength of alcohol is nothing. He only needs to use the power of his dantian to clear it up completely, but he didn't do that. He wanted to have a good sleep.

With this in mind, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

However, before he fell asleep, he heard someone knocking on the door. Luo Yixiao opened the door in a daze. He thought it was Lu Feng and Shitou. Do you want to continue drinking?"

The other party did not answer.

Luo Yixiao took a closer look, and then realized that the other party was not Lu Feng and the others, but an old man with a blank face.

"Your Excellency, please come with me."

"Why should I go with you?" Luo Yixiao naturally disagreed, he didn't even know who the other party was.

"I am a door-to-door person, and our most powerful person has something to say to your Excellency."

In an instant, Luo Yixiao sobered up, the Xeon who was too close to the door wanted to see him?

"Your Excellency, you'd better follow me obediently, I don't want to be rough."

Feeling the aura of Dao harmony released from the old man, Luo Yixiao's heart shuddered. He who knows the current affairs is a hero, so he dared not say anything.

The most important thing is that the Xeon who is too close to the door wants to see him, does Luo Yixiao have a choice?

Not long after Luo Yixiao walked away obediently, there was a knock on Ding Ning's door.

After Ding Ning opened the door, it was also an old man, and the other party asked Ding Ning to come to Taitai to visit.

Ding Ning didn't plan to go at first, but after thinking for a while, he changed his mind. It's too late to invite him over. What do you want to do?
Anyway, Ding Ning has confidence and doesn't mind going too close again.

When he appeared at Taishangmen before, Master Chaohe asked for the treasures of heaven and earth, as compensation for the old guy's attack on him.

Furthermore, he also wanted to find out if Jiang Taichao had returned to Taishangmen, but since Jiang Taichao did not appear in the final battle, the chance of the opponent being in Taishangmen was not high.

Let's see what the hell Tai came to do, Ding Ning shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

When Ding Ning was led by the old man, it didn't take long for him to be taken to a large hall by the old man.

"Brother Ding."

As soon as Ding Ning appeared, he heard Luo Yixiao's voice. Ding Ning looked over and saw that Luo Yixiao was also here. It seems that the invitation of the Taishang Goalkeeper and the others probably has something to do with the previous battle for the ring.

Following the arrival of Ding Ning and Luo Yixiao, several figures appeared in front of them.

Ding Ning recognized a few of them at a glance, these people were He Zhenren, Ye Wuxiang, Du Ling, Mu Nanbei, and Li Sunu.

Five Mahayana realm powerhouses.

Luo Yixiao couldn't help swallowing his saliva the moment the five people appeared, why didn't he know who these five people were.

This is the top existence in Eastern Shenbu Continent in the current world.

Now everything in one mind appeared in front of him.

Compared to Luo Yixiao's slightly trembling body, Ding Ning was very calm.

The expressions of the two were all better than the five strong men. They couldn't help but take a second look at Ding Ning's performance. Facing the five of them, they were able to remain calm and composed, which is really rare among the younger generation.

"You are very good." Master He looked at Ding Ning for a while, and then commented lightly.

Ding Ning's composure was indeed beyond his surprise. He believed that with Ding Ning's unruffled mentality, no one among the younger generation who was too door-to-door could match it. No, even the older generation was rare. can do it.

"You invited us here, what are you talking about?" Ding Ning asked.

Now that he's already here, he wants to see what the other party is up to.

"Hehe... Actually, the reason why we invited you to come is very simple." He Zhen said, he paused for a moment on purpose, and then continued: "I would like to invite you two to join my Taishangmen and become Taishangmen, how?"

Luo smiled and was taken aback. The other party wanted him to join the sect and become a disciple of Taishangmen. This is not a bad thing for casual cultivators. On the contrary, it is a good thing. At least Taishangmen is willing, and there are still countless casual cultivators who are willing to join.

However, he, Luo Yixiao, doesn't like joining the sect very much, he is used to being lazy by himself, and he also likes to wander alone.

Joining the sect would bind him.

Just when Luo Yixiao was about to reject Master He, Ding Ning spoke first: "Not interested."

Not interested in!
The three words echoed in the hall.

Immortal Crane's complexion was obviously a little ugly. As a strong man in the Mahayana realm, he was enough to give Ding Ning face by talking to a casual cultivator, but Ding Ning even replied directly that he was not interested.

Those who refuse are called simply.

"Fellow Daoist Crane, this little guy seems to be too close to join you." This time it was Ye Wuxiang who spoke, and Ye Wuxiang smiled at Ding Ning one after another, and then said gently: "Then you join me without Xiang How's the door?"

"Not interested in."

Ding Ning refused again.

The smile on Ye Wuxiang's face froze, and then gradually dissipated, turning into a cold face, and he didn't continue to speak.

At this time, Mu Nanbei laughed and said: "It seems that this little brother doesn't like Taishangmen and Wuxiangmen, so join my Mu family. I, Mu Nanbei, have a great-granddaughter who will marry you. You will be my Mu family's member." How about uncle? I am much more sincere than those two old fellows. "

"Not interested in."

Ding Ning gave the same answer again.The same smile disappeared on Mu Nanbei's face.

"Then my Tianhe Sect, is my little brother interested in joining?" Du Ling stood up.

"Not even interested." Ding Ning said decisively, Du Ling's old face darkened.

Among the five powerhouses, only the Mahayana realm powerhouse from Sushui Palace, Li Sunu did not speak.

"It's a pity that Sushui Palace doesn't accept male disciples, so I won't invite him." Li Su said, she seemed to be speaking to Ding Ning, but in fact, she was speaking to the other four strong men of.

Except for Sushui Palace, Ding Ning rejected all the invitations sent to Ding Ning by the four top ten powers.

The four top powerhouses naturally had no good looks.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine." Master He said with a gloomy expression.

"If you are so ignorant of current affairs, just follow what you said before." Ye Wuxiang said expressionlessly.

"Don't take us seriously, little guy, you're still the first." Mu Nanbei's tone was icy cold.

Looking at the current situation, Ding Ning's refusal obviously offended the four top experts.

Luo Yixiao felt that the temperature in the entire hall had dropped, and looking at the faces of the four strong men, it was obviously not a good omen.

It is said that Ding Ning rejected you, but I did not reject you.

Shouldn't you also ask for my opinion?

If I promise you, I can join your sect.

Although I don't like being bound by people, I don't like death even more.

Luo Yixiao felt aggrieved in his heart, he didn't want to bear the wrath of the four top experts, he could actually consider joining the four sects.

Just ask me, ask me.

(End of this chapter)

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